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Thermal Analysis Dr. Basavaraj K. Nanjwade M. Pharm., Ph.D
KLE University College of Pharmacy BELGAUM , Karnataka, India. Cell No: 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal analysis Thermal analysis is a branch of materials science where the properties of materials are studied as they change with temperature. Several methods are commonly used – these are distinguished from one another by the property which is measured. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
ABBREVIATIONS ICTAC - International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry DEA- Dielectric Analysis DSC- Differential Scanning Calorimetry TGA- Thermogravimetric Analysis TMA- Thermomechanical Analysis ÄHf- Heat of Fusion Tm - Melting Temperature, extrapolated endothermic onset temperature Tp- Peak Melting endothermic Temperature ÄHc-Heat of exothermic Crystallization Tc- Crystallization Temperature, extrapolated exothermic onset temperature Tcp- Peak exothermic Crystallization temperature ÄHv - Heat of endothermic Vaporization Tv - Vaporization temperature, extrapolated endothermic onset temperature Tvp - Peak Vaporization temperature Tg -Glass transition temperature ASTM- American Standards for Testing Materials 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal analysis Dielectric thermal analysis (DEA): dielectric permittivity and loss factor Differential thermal analysis (DTA): temperature difference Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): heat difference Dilatometry (DIL): volume Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) : mechanical stiffness and damping Evolved gas analysis (EGA) : gaseous decomposition products Laser flash analysis (LFA): thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA): mass Thermomechanical analysis (TMA): dimension Thermo-optical analysis (TOA): optical properties 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Common Thermal Analysis Methods and the Properties Measured
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Introduction Thermal analysis is defined as “series of techniques for measuring the temperature dependency of a physical property of a certain substance while varying the temperature of the substance according to a specific program.” The substance referred to here includes reaction products. Physical properties include mass, temperature, enthalpy, dimension, dynamic characteristics, and others, and depending on the physical properties to be measured, the techniques of thermal analysis. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Introduction Conventionally thermal analysis has been mainly employed in measurements for research and development, but in recent times it is used in many practical applications, as the testing standards on the basis of thermal analysis have been established, for example, in quality control in the production field, process control, and material acceptance inspection. It is also applied in wide fields, including polymer, glass, ceramics, metal, explosives, semiconductors, medicines, and foods. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Introduction Introduce thermal analysis at an entry level chemist or a new function for the experienced pharmaceutical scientist. This teaching tool describes the introductory use of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermo-Mechanical Analysis (TMA) and to some extent Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA) for characterizing pharmaceuticals. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
OBJECTIVES The main objective to introduce thermal analysis and its applications at an entry level in the pharmaceutical industry. In the process, instruments were successfully calibrated using pharmaceuticals. Studying the behavior of pharmaceuticals by different thermal analysis instruments, under different conditions and then compare the results was another objective. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Basic Principles of Thermal Analysis
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis of Pharma Materials
DSC,TG/DTA and TG/DTA-IR are often used for characterisation of pharma materials. DSC, alone or in combination with hot-stage microscopy, is able to differentiate between different polymorphic structures and, by using different heating rates, can investigate the transformations which occur during the polymorphic transformation. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis of Pharma Materials
By using appropriate heating rates, polymorphic purity can be determined, and can involve heating rates up to 750°C/min. TGA is often used to measure residual solvents and moisture, but can also be used to determine solubility of pharma materials in solvents. Analysis of pharma materials is probably the largest area of application for thermal analysis. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis of Polymers
Polymers represent another large area in which thermal analysis finds strong applications. Thermoplastic polymers are commonly found in everyday packaging and household items, but for the analysis of the raw materials, effects of the many additive used (including stabilisers and colours) and fine-tuning of the moulding or extrusion processing used can be achieved by using DSC. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis of Polymers
An example is oxidation induction time (OIT) by DSC which can determine the amount of oxidation stabiliser present in a thermoplastic (usually a polyolefin) polymer material. Compositional analysis is often made using TGA, which can separate fillers, polymer resin and other additives. TGA can also give an indication of thermal stability and the effects of additives such as flame retardants 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
Even though most of the thermal analysis methods can handle samples such as solids, semi-solids or liquids, an evaluation of the contemporary literature would recommend that solid-state portrayal could apply to most of the pharmaceutical research applications. Common applications used in thermal analysis incorporate the categorization of the physicochemical attributes of crystalline solids and the discovery and classification of polymorphic forms. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
With the usage of solid dispersions and other polymeric dosage forms in an increased manner, thermal analytical techniques have been required more frequently to assist researchers with the characterization and development. Thermal analytical techniques are also utilized for studying the results of lyophilization and developing optimal lyophilization formulations and cycles. Differential techniques are also used to review kinetics in the solid-state, which includes accelerated stability, decomposition and the aging effects on various formulations. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
If any laboratory - be it a pharmaceutical industry or an academic research institute, needs to purchase no more than one piece of thermal analysis equipment, it is most likely to be a DSC. These instruments can be purchased from numerous manufacturers with wide options of price and applications. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
