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Aural Rehabilitation Definition Hearing Aids Assistive Listening & Alerting Devices Speech Reading and Auditory Training Cochlear Implants (see separate.

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Presentation on theme: "Aural Rehabilitation Definition Hearing Aids Assistive Listening & Alerting Devices Speech Reading and Auditory Training Cochlear Implants (see separate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aural Rehabilitation Definition Hearing Aids Assistive Listening & Alerting Devices Speech Reading and Auditory Training Cochlear Implants (see separate ppt presentation)

2 Definition The training of a person with a hearing loss to communicate more effectively. This may include the use of amplification, auditory training, speech reading situational training, Etc.

3 Hearing Aids Hearing aids by style Hearing aids by type Hearing aids in educational settings

4 History of Hearing Aids



7 Styles of Hearing Aids Behind the ear (BTE) In the ear (ITE) In the canal (ITC) Completely in the canal (CIC)

8 Styles of Hearing Aids Receiver in the Canal (RIC)

9 How Hearing Aids Work Can be found any style. Components –Microphone, digital sound processor, receiver (loudspeaker). –Streaming (Bluetooth)- remote portable mike Microphone>radio transmitter>hearing aid Can also be used with Bluetooth enabled devices. –Cost $2500 to $8000 set (sometimes insurance may pay part of cost)

10 Hearing Aids Advantages and Limitations Advantages Limitations Variables

11 Advantages Helps with speech understanding Helps amplify soft speech and environmental sounds

12 Limitations Some problems in background noise Can amplify loud sounds to the point where they can be uncomfortable. Problems with manipulation. This is a big problem for ITC and CIC aids.

13 Variables Motivation Acceptance of hearing loss Realistic expectations Orientation

14 Assistive Listening & Alerting Devices Wireless FM Devices Other listening devices Alerting devices and TTY

15 FM Auditory Trainers Application How does it work? What does it sound like?

16 Other listening devices and TTY Telephone amplifiers Captioned TVs Alerting Devices Text teletype (TTY)

17 Speech Reading and Auditory Training Speech Reading –Can enhance listening ability –Speech reading most effective when used with residual hearing –Only 30% of speech sounds are visible on the lips Auditory Training


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