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VARIABLE FEES FOR EXCLUDED CHAINS By Raza Muhammad CS/SE 6361, Fall 2014 Executive Master’s of Science in Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "VARIABLE FEES FOR EXCLUDED CHAINS By Raza Muhammad CS/SE 6361, Fall 2014 Executive Master’s of Science in Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 VARIABLE FEES FOR EXCLUDED CHAINS By Raza Muhammad CS/SE 6361, Fall 2014 Executive Master’s of Science in Software Engineering Under the guidance of dr. Lawrence Chung University of Texas at Dallas

2 INTRODUCTION  A2Z Payments is the world's leading processor of payment disbursement and reconciliation solutions. A2Z Payments operates a global payment network and is dedicated to the creation of authentic services including commission receipt and disbursement; foreign currency exchange; invoicing; and reconciliation and tracking.  A2Z Payments currently facilitates in excess of $90 million in payments annually, serving more than 20,000 properties, as well as 40,000 travel distributors in nearly 170 countries. In addition to A2Z Payments' headquarters in Fort worth, Texas, it has regional hubs in London, Singapore, New York and Europe.

3 INTRODUCTION – SERVICES PROVIDED  A2Z Payments provide following services:  Agent Commission Processing Commission processing is our industry-leading travel agency service that consolidates commissions from participating suppliers, ensuring timely and accurate payment. Agent Commission Processing  Reconciliation Reconciliation  Reconciliation is a dynamic add-on service for customers using Onyx Payments' agency commission processing service.  Hotel Payment Processing Offer the industry's leading commission payment solution. Hotel Payment Processing  Data Management By processing all commissions through single provider, one can easily track data including booking revenues, account receivables, accounts payables and performance by brand, hotel, branch or agent.

4 PROBLEM STATEMENT  Members are not able to set variable fee for excluded chains.

5 STAKEHOLDER  A2Z Payments  Hotels  Agencies

6 SHOULD BE The user should be able to enable variable fee amount or percentage for multiple chains. Max of 10 chains can be enabled to set variable fee amount/percentage for that member pay loc. The fee amount or % to be set for the chains will be decided from the 'Service & fees' tab screen, where they select the main fee name. Need ability to modify the fee amount or percentage for the chain and the main fee. Need ability to delete the chain and the associated fee amount or percentage. The user interface to support the above elements must be intuitive and not prone to user error. The effect that the changes must be auditable



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