The DSC concept was formerly derived from earlier DTA instruments. While DTA measures the difference in temperature, DSC grants for the measurement of a modification in enthalpy. ‘The International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry’ (ICTAC) has defined DSC as a technique where “the heat flow rate difference into a sample and reference material is measured." 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
Two types of basic DSC instruments are available today commercially - heat-flux DSC (hf-DSC) and power compensation DSC (pc-DSC). As per the latest audits, both the instruments are extremely versatile and very comparable. While engaging different techniques to inspect the measurement, both the types of instruments are employed to measure heat flow and this seems to be certified as DSC under the ICTAC (International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry) definition. Originally the term heat-flux DSC was used to illustrate quantitative DTA instruments. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
Now, it is universally denoted as a DSC method. This progress was an improvement over DTA, which allowed for a measurement in the changes in heat flow as compared to only temperature. This was reached by the accumulation of a second sequence of thermocouples in order to measure the temperature of a furnace and a heat sensitive plate. By measuring the capacity of the heat sensitive plate as a task of temperature during the process of manufacturing, an estimation of the enthalpy of transition can be prepared by the incremental temperature fluctuation. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
Power-compensation DSC is different from hf-DSC in operating principle as well as in basic instrument design. Just as the name can notes, pc-DSC measures the change in power or energy essential to preserve the sample and references material at the identical temperature all through the heating or cooling cycle. This is carried out through an instrument design which is different than that normally found in hf-DSC instruments. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Methods Used in Pharmaceutical
Two individual heaters are used with pc-DSC to control the flow of heat to the sample and reference holders. Individual resistance sensors are positioned within each holder and temperature is measured at the base of each. When a phase change takes place in a in thermal analysis and a temperature difference is observed between the sample and reference, energy is removed or supplied until the temperature difference is lower than the threshold. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Techniques and Applications in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
The current field of thermal analysis is both diverse and dynamic. Although not a new field, more advanced instrumentation, techniques and applications are constantly appearing on the market and in the literature. Theoretically, almost any substance whether solid, semi-solid or liquid can be analyzed and characterized with thermal analytical techniques. Common materials include foods, pharmaceuticals, electronic materials, polymers, ceramics, organic and inorganic compounds, even biological organisms. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Techniques and Applications in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
In theory, all thermal analytical techniques simply measure the change of a specific property of a material as a function of temperature. This in turn allows researchers access to information regarding macroscopic theories of matter including, equilibrium and irreversible thermodynamics and kinetics. While numerous techniques are available, the primary differences in the techniques are the properties of the material being studied. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Techniques and Applications in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
In the pharmaceutical sciences, only a handful of the techniques are commonly employed but the information gained and phenomena that can be explored are countless. The primary workhorses in the pharmaceutical sciences include, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermomechnical analysis (TMA). Admittedly, as the needs of the researcher change and new materials are identified in formulation development, less commonly used techniques are being utilized and developed resulting in a very dynamic and exciting field of research. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Techniques and Applications in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
The first will be thermal analytical methods commonly used in the pharmaceutical sciences, primarily DSC (including several specialized techniques), TGA and TMA. The second will focus on applications in the pharmaceutical sciences including solid-state characterization of polymorphism, solid dispersions and polymeric dosage forms. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Techniques
IUPAC: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Measure heat absorbed or liberated during heating or cooling Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) Measure change in weight during heating or cooling Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) Measure change in dimensions during heating or cooling Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) They are use for thermal investigation where thermal change can be observed and characterised 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
Principle: TGA measures the amount and the rate of weight change of a material with respect to temperature or time in controlled environments. A TGA consists of three major parts a furnace, 1. A microgram balance, 2. An auto sampler and 3. A thermocouple. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
PRINCIPLE : Thermogravimetry is a technique in which a change in the weight of a substance is recorded as a function of temperature or time. Instrument: Instrument used for thermogravimetry is “Thermobalance”. Data recorded in form of curve known as ‘Thermogram’. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
The furnace can raise the temperature as high as 1000°C which is made of quartz. The auto sampler helps to load the samples on to the microbalance. The thermocouple sits right above the sample. Care should be taken at all times that the thermocouple is not in touch with the sample which is in a platinum pan. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
A technique that permits the continuous weighing of a sample as a function of temperature and/or as a function of time at a desired temperature 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differential Thermal Analysis
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Interpretation of TG and DTG curves
