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Freshwater Ecosystem Unit One. What is a freshwater ecosystem? Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh. Freshwater is either frozen in glaciers and pack.

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1 Freshwater Ecosystem Unit One

2 What is a freshwater ecosystem? Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh. Freshwater is either frozen in glaciers and pack ice or is buried in aquifers. The remainder of the water is found in lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers. Tar River in Granville County, NC

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4 Freshwater Ecosystem A freshwater ecosystem plays a very important role in many plants and animals because it provides a habitat for them to live. This ecosystem contains abiotic and biotic organisms. Let’s create a list of those abiotic and biotic organisms found in this ecosystem. Vocabulary Check: What is a habitat? How is it different from an ecosystem?

5 The Plants and Animals of a Freshwater Ecosystem-Let Take a Look at some amazing animals. m/environment/photos/freshwater- plants-animals/#/great-egrets- wetland_176_600x450.jpg m/environment/photos/freshwater- plants-animals/#/great-egrets- wetland_176_600x450.jpg

6 Pond Water Lab Focus: Using a microscope, examine the microscopic life found in pond water. In your science notebook, create an hypothesis of what you think you might see through the microscope. Then, draw a picture of your hypothesis. View your pond sample through a microscope. Draw and describe what you saw through the lens. Reread your hypothesis. IF you could change your hypothesis, what would you change and why? EXIT SLIP: WRITE TWO FACTS THAT YOU LEARNED FROM TODAY’s LESSON!

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