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ClubRunner Club Presentation Welcome to ClubRunner! This presentation will explain the functionality of the club site. Length: 24 slides. Club communication.

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Presentation on theme: "ClubRunner Club Presentation Welcome to ClubRunner! This presentation will explain the functionality of the club site. Length: 24 slides. Club communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 ClubRunner Club Presentation Welcome to ClubRunner! This presentation will explain the functionality of the club site. Length: 24 slides. Club communication made easy.

2 What is ClubRunner ? It is the award-winning collaboration tool for clubs that want to effectively reach members, improve the way they communicate, and better organize their club. It is a framework of information that ties together clubs, districts, and the zone. It is a collection of powerful tools designed to make running a club easier, and save you time.

3 Can you be more specific? Create an easy-to-update club website Store club membership as an online directory Communicate easily and securely via e-mail Generate and send personalized e-bulletins to members & non-members Organize club events & track attendees Share ideas on your own discussion forum

4 Club Website Announce upcoming speakers Add club- specific links Edit home page stories and news Meeting info & map for visitors Announce upcoming events, and more… List executives & directors …all without having to know HTML!

5 Website Easy to update content directly on website No HTML or FTP skills required More than one member can contribute to the website – no more bottlenecks Multi-level access rights so not all members can change all the information Includes your own club discussion forum Includes links to popular club-related sites

6 Example: Adding a story To add a story to the home page, editor logs in Types in the title Adds their picture And clicks Save Types in the brief caption and complete story

7 Immediate Results: Story appears immediately on the home page Clicking on the title will show the entire story Clicking on the picture will show it in full size

8 Website Similarly, you can easily add the following to your site: upcoming speakers links to other websites events calendar links to your newsletters, registration forms, etc. photo albums for students, events, or committees custom site pages for each committee or project Private documents storage for members only

9 Membership Information ClubRunner holds all your member data, including photos, addresses, email, telephone numbers, etc. The password protected club directory is accessible by all your members Members can login to update their own information Information is automatically updated at District & Zone level, including who your current executives are

10 Online Member Directory View members’ emails and phone numbers at a glance Login required to see directory Click on member’s name to view entire profile

11 View Member Profile Member’s photo appears along with name, and full contact information Members update their own information directly on the site, and results are reflected immediately

12 Message Centre Since your site has all members ’ email addresses, sending a broadcast message to all members is easy. Create custom distribution lists that everyone uses so people stay in the loop. Messages arrive personalized with member ’ s name and club, so they are not interpreted as spam. Email addresses are centralized, so if a member changes his/her address, it is reflected everywhere, in all distribution lists, without need to notify others.

13 Message Centre Ability to send emails to all presidents, all secretaries, etc. in the District Emails are saved until deleted by the user, so you can redistribute an email with one click Send an email to selected members of your club by checking off box next to their name … all without ever needing to type in an email address!

14 e-Bulletin You can create e-bulletin content in same manner as stories, directly through your site Send bulletin to members & friends of the club as an email with one click Latest bulletin always appears on home page as a link Each bulletin is personalized with member ’ s full name, plus a listing of commitments at the end (e.g. district & club event sign-ups, volunteer activities, meeting responsibilities, etc.)

15 Example: e-Bulletin Bulletin appears in members’ inbox, already formatted as an HTML file Bulletin name is customizable Welcome message for non-member includes full name and the member who added the friend to the list

16 Event Services All events are listed under ‘ Upcoming Events ’ on web site, including an auto-generated map of location Send an e-mail invitation to all members & non- members with one click Send email invitations to other club presidents along with sign-up sheet of their members (if district online) Members and non-members can register online Plan volunteer activities, and receive bookings online Send emails to all attendees without need to know email addresses Print guest lists and name tags

17 Club Administration Store membership data Store non-member data (e.g. prospective members, or friends of the club) Help with Membership and Retention (easier & more professional communication & follow up) Administer meetings and attendance Automate attendance reporting to District

18 Print Attendance List Automatically generates an attendance list, ready to print from the browser No need to keep changing this list as it is created on-the-fly, based on the current members in the database

19 Club Admin Page The Admin Page is only accessible by club members through a secure login. This is where the club can edit their website online, access club data, and use the many tools available.

20 Security Unique logins & passwords for each member Multi-level access rights for members Firewall & anti-virus protection Private information (e.g. member list, emails) not accessible by public Backups of your website and membership information automatically made every 4 hours Broadcast emails do not divulge email addresses

21 Benefits Club Image Membership growth and retention Communication Web presence & availability of club information Club reporting of attendance & executives Data security & integration to district & zone

22 “ ClubRunner has literally revolutionized communications in our District ” “ ClubRunner is one of the easiest turnkey websites I have ever used. ” “ It has forced our club to consider a whole new approach to communications, both internal and external …” “ ClubRunner has made the production of our weekly bulletin a much easier affair. ” “ ClubRunner is so easy for someone with little computer experience or HTML knowledge, to create an interesting and informative site quickly. ” Testimonials

23 Visit Live Sites Clubs: » » » » » Districts: » » » For more sites, visit

24 For More Information For more information, or to set up ClubRunner for your club or district, contact 1-877-4MY-CLUB, ext. 29, or email © 2004 Doxess

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