The sample undergoes no decomposition with loss of volatile products over the temperature range shown but solid phase transformation, melting ,etc can not be detected by TG, The rapid initial mass loss is characteristic of desorption or drying. If it is true, then re-run the sample should result in type (i) curves, Single stage decomposition, Multi-stage decomposition with relatively stable intermediates : provide information on the temperature limit of stability of reactants and intermediate products and also stoichiometry, Multi-stage decomposition with no stable intermediate product. However heating-rate effect must be considered. At low heating rate, type (v) resemble type (iv). At high heating rate, type (iv) and (v) resemble type (iii) and lose all the details, Gain in mass due to reaction with atmosphere, e.g. oxidation of metals, Oxidation product decompose again at higher temperature; this is not often encountered. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA Curve of Calcium Oxalate
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Examples of TGA Curves 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Preparation Sample preparation has a significant effect in obtaining good data. It is suggested that maximizing the surface area of the sample in a TGA pan improves resolution and reproducibility of weight loss temperatures. The sample weight affects the accuracy of weight loss measurements. Typically 10-20mg of sample is preferred in most applications. Whereas, if the sample has volatiles mg of sample is considered adequate. It is to be noted that most TGA instruments have baseline drift of ±0.025mg which is ±0.25% of a 10mg sample. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Experimental Conditions
Heating Rate Purge gas 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Experimental Conditions -Heating Rate
Samples are heated at a rate of 10 or 20°C/min in most cases. Lowering the heating rates is known to improve the resolution of overlapping weight losses. Advances in the technology have made it possible for variable heating rates (High Resolution TGA) to improve resolution by automatically reducing the heating rate during periods of weight loss. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Experimental Conditions -Purge gas
Nitrogen is the most common gas used to purge samples in TGA due to its inert nature. Whereas, helium provides the best baseline. Air is known to improve resolution because of a difference in the oxidative stability of components in the sample. Vacuum may be used where the sample contains volatile components, which helps improve separation from the onset of decomposition since the volatiles come off at lower temperatures in vacuum. e.g. oil in a rubber tire product. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Miscellaneous 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration Blank test Calibration of mass changes Calibration of temperature 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration- Blank test
Without sample, air is passed at 20 ml/mm, and the temperature is raised up to 1000 °C at heating rate of 10°C min-1. By this blank test, the general condition of the apparatus can be known. The TGA curve can drift slightly as the temperature is increased. This is owing to the changes in the buoyancy and convection. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration- Blank test
When noise appears in the TG curve, the possible cause may include contact between sample dish and thermocouple, contact between quartz suspension wire and purge gas feed pipe, and contact between weight pan and arid glass cap. Vibration and shock may also cause noise. When the sample pan or suspension wire is contaminated with deposit of decomposition product or the like, the TGA curve shows a slight decreasing curve. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration- Calibration of mass changes
Since the TGA is usually measured by the rate of the weight change to the sample weight, calibration of absolute value of weight is hardly necessary. A weight of 20 mg is read to a precision of 10 microgms by a precision balance, and the mean (So) is determined. The furnace is put on, and when the TGA signal is stabilized, the instrument balance control is adjusted to set the automatic zero. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration- Calibration of mass changes
Then the furnace is put into place and the furnace is set again, and the TGA signal value is read. This value is S1. Repeating the same operation several times, the mean of S1 is obtained as S. In this operation it is known that a signal corresponding to S1 mg is delivered with the weight of So mg is placed on the balance. The measuring precision of TGA is within ±1 % of the range. When calibrating the apparatus, the calibration function is utilized. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration-Calibration of temperature
The temperature of the TGA may be calibrated in two manners: The method of making use of the melting point of a pure metal, and the method of utilizing the Curie point temperature. In the former method, one of the metals processed in a ribbon shape, and it is suspended on the TGA suspension wire, and a weight of about 100mg is attached at its tip. When the pure metal is fused by heating, the weight drops, and a weight drop appears on the TGA curve. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration-Calibration of temperature
In the latter method, the standard substance verified by International Congress on Thermal Analysis, ICTA, is measured. The standard substances are Ferromagnets, and have different Curie temperatures. It is intended to calibrate by measuring the apparent weight change appearing in steps at Curie temperatures by making use of a permanent magnet. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration-Calibration of temperature
Based on the TGA data, thermal stability of materials and their compositions can be predicted depending on the weight changes caused by evaporation, dehydration, oxidation and decomposition, up to temperatures as high as 1000°C. A typical example is the TGA of calcium oxalate hydrate, heated to 1000°C which shows three steps in its decomposition curve. The weight loss data is recorded every half second throughout the run time. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Applications of TGA There is a wide range of applications of TGA, e.g, Composition of multi-component system Thermal stability of materials Oxidative stability of materials Estimated lifetime of a product Decomposition Kinetics of materials The effect of reactive or corrosive atmosphere on materials Moisture and volatiles contents on materials. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Applications of TGA Evaporation of free (unbound) water begins at room temperature due to dry gas flowing over the sample. Dehydration/Desolvation of bound water almost always begins at temperatures above room temperature and typically 125°C. Decomposition can have multiple stages (weight losses) but the presence of multiple weight loss steps can also indicate the presence of multiple components in the sample. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Applications of TGA Determination of the bound and unbound water in the suspension of Milk of Magnesia (MoM), used as a laxative. Comparison of the generic and a brand MoM. In an overview of thermal analysis testing it is always preferable to do a TGA experiment on unknown samples before doing a DSC experiment (especially for pharmaceuticals). Decomposition of pharmaceuticals renders products which are insoluble and generally sticky on the inside of a DSC cell. These products will lower the life use of a DSC cell. Therefore, know the decomposition temperatures of all drugs and heat in a DSC evaluation to 50°C below those temperatures. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA+Spectroscopy/Chromatography Combination
