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Engaging the wives of governors in supporting the positive health, dignity and prevention of women living with hiv Hind Hassan UNAIDS - Sudan Patron of.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging the wives of governors in supporting the positive health, dignity and prevention of women living with hiv Hind Hassan UNAIDS - Sudan Patron of."— Presentation transcript:

1 engaging the wives of governors in supporting the positive health, dignity and prevention of women living with hiv Hind Hassan UNAIDS - Sudan Patron of the Sudanese Coalition on Women and AIDS

2 Dynamics of Dynamics of the Epidemic

3 69,000 people living with HIV, 28,000 in need of treatment - only 2500 on treatment 5,000 mothers in need of treatment to prevent transmission to their babies (only 76 on ART) Low concentrated epidemic IBBS shows generalized epidemic in some key populations (MSM, FSW)

4 Main Challenges HIV is not considered priority in low prevalence settings Stigma and Discrimination (Islamic country - sharia law) Low level of HIV testing and counseling, - Testing the wrong groups Low Treatment coverage and adherence Insufficient political leadership –no domestic resources - dependence on donor funding Limited “meaningful” engagement and capacities of civil society organizations, including faith-based entities

5 About the Project Project title: Building the technical and institutional capacity of the Sudanese Coalition on Women and AIDS to better support positive health, dignity and prevention of WLHIV Duration: one year Funding: seed funding from UNAIDS

6 Overall Goal Stigma reduction and mobilization of State level policy makers in support of creating an enabling environment for women living with HIV to access services Objectives  Increasing women uptake of HCT  Increasing pregnant mothers’ uptake of PMTCT  Improving the livelihoods of WLHIV and their families

7 The Sudanese Coalition on Women and AIDS Membership: all civil society organizations working on HIV, women and girls issues Patronage of First Lady at National Level Patronage of Wives of Governors – First Ladies at State level Strategic framework in place (vision, mission, operational plan) No funding mechanism yet

8 Target group 17 wives of State Governors 17 representatives of State Ministry of Social Welfare 10 media personnel 5 women living with HIV


10 Phase (1): November-December 2012 capacity development Bringing together a partnership from each State Wife of the governor Ministry of Social Welfare and Women Affairs Media WLHIV Sensitization of the group on current HIV situation Key facts on HIV transmission, prevention, treatment and care Specific needs of women and girls and women living with HIV

11 Output of Phase 1 10 months action plan with the following elements:  Mobilize Governor and other Policy makers at State level to include PLHIV needs and issues in their plans,  Mobilize women leadership at State level to provide support to women living with HIV;  Speak and be seen publicly supporting PLHIV/WLHIV  Improve the financial livelihoods of a number of women living with HIV as a pilot

12 Media shifting from just reporting on HIV data to more of analytically covering the issues of stigma and discrimination and vulnerabilities and needs of women and girls

13 Phase (2): January – October2013 Seed funding to be provided for 10 States. Main criteria for choice of State will be the number of people living with HIV in the State (membership in the Association). The seed funding will kick-start the work on the developed action plan. advocacy and community mobilization events at the State level under the leadership of the Wife of Governor; income generating activities for women living with HIV Media and communications

14 Phase (3): October – Dec 2013 During this phase, the work during the first 2 phases will be consolidated and a report will be generated. Focus group discussion will be conducted with the same groups to evaluate the work and results of the advocacy campaign and generate recommendations and follow up action required.

15 Key messages Work with the community for the community Speak the language of the community Use the power of women leadership Use safe entry points – ride the right waves Tailor your expectations to reality


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