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Perspective: the problem with reading. What problems do people have with reading?

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective: the problem with reading. What problems do people have with reading?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective: the problem with reading

2 What problems do people have with reading?

3 Blindness All definitions of ‘blind’ are vague All include use of ‘best available’ vision aids. Some ‘blind people’ (with tunnel vision) may be able to read reasonably normally. Larger type a problem for these people. Some

4 Poor visual acuity ‘Partially sighted’ in the UK is roughly speaking the same as ‘blind’ for reading purposes. There is then a continuity between ‘partially- sighted’ to ‘perfect vision’ and beyond. Over-65s are 16% of the UK population and rising – common to have mild eye disorders

5 Illiteracy

6 What can we do about it? Reading aids Media choice Bigger print

7 Clear print and large print Who will clear print help? Who will large print help?

8 Where does the demand for minimum type sizes come from? Research? User preference? Disability rights groups?

9 Guidelines UK – Plain English campaign – RNIB ‘See it right’ US – Lighthouse International

10 Regulations UK US

11 What do the regulations say?

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