Gases, vapors TGA IR or MS or GC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermogravimetry thermal analysis (TGA) testing
Thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis provides determination of endotherms, exotherms, weight loss on heating, cooling, and more. Materials analyzed by TGA include polymers, plastics, composites, laminates, adhesives, food, coatings, pharmaceuticals, organic materials, rubber, petroleum, chemicals, explosives and biological samples. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA materials analysis
Thermogravimetric analysis uses heat to force reactions and physical changes in materials. TGA provides quantitative measurement of mass change in materials associated with transition and thermal degradation. TGA records change in mass from dehydration, decomposition, and oxidation of a sample with time and temperature. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA materials analysis
Characteristic thermogravimetric curves are given for specific materials and chemical compounds due to unique sequence from physicochemical reactions occurring over specific temperature ranges and heating rates. These unique characteristics are related to the molecular structure of the sample. When TGA is used in combination with FTIR, TGA/FTIR is capable of detailed FTIR analysis of evolved gases produced from the TGA. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA thermogravimetric capabilities
Compositional analysis of materials Decomposition temperatures Rate of degradation Product lifetimes Oxidative stability Evaluation of polymer flammabilities Thermal stabilities Determination of rancidity of edible oils 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA thermogravimetric capabilities
Fingerprinting unknown polymers Moisture Content Volatiles content, VOC analysis Analysis of evolved gases using TGA/FTIR Competitive product evaluation Measurement of oil extender content in elastomers Effects of reactive atmospheres on materials Determination of inert filler or ash contents ASTM D6375 Noack Method 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Summary of Pharmaceutically Relevant information Derivation from TGA Analysis 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Major difference between TGA and DTA (DSC)
TGA reveals changes of a sample due to weight, whereas DTA and DSC reveal changes not related to the weight (mainly due to phase transitions) 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differencial Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Characterization of pharmaceutical compounds and analysis of complex modern formulations, together with an increasing need for data to support regulatory submissions, means that the pharmaceutical industry now depends on the range of thermal analysis techniques. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Definitions • A calorimeter measures the heat into or out of a sample. • A differential calorimete r measures the heat of a sample relative to a reference. • A differential scanning calorimeter does all of the above and heats the sample with a linear temperature ramp. • Endothermic heat flows into the sample. • Exothermic heat flows out of the sample. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Exothermal dQ/dT Temperature DSC measures differences in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and a reference as a function of temperature 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Circuitry of a DSC Two separat heating circuits: The average-heating controller (The temperatures of the sample (Ts) and reference (Tr) are measured and averaged and the heat output is automatically adjusted to increase the average temperature of the sample and reference in a linear rate) Differential-heating circuit (Monitor the difference in Ts and Tr, and automatically adjust the power to either the reference or sample chambers to keep the temperatures equal) 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample containers and sampling
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Conventional DSC Sample Empty Sample Temperature Reference Temperature
Metal 1 Metal 2 Metal 1 Metal 2 Sample Temperature Reference Temperature Temperature Difference = Heat Flow 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Variants of DSC Heat flux 1955 Boersma 1 large (30 – 100 g) furnace Power compensated Separate small (1 g) microheaters for sample and reference Hyper DSC Very fast scan rates 500°C/min Mimic processing conditions StepScan DSC Short dynamic and isothermal scan steps Separate reversible and irreversible effects 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Variants of DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Technique Principle Heat Flux Power Compensation Sample Preparation - Sample Shape - Sample pans - Sample Weight Experimental Conditions - Start Temperature - End Temperature - Reference Pan - Heating Rate - Effects of heating rate Purge Gas DSC Calibration 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC- Principle Principle DSC is a thermo-analytical technique in which the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference is measured as a function of temperature. The differences in heat flow occur with the occurrence of two major events: 1) The heat capacity of the sample which increases with temperature (baseline) 2) Transitions that occur in the sample (events superimposed on the heat capacity baseline) 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC- Principle Heat Flow Rate is expressed in a variety of units which can also be normalized for the weight of sample used 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Principle Of DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Typical DSC Curve 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Thermogram Oxidation Crystallisation Cross - Linking (Cure) > exothermic - Glass Transition Heat Flow Melting Temperature 6 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Transitions in a DSC Curve
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter
