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WELCOME DBI & SFFD Meet the Pros October 11, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME DBI & SFFD Meet the Pros October 11, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME DBI & SFFD Meet the Pros October 11, 2007

2 Special Thanks Kevin Green Kevin Green Bill Hopple Bill Hopple

3 2002 NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Code All NFPA Standards have added three new chapters up front All NFPA Standards have added three new chapters up front Chapter 1 – Administrative Chapter 1 – Administrative Chapter 2 – Referenced Publications Chapter 2 – Referenced Publications Chapter 3 - Definitions Chapter 3 - Definitions

4 2002 NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Code –Chapter 4 – Fundamentals (1) –Chapter 5 – Initiating Devices (2) –Chapter 6 – Protected Premises F/A Systems (3) –Chapter 7 – Notification Appliances (4) –Chapter 8 – Supervising Station F/A Systems (5) –Chapter 9 – Public F/A Reporting Systems (6) –Chapter 10 – Inspection, Testing & Maintenance (7) –Chapter 11 – Single and Multiple-Station Alarms & Household F/A Systems (8)

5 Interpetation NFPA 72 shall not be interpreted to require a level of fire protection that is greater than that which would otherwise be required by the applicable building or fire code. NFPA 72 shall not be interpreted to require a level of fire protection that is greater than that which would otherwise be required by the applicable building or fire code. NFPA 72 1.2.4* NFPA 72 1.2.4*

6 Voluntary Systems Nonrequired (Voluntary) System. A fire alarm system component or group of components that is installed at the option of the owner, and is not installed due to a building or fire code requirement. Nonrequired (Voluntary) System. A fire alarm system component or group of components that is installed at the option of the owner, and is not installed due to a building or fire code requirement. State scope of work plainly. State scope of work plainly. NFPA 72 3.3.111 NFPA 72 3.3.111

7 Survivability Survivability is only required in partial evacuation or relocation buildings. All circuits necessary for operation of the notification devices until they enter the evacution zone they serve must either use: 1. 2-hour rated cable 2. 2-hour rated enclosure 3. AHJ approved method (Class A circuitry) NFPA deleted the exception for using a 2-hour stair enclosure NFPA 72 6.9.4

8 Annunciation All required annunciation means shall be readily accessible to responding personnel and located as required by the AHJ to facilitate an efficient response to a fire situation. All required annunciation means shall be readily accessible to responding personnel and located as required by the AHJ to facilitate an efficient response to a fire situation. NFPA 72 NFPA 72

9 LED Panels Required if: 1. More that four floors (including basements) 2. Unusually large floor areas 3. Unusually designed buildings – Podiums with separate buildings on top 4. 2007 SFFC Appendix VI-J 3.02

10 LED Panels Must include each type of initiation device by floor or area: Must include each type of initiation device by floor or area: 1. Manual Pull Station 2. Area Smoke Detector 3. Elevator Lobby Smoke Detector 4. Duct Smoke Detector 5. Heat Detector 6. Waterflow 7. Any Auxiliary alarm (Hood and Duct System) 8. Fire Pump & Generator points (if applicable)

11 Batteries Month and Year of Manufacture Month and Year of Manufacture May be field applied or factory embedded May be field applied or factory embedded Must be replace within 5 years from date of manufacture Must be replace within 5 years from date of manufacture N.F.P.A 72 & Table 10.4.3 N.F.P.A 72 & Table 10.4.3

12 Secondary Power 24 hours of backup power for non-alarm condition for all systems 24 hours of backup power for non-alarm condition for all systems Five minutes of backup power for alarm condition (15 minutes for hi-rise) Five minutes of backup power for alarm condition (15 minutes for hi-rise) NFPA 72 NFPA 72

13 Initiating Devices Actuation Time Actuation of an alarm notification device, fire safety function, and annunciation shall occur within 10 seconds after activation of an initiating device. Actuation of an alarm notification device, fire safety function, and annunciation shall occur within 10 seconds after activation of an initiating device. The Annex explains that the fire safety functions do not have to be complete in the 10 seconds, just started. The Annex explains that the fire safety functions do not have to be complete in the 10 seconds, just started. NFPA 72 NFPA 72

14 Pull Stations The operable part of each manual fire alarm box shall be not less than 3½ and not more that 4 feet above floor level. The operable part of each manual fire alarm box shall be not less than 3½ and not more that 4 feet above floor level. NFPA 72 5.12.4 amended by CBC Chapter 35 NFPA 72 5.12.4 amended by CBC Chapter 35

15 Elevator/Shunt Trip Confirms heat detectors used for shunt must be tied to the FACP. Confirms heat detectors used for shunt must be tied to the FACP. Annex provides for a delay so that elevator car can be recalled. Annex provides for a delay so that elevator car can be recalled. New and existing hi-rises will not require this if built per the SFFC. New and existing hi-rises will not require this if built per the SFFC. NFPA 72 6.15.4 SFFC 914.3.1.4 NFPA 72 6.15.4 SFFC 914.3.1.4

16 Notification Appliances Deleted the general minimum 75 dBA requirement. Deleted the general minimum 75 dBA requirement. Maintains 15 Db above ambient requirement. Maintains 15 Db above ambient requirement. NFPA 72 NFPA 72

17 California Amendment NFPA 72 allows sound levels to be 120 dBA. NFPA 72 allows sound levels to be 120 dBA. 2007 CBC Chapter 35 limits this to 110 dBA. 2007 CBC Chapter 35 limits this to 110 dBA.

18 Notification Appliances Sleeping areas now require 75 dBA at the pillow level. Sleeping areas now require 75 dBA at the pillow level. NFPA NFPA

19 Corridor Strobes Follow either NFPA or 1. Room spacing rules 2. Corridor spacing rules 3. NFPA 72

20 Strobe Coverage More than two strobes in any room will always require synchroniztion. More than two strobes in any room will always require synchroniztion. NFPA NFPA

21 2007 CBC & CFC Items of Interest 907.2.2B occupancies of 500 or more occupants, or more than 99 occupants above the lowest level of discharge require a manual fire alarm system. 907.2.2B occupancies of 500 or more occupants, or more than 99 occupants above the lowest level of discharge require a manual fire alarm system. 907.2.3E occupancies with occupant load of 50 or more, or more than one classroom require full coverage smoke detection. 907.2.3E occupancies with occupant load of 50 or more, or more than one classroom require full coverage smoke detection.

22 2007 CBC & CFC 907.14Fire Alarm Systems required by CBC Chapter 9 must be monitored by a supervising station. 907.14Fire Alarm Systems required by CBC Chapter 9 must be monitored by a supervising station. Exceptions: Exceptions: 1. Smoke detectors required by 907.2.10 2. I-3 occupancies follow 907.2.6.3 3. Auto sprinklers in R-3’s

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