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Created by Curt Harrell & Jesse Kuzy for. Why are Fire Alarms Important?  If the fire is small enough to be extinguished with a hand-held fire extinguisher,

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Curt Harrell & Jesse Kuzy for. Why are Fire Alarms Important?  If the fire is small enough to be extinguished with a hand-held fire extinguisher,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Curt Harrell & Jesse Kuzy for

2 Why are Fire Alarms Important?  If the fire is small enough to be extinguished with a hand-held fire extinguisher, a good alarm can let you know there is a fire before it grows to a dangerous size.

3 Why are Fire Alarms Important?  If a fire starts at night, an alarm can wake occupants and let them know they need to evacuate.  When evacuating, every second counts. Having the right alarm gives you crucial time to evacuate safely.

4 Choosing a Fire Alarm  Alarms should carry the label of an independent testing lab.  Alarms that run on batteries or household currents are both acceptable. -Fire-Alarm-With-A-Red-9-Volt-Battery-Hanging-Down-In-Need-Of-A-Replacement.jpg

5 Sensor Technologies  Ionization smoke alarms are more effective at detecting fast-flaming fires such as kitchen or paper fires, which spread rapidly.

6 Sensor Technologies  Photoelectric smoke alarms are more effective at detecting slow-smoldering fires which smoke before flaming, such as those caused by dropped cigarettes or exposed wiring.  Combination units are available and provide early warning for both types of fires.

7 Where to Install Alarms  On every level of the home, including in the basement and in or near every sleeping area. Everyone should be able to hear alarms.  Don’t put an alarm near a door, window or air register; moving air can blow smoke away from the sensor.

8 Where to Install Alarms  Mount alarms high on a wall or on the ceiling, staying at least 4 inches from the corner.  Keep alarms at least ten feet from stoves and showers to avoid false alarms.

9 How to Install Alarms  Follow manufacturer’s instructions  Use a drill and screwdriver.  Plug-in alarms must have restraining devices so they are not unplugged by mistake.

10 How to Install Alarms  Hard-wire alarms need to be installed by a qualified technician.  Never connect a smoke alarm to a circuit that can be turned off from a wall switch.

11 Alarm Maintenance  Test smoke alarms once month by pressing the test button.  Install new batteries at least once a year.  Clean smoke alarms using a vacuum without removing the alarm’s cover.  Replace smoke alarms every ten years.

12 Alarms for the Hearing-Impaired  Smoke alarms for the hearing- impaired have a built-in strobe light. The alarm has both an audible and visible signal and can be mounted in ceilings and walls.

13 Summary  What are the types of fire alarms? Ionization Photoelectric  What is alarm maintenance? Cleaning and testing fire alarms Replacing batteries and fire alarms  What are recommended practices for installing fire alarms and good locations to install them? Discuss

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