A DSC consists of a cell, which is the heart of a DSC. The cell is connected with a gas inlet through which different gases are purged depending on the data required. Based on the DSC cells there are two primary types: 1. Heat Flux 2. Power Compensation 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heat Flux This consists of a large single furnace which acts as an infinite heat sink to provide or absorb heat from the sample. The advantages generally include a better baseline, sensitivity and sample–atmosphere interaction. The key components are the Sample pan (typically an aluminum pan and lid) which is combined with the Reference pan (always the same material as the Sample pan, aluminum). 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heat Flux The Dynamic sample chamber is the environment of the sample pan compartment and the purge gas. Nitrogen is the most common gas, but alternate inert gas is helium or argon. When using an oxidative atmosphere air or oxygen are the gases of choice. The heat flux DSC is based on the Change in Temperature ΔT between the sample and reference. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heat Flux Type DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heat Flux and DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heat Flux Type DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Power Compensation Small individual furnaces use different amounts of power to maintain a constant ΔT between sample and reference and the advantage here include faster heating and cooling, and better resolution. This type of cell, with two individually heated with platinum heaters monitors the difference between the sample and reference. Platinum resistance thermometers track the temperature variations for the sample and reference cells. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Power Compensation Holes in the compartment lids allow the purge gas to enter and contact the sample and reference. There are physical differences between the heat flux and power compensated thermal analysis, the resulting fusion and crystallization temperatures are the same. The heat of transition is comparable quantitatively. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Power Compensation DSC Cell Design
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Power Compensated DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Principles of DSC Analysis
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Preparation Sample Shape Sample Pans Sample Weight 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
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Sample Preparation 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Shape It is recommended that the sample is as thin as possible and covers as much of the pan bottom as possible. Samples in the form of cakes (as in case of polymers) must preferably be cut rather than crushed to obtain a thin sample. Crushing the sample, whether in crystalline form or a polymer, induces a stress, which can in turn affect the results. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Shape In most cases lids should always be used in order to more uniformly heat the sample and to keep the sample in contact with the bottom of the pan. In case where oxidation properties of a sample are to be studied no lid is used and the purge gas is usually oxygen as described in ASTM Standard Test Methods E1858, Oxidative Induction Time or ASTM E2009, Oxidation onset temperature. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Pans Lightest, flattest pans are known to have the least effect on the results obtained from a DSC. Crimped pans on the other hand provide the highest sensitivity and resolution. Hermetic pans are used where the sample is expected to have some volatile content. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Pans These pans prevent evaporation. Two main reasons for the use of these pans are: The Tg of a polymer or amorphous material shifts with volatile content. Evaporation peaks look just like melting endotherm. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Weight Though 5 to 10 mg is considered to be an appropriate sample weight for a DSC test, selection of the optimum weight is dependent on a number of factors: the sample to be analyzed must be representative of the total sample and the change in heat flow due to the transition of interest should be in the range of mW A recommendation for metal or chemical melting sample is < 5mg. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample Weight For polymer glass transition Tg or melting sample the mass should be » 10mg. Polymer composites or blends the sample mass is >10mg. The accuracy of the analytical balance used to measure the sample weight should be accurate to ± 1%. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Experimental Conditions
Start Temperature End Temperature Reference Pan Heating Rate 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Start Temperature Generally, the baseline should have 2 minutes to completely stabilize prior to the transition of interest. Therefore, at 10°C/min heating rate the run should start at least 20°C below the transition onset temperature. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
End Temperature Allowing a 2-minute baseline after the transition of interest is considered appropriate in order to correctly select integration or analysis limits. Care should be taken not to decompose samples in the DSC; it not only affects the baseline performance but the cell life. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Reference Pan A reference pan of the same type used to prepare the sample should be used at all times. A material in the reference pan that has a transition in the temperature range of interest should never be used. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heating Rate Heating the samples at low heating rates increases resolution by providing more time at any temperature. Transitions due to kinetic processes (such as crystallization) are shifted to lower temperature at highest cooling rates or higher temperatures at high heating rates. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Heating Rate 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Effects of heating rate
DSC curves of Acetophenetidin and Phenacetin. The Acetophenetidin DSC at 0.5°C/min and 10°C/min showed no effect of heating rate. If there were some minor eutectic in this sample then they would have been detected at the lower heating rate. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC curves of Acetophenetidin
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Effects of heating rate
The melting temperature of pure drugs or chemicals will have the same extrapolated onset temperature or the melting point as seen at two varying heating rates. The DSC Curve for Phenacetin viewed at heating rates of 1.0, 5.0 and 20°C/min yielded the same Tm of 135°C ±1°C. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC curves of Phenacetin
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Effects of heating rate
