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Mobile Payment for Hospitality March 8, 2012Paul Fiore, CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Payment for Hospitality March 8, 2012Paul Fiore, CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Payment for Hospitality March 8, 2012Paul Fiore, CEO

2 Mobile Payment Questions Swipe vs. Tap? Near field or Far field? New hardware for merchants or POS integration? Existing plastic networks or disruptive? Stored value or tap into existing accounts? Credentials stored in cloud or on device? Device technology chip, screen, other? Mobile carrier dependent or not? Smart phone based app or mobile enabled? 2

3 Hospitality Casinos Hotels Restaurants Bars Nightclubs Stadiums 3

4 Point of Sale (POS) is the Engine 4

5 Venue Environment POS drives the venue operations – Kitchen printers – Management reports – Merchant processing – Cash draw – Inventory – Accounting – Staff operations, labor 5

6 Unique vs. Traditional Retail Many servers share few touch-screen terminals Payment acceptance terminal not always near customer Laser scanners not generally in use Pre authentication needed prior to close-out Tip component Need for consumer to review / validate tab – No ‘beep’ like at grocery or retail 6

7 Our Tailored Solution Integrated with POS systems Leverage existing merchant processing systems Extend fixed location touch screen payment terminal to every consumer with smartphone Easy social media / check-in integration 7

8 Tabbedout Approach Swipe vs. Tap? Neither Near field or Far field? New hardware for merchants or POS integration? Existing plastic networks or disruptive? Both Stored value or tap into existing accounts? Credentials stored in cloud or on device? Device technology chip, screen, other? Mobile carrier dependent or not? Smart phone based app or mobile enabled? 8

9 Tabbedout Solution 9

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