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The Treaty of Versailles

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1 The Treaty of Versailles - 1919
LO: To understand the difficulties in creating a peace treaty after WW1 STARTER: Using the picture: Finish off the sentence starter using the key words (It does matter if you are wrong) Contract – 1919 – peace – Germany – France – Britain – America The Treaty of Versailles was… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Armistice? An end to fighting.
Signed: 5:12 – 5:20am, 11 November 1918, in a railway carriage in Compiegne, France. Guns to stop 6 hours later: 11am, 11/11/1918.


4 The war ended in 1918 – but how did it affect the world?
Nation Total Number of servicemen engaged in the war. Number of deaths. Number of soldiers wounded. Number of men taken prisoner or reported missing. Austria 7,800,000 1,200,000 3,620,000 2,200,000 Britain (inc Empire) 8,904,467 908,371 2,090,212 191,652 France 8,410,000 1,357,800 4,266,000 537,000 Germany 11,000,000 1,773,700 4,216,058 1,152,800 Italy 5,615,000 650,000 947,000 600,000 Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,950,000 2,500,000 Turkey 2,850,000 325,000 400,000 250,000 United States 4,355,000 126,000 234,300 4,500

5 Following WW1 How do you think the following countries felt. 1
Following WW1 How do you think the following countries felt? 1. Britain (David Lloyd George) 2. France (George Clemenceau) 3. USA (Woodrow Wilson) 4. Germany

6 Treaty of Versailles In January 1919 the France, USA and Britain met at the Palace of Versailles near Paris to sort it all out Germany was not allowed to attend

7 Guilt - find some one to blame
Aims of the Treaty of Versailles Guilt - find some one to blame Armed forces to be dealt with in Germany Reparations - who has to pay German territories - what to do LEague of Nations to be formed

On each desk there is an unfinished copy of the Treaty of Versailles There are also four cards with the 4 countries and what they want You must try to come to a conclusion about how you will deal with the problems facing the Allies after WW1 You should not move to the next clause until ALL the countries agree and sign

9 German Politicians: What you want
Your country is in a mess You are broke from a war that you lost AND you definitely cannot afford to carry on The people in your country are violently protesting as they are starving and want the war to end You are in no position to argue with the Allies as you cannot afford to go back into war

10 David Lloyd George (Britain): What you want
Millions of people in your country have died You want Germany to pay for this The people in your country who vote for you also want Germany to pay You do not want another war like this to happen again If Germany do not do as you say you will declare war again

11 George Clemenceau (France): What you want?
Millions of people in your country have died Your country is completely destroyed The people in your country who vote for you want Germany to pay Germany is right next to you and you are scared of a similar attack in the future You do not want another war like this to happen again If Germany do not do as you say you will declare war again

12 Woodrown Wilson (USA): What you want?
You are very far from Europe and want peace You want the powers in Europe to get along and reach a compromise You are not interested in getting involved in European politics If Germany do not do as you say you will declare war again

13 Aims of the Treaty of Versailles:
Guilt WHO IS TO BLAME? Who will accept the “war guilt”?: ______________________________________ Signed: ______________________________

14 Aims of the Treaty of Versailles:
Armed Forces in Germany: What will happen to Germany’s air force? ______________________________________ What will happen to Germany’s navy? What will happen to Germany’s army? Signed: ______________________________

15 Aims of the Treaty of Versailles:
Reparations: Who will pay for the cost of the war: ______________________________________ How much should they pay? Signed: ______________________________

16 Aims of the Treaty of Versailles:
German Territories: Germany rules over many other colonies such as places in Africa and the Pacific Islands What should happen to these places? ______________________________________ Signed: ______________________________

17 Aims of the Treaty of Versailles:
LEague of Nations to be formed This was formed to try and solve any arguments by discussion and not war Who will join? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________

18 Germany accepts full responsibility for war.
German army cut to 100,000 soldiers (that’s really small) German Navy only allowed six battle ships No air force League of nations was set up. It was hoped that countries would talk rather than fight Germany had to pay money (reparations) of 6600 million pounds Article 231 of the treaty said ‘Germany accepts responsibility for causing all the loss and damage’ Germany was required to pay compensation for all the damage caused No submarines Read the statements above and separate them into Land, Army, Money, Blame.

19 The Treaty of Versailles – GARGLE!
Guilt – Germany accepted full blame for the war -- the ‘War Guilt Clause’, Article Germany rejected it as too harsh Army – army 100,000 men, no submarines, no aeroplanes, 6 battleships Reparations – £6,600 million (£217 billion in 2011!) Germany lost land – e.g. Alsace-Lorraine to France Germany kept Rhineland, but had to stay demilitarised. League of Nations set up Extra points – banned from union with Austria






25 The Actual Treaty Germany had to accept guilt for the war
Germany were allowed no air force, a tiny army and no submarines. No German soldiers were allowed near France Germany had to pay 6,600 million pounds in reparation repayments Germany had to hand over ALL colonies to Britain and France Germany was NOT ALLOWED to join the League of Nations and the USA refused to join Germany had no choice but to accept these conditions as if they refused they would have to continue with a war

26 When did WW1 end?
Reparation repayments were £____billion They were not allowed a… Army Navy Airforce Germany were… Overjoyed Not very happy Happy

27 The Treaty of Versailles
If I was German I would be most angry about _____________________________________ This is because _____________________________________ I think the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles will be _________________________________________________ If I could change history and rewrite the Treaty of Versailles I would change

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