If you use multiple heating rates then start with 1.0 and 10°C/min. Melting is a thermodynamic process and the onset of melting does not change significantly with heating rate. Evaporation, desolvation and decomposition are kinetic processes that will move to higher temperatures as heating rate increases. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Effect of Heating Rate 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Purge Gas Nitrogen being a relatively poor thermal conductor increases sensitivity whereas helium which is a good conductor of heat to or from the sample increases resolution. DSC is used in studying the melting, crystallization, glass transition, oxidation and decomposition of pharmaceuticals. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Purge Gas By selecting different parameters useful data such as the purity, polymorphic transitions can be obtained. A typical DSC curve could give glass transition temperature, melting temperature, crystallization temperature and decomposition temperatures. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Purge Gases 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Summary of DSC experimental conditions
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Purity by DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Purity Determination 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Summary of Pharmaceutically Relevant Information Derived from DSC Analysis 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Typical Features of a DSC Trace
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Melting Point 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Melting Process by DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Melting Thermogram Negative peak on thermogram Ordered to disordered transition Tm, melting temperature Melting happens to crystalline polymers; Glassing happens to amorphous polymers Melting dH/dt, mJ/s Tm Temperature, K 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Polymorphic Forms 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Pseudopolymorphism 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Amorphous Material 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Modulated Temperature – DSC (MT-DSC)
Most transitions detected by DSC will appear as peaks, where a change (exothermic or endothermic) is detected and then there is a return of the heat flow to a baseline. These results are typical of first-order or second-order thermodynamic phase transitions, which are in an equilibrium state. Glass transitions, on the other hand, are neither first-order nor second-order transitions since neither the glassy state nor the viscous state is an equilibrium state. Typical DSC thermograms will reveal glass transitions as step-wise increases in the heat capacity (Cp) of the sample. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Modulated Temperature – DSC (MT-DSC)
This is due primarily to the increase in molecular motion of the sample above the Tg. In some cases, the determination of Tg is relatively straightforward but this work can be some of the most challenging done with DSC. More on detecting and determining Tg’s will be presented in the applications section of this review but glass transitions are mentioned here because this application has help drive the development of modulated-temperature DSC instruments and methods. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Modulated DSC (MDSC) 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Modulated Temperature DSC (MTDSC)
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
MDSC for Polymorph Characterization
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Variants of MTDSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Example of a MTDSC Curve
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Fast Scan DSC, Rapid Scanning DSC
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Fast Scan DSC, Rapid Scanning DSC
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
‘Hyper’ DSC 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Calibration Calibration of DSC is done using Indium metal. Calibrating an instrument with a metal when pharmaceuticals are to be studied appears to be not appropriate. To overcome this, an effort has been made to calibrate DSC with pharmaceuticals. The true melting temperature of indium metal is 156.7°C and the observed in calibration is 157.4°C. It is 0.7°C high and the instrument values must be adjusted down to accommodate the true melting temperature. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Calibration curve of indium
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC – Applications Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) Glass Transition Size (ΔCp) Crystallization temperature (Tc) Crystallinity (based on J/g and adjusted to %) Polymorphic Transitions. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
The glass transition is due to the presence of amorphous structures in the sample. It is detected by DSC based on a step-change in molecular mobility that results in a step increase in heat capacity and heat flow rate. Amorphous materials flow, they do not melt and hence no DSC melt peak. The physical and reactive properties of amorphous structure are different than crystalline structure. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
The physical and reactive properties of amorphous structure are significantly different at temperatures above and below Tg. The glass transition temperature, Tg, is a second order pseudo transition. It constitutes a parameter of high interest in the study of amorphous and semi-crystalline drugs since amorphous drugs are more bio available and soluble. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Glass Transition Thermogram Step in thermogram Transition from disordered solid to liquid Observed in glassy solids, e.g., polymers Tg glass transition temperature Glass transition dH/dt, mJ/s Tg Temperature, K 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Glass Transition Size (ΔCp)
The ΔCp at Tg is a measure of the flexibility associated with the Tg. A larger value implies a more rubbery material, e.g., polybutadiene. Stiffer polymers like polystyrene have a lower value. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Crystallization temperature (Tc)
The Tc of many drugs has been determined in our lab based on a DSC that can program heat and cool. The difference in Tm to determine the Tc is a measure of super cooling, e.g. Vanillin has a 50°C super cooling temperature while indium melts and crystallizes at the same temperature or super cooling is zero °C 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Crystallization Thermogram Sharp positive peak Disordered to ordered transition Material can crystallize! Observed in glassy solids, e.g., polymers Tc crystallization temperature Crystallization dH/dt, mJ/s Tc Temperature, K 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Analysis Crystallization Sharp positive peak Disordered to ordered transition Observed in glassy solids, e.g., polymers Tc crystallization temperature dH/dt, mJ/s Tc Temperature, K 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Crystallinity (based on J/g and adjusted to %)
The Crystallinity measured by comparing successive heat and cool DSC runs on a drug will yield the change in crystallinity by comparing the Heat of Crystallization to the Heat of Fusion x100. This % crystallinity by this method was 78% for Acetophenetidin, 20% for Sulfapyradine and 0% for Lidocaine. This implies that Lidocaine remains amorphous for a period of time. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Polymorphic Transitions.
