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The History of the English Language. Research Question Why is the English language the largest in the world?

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Presentation on theme: "The History of the English Language. Research Question Why is the English language the largest in the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of the English Language

2 Research Question Why is the English language the largest in the world?

3 etymology The study of word origins

4 Text Source #2 Works Cited Beers, Kylene. Holt Literature and Language Arts. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2001.

5 Source #1 Engel, Elliot. A Light History of the English Language. Raleigh: Media Consultants, 1997

6 The Celts #1 Celtic language first in Britain. Scots, Irish, Welsh descendants of Celtic

7 England


9 Old English 500-1065 AD Anglo Saxon Germanic language

10 Romans: Julius Ceasar He spoke Latin; He conquered: Romance Languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian.

11 #1 Old English begins when the Anglos, Saxons, Jutes invade England in 500 A.D. Old English is an Anglo-Saxon Germanic language

12 Then the Vikings Invade! #1 Vikings from Scandinavia invade England in 793AD They speak Old Norse O.E. (The Light History of English) Light History.

13 Beowulf- Epic Poem #1 First work of English literature

14 Source 1 Almost every one syllable word we speak is from Anglo Saxon German Old English 500-1065AD

15 Middle English 1066-1550AD In 1066, William the Conqueror from Normandy, France invades England.

16 The Norman Conquest

17 England becomes bilingual during Middle English English: ox, sheep, swine, calf French: beef, mutton, pork, veal The rich and upper class spoke French Latin, but the lower class spoke Anglo- Saxon German.

18 Chaucer was a 14 th century author of The Canterbury Tales M.E.

19 Caxton invented the Printing Press in 1476

20 Modern English is 1500 to present #1 Renaissance-rebirth of Greek and Roman art

21 William Shakespeare Used 21,500 different words 3,000 invented words

22 Shakespeare invented: Words Shakespeare Invented Academe accused addiction advertising amazement arouse assassination backing bandit bedroom beached besmirch birthplace blanket bloodstained barefaced blushing betbump buzzer caked cater champion circumstantialAcademeaccusedaddictionadvertisingamazementarouse assassinationbackingbanditbedroombeachedbesmirch birthplaceblanketbloodstainedbarefacedblushingbetbumpbuzzer cakedcaterchampioncircumstantial Coldblooded compromise courtship countless critic dauntless dawn deafening discontent dishearten drugged dwindle epileptic equivocal elbow excitementexposure eyeballfashionablefixtureflawedfrugalgenerousgloomygossipgreen- eyedgusthinthobnobhurriedimpedeimpartialinvulnerablejadedlabella cklusterlaughablelonelylowerluggagelustrousmadcapmajesticmarket ablemetamorphizemimicmonumentalmoonbeammountaineernegotia tenoiselessobsceneobsequiouslyodeolympianoutbreakpanderspeda ntpremeditatedpukingradiancerantremorselesssavageryscufflesecur eskim milksubmergesummitswaggertorturetranquilundressunrealvariedvaul tingworthlesszanygnarledgrovelColdbloodedcompromisecourtshipcountlesscriticdauntlessdawn deafeningdiscontentdisheartendruggeddwindleepilepticequivocal elbowexcitementexposure eyeballfashionablefixtureflawedfrugalgenerousgloomygossipgreen- eyedgusthinthobnobhurriedimpedeimpartialinvulnerablejadedlabella cklusterlaughablelonelylowerluggagelustrousmadcapmajesticmarket ablemetamorphizemimicmonumentalmoonbeammountaineernegotia tenoiselessobsceneobsequiouslyodeolympianoutbreakpanderspeda ntpremeditatedpukingradiancerantremorselesssavageryscufflesecur eskim milksubmergesummitswaggertorturetranquilundressunrealvariedvaul tingworthlesszanygnarledgrovel

23 King James Bible 1604

24 1755 Johnson’s Dictionary


26 Good Good, gode, guod, guode, goode, goed, gowd, godd, guid guide, gud, gwde, guyd, gewd 7 years in the making. This dictionary helped standardize spelling.

27 France


29 Text Source #2 Works Cited Beers, Kylene. Holt Literature and Language Arts. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2001.

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