Sulfanilamide Polymorphs: It was observed that sulfanilamide polymorphs are stable and do not show transition among its forms at heating rates between 1 and 10°C/min. DSC of Polymorphs of Tolbutamide: Tolbutamide A (Form 1) and B (Form 3): When tolbutamide polymorphs were observed by DSC a significant difference was seen in their behavior. The difference is due to their structures which were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The DSC curves are shown below along with the SEM 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC curves of Sulfanilamide Polymorphs
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC of Polymorphs of Tolbutamide: Tolbutamide A (Form 1) and B (Form 3) 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
SEM of Tolbutamide polymorphs
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Typical Features of a DSC Trace (Polymorphic System)
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Polymorph Screening and Identification
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC thermal analysis Thermal Phase Change Thermal Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) Crystalline Melt Temperature Endothermic Effects Exothermic Effects Thermal Stability Thermal Formulation Stability Oxidative Stability Studies Transition Phenomena Solid State Structure Analysis of a Diverse Range of Materials 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC analysis determines
Tg Glass Transition Temperature Temperature (°C) at which amorphous polymers or an amorphous part of a crystalline polymer go from a hard brittle state to a soft rubbery state Tm Melting point Temperature (°C) at which a crystalline polymer melts Δ Hm Energy Absorbed (joules/gram) Amount of energy a sample absorbs when melting Tc Crystallization Point Temperature at which a polymer crystallizes upon heating or cooling Δ Hc Energy Released (joules/gram) Amount of energy a sample releases when crystallizing 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Test Methods ASTM E Determination Specific Heat Capacity by DSC NEN-EN 728 Bepaling van de Oxidatieve Inductietijd ISO22768 Rubber, Determination of the glass transition temperature by DSC ASTM D Rubber, Determination of Melting Range ASTM D Transition Temperatures of Polymers By DSC ISO Determination of Specific Heat Capacity ISO Determination of Enthalpy Temperature of Melting and Crystallization 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sources for Errors Calibration Contamination Sample preparation – how sample is loaded into a pan Residual solvents and moisture. Thermal lag Heating/Cooling rates Sample mass Processing errors 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA and DSC Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Mass change of a substance measured as function of temperature whilst the substance is subjected to a controlled temperature programme. Mass is lost if the substance contains a volatile fraction. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TGA and DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Provides information about thermal changes that do not involve a change in sample mass More commonly used technique than TGA Two basic types of DSC instruments: heat-flux and power compensation 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Typical TGA and DSC Results for Various Transitions
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Lactose monohydrate 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Hyphenated Thermal Equipment
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Temperature Scales 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Applications In Pharmaceutical Industry
Characterization - melting point, heat of fusion, specific heat capacity, water of crystallization, etc. Purity Polymorphism Screening Tests For Compatibility Stability Tests 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC Applications In Pharmaceutical Industry
Fast and reliable research tool. DSC allows fast evaluation of possible incompatibilities, because it shows change in the appearance, shift or disappearance of melting, endosperms and exotherms or variations in the corresponding enthalpies of reaction. Rapid analysis, easy handling, high significance for research, development and quality control. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Characterization for Pharma
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Physical Forms of Solids
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Importance of Solid State Forms in Pharma
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Compatibility Studies
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
DSC in Polymer Analysis
Main transitions which can be studied by DSC: Melting Freezing Glass transition 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Polymer DSC Analysis Capabilities
Melting point / Melting Range Heat Capacity Crystallization Glass Transition Identification Thermal stability Decomposition Temperature Oxidative Induction Times (OIT) by DSC Purity 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis (TMA)
Thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA) provides dimensional properties data for materials. Materials tested by thermo-mechanical anlaysis include polymers, composites, laminates, adhesives, coatings, pharmaceuticals, metals, glass, ceramics, fibres and other materials. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis (TMA)
Measurement of Dimensional Change Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion Determination of Material Anisotropy Softening Temperatures and Glass Transition Linear Thermal Expansion 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
TMA is a thermal analysis technique used to measure changes in the physical dimensions (length or volume) of a sample as a function of temperature and time under a non oscillatory load. This technique is widely applicable to variety of materials such as pharmaceuticals, polymers, ceramics and metals etc. TMA has been used in pharmaceutical analysis. Variables considered while performing the thermal mechanical analysis are applied load, gas environment, temperature range and heating rate as well as TMA probe type. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
The tests are run in a heating mode at a desired heating rate and temperature range of interest. Probe displacement profiles are subsequently analyzed in terms of coefficient of thermal expansion, softening and melting temperatures, and glass transition temperatures. The different TMA probe types and recorded as a function of temperature. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Types of TMA probes and resulting measured properties
02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
TMA consists of a quartz stage, a quartz probe, furnace which sits on top of the stage, equipped with inlet for purge gas, thermocouple adjacent to the stage and a LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) attached to the probe, which measures the difference in the dimensions caused under the probe. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Sample preparation The use of TMA in the pharmaceutical industry is limited to polymers. In order to examine powdered samples, the sample is packed into a flat DSC pan. The dimension of the sample is measured by TMA in millimeters. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Experimental Conditions
The TMA is operated under the following conditions and includes the heating rate at 10°C /min, applied stress of 0.1 N; flat tip quartz expansion probe with outer diameter mm, gas purge nitrogen at 50 mL/min, sample in a DSC pan and the probe is applied onto the packed crystalline powder, and the sample size in the DSC pan is 100 mgs. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Calibration Calibration of TMA is done using an Indium metal. Calibrating an instrument with a metal when pharmaceuticals are to be studied does not sound appropriate. To overcome this, an effort has been made to calibrate TMA with pharmaceuticals. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TMA Curve of Indium 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
TMA Applications TMA is used to obtain the melting temperature, softening temperature, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and glass transitions (Tg) of materials. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Useful for investigation of solid-solid interactions. Thermograms are obtained for pure drugs and for mixtures using different ratios. In absence of any interaction thermograms of mixture show pattern corresponding to that of individual components. But if interactions occur it is indicated in thermograms by appearance of one/ more peaks corresponding to those components. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
They are unique methods in the field of polymer analysis & of high value for a solid state analysis - They finds wide application in a) Study of complexation b) Detection of impurity c) Study of polymorphism 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Characterization of hydrates and solvates Preformulation studies is to identify the ability of drug to take up water and characterize the state of this water. TGA is useful for characterization of hydrates & solvates. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Limitations of Thermal Analysis
1) Low sensitivity for transitions involving small energies. 2) Impurity consisting of molecules of same size,shape,& character as those of the major component are not detected by DSC. 3) TGA used to studies hydrates & moisture study are not always reliable. 4) Thermal analysis are affected by number of factors 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal analysis capabilities
Thermal Phase Change Glass Transition Temperature Crystalline Melt Temperature Endothermic Effects Exothermic Effects Flashpoint Testing Linear Thermal Expansion Thermal Stability Thermal Formulation Stability Oxidative Stability Studies Flammability Testing of Materials Microscopy of Thermal Processes Thermal Analysis of a diverse range of materials 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Characteristic: Thermal properties: Morphological change Melting points, glass transition (Tg), crystallinity, thermal history, nucleation, enthalpy of fusion or re-crystallisation, specific heat capacity (Cp) Dimensional change Coefficient of thermal expansion (CLTE), shrinkage data, anisotropy due to fillers, reinforcing materials, softening temperatures Viscoelastic properties Stiffness and damping properties, molecular phase interactions by mechanical loss Mass change Thermal stability, thermal oxidative stability, thermal transitions, solvent loss, water / filler content, organic ratios, inorganic ratios 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
Thermal Analysis Instrument Manufacturers
Perkin Elmer Thermal Analysis Systems TA Instruments Mettler Toledo Thermal Analysis Systems Rheometric Scientific Haake NETZSCH Instruments SETARAM Instruments Instrument Specialists, Inc. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
‘Nanothermal Analysis’ (Nano-TA)
A new technology ‘nanothermal analysis’ (nano-TA), which in conjunction with other techniques provides a powerful analytical strategy for characterising nano- and micro-scale heterogeneity in the solid-state properties of drug–polymer formulations. Nanothermal analysis is an emerging localized thermal analysis technique which combines the high resolution imaging capabilities of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with the ability to characterize the thermal properties of materials . 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
‘Nanothermal Analysis’ (Nano-TA)
It offers significantly enhanced spatial resolution compared with its predecessor, scanning thermal microscopy. In nano-TA the conventional silicon based AFM tip is replaced by a specialized micro fabricated silicon-based probe with a miniature heater that has a topographic spatial resolution of around 5 nm and a thermal property measurement resolution of up to 20nm. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
‘Nanothermal Analysis’ (Nano-TA)
Importantly this probe enables a surface to be studied with the most widely applied AFM imaging mode, tapping mode, enabling the analysis of softer samples, such as polymers, without damage from the imaging probe. As nano-TA can be used to map thermal properties during imaging, or to carry out local thermal analysis (LTA) at defined points on a surface. LTA, where the probe is heated in a temperature cycle not dissimilar to DSC whilst in contact with the sample, can provide quantitative information on thermally induced phase transitions. 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
THANK YOU Cell No: 02 January 2013 Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa.
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