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Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; and FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14.

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Presentation on theme: "Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; and FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; and FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

2 General Instructions Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

3 Instructions General notes related to the Briefing Session Attendance registers: Each bidder must sign the technical session register and an additional register for each tender Bidders intend to bid for... In addition to the signed registers, each bidder will be issued with a colour coded letter of attendance with a Fasset stamp and signature. This letter of attendance must be included in your original copy of your bid submission! Notes from the briefing session will be emailed to all attendees 1 week after the briefing session. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

4 Instructions General notes related to the Briefing Session Bidders are reminded: Telephonic requests for clarification will still not be accepted. Any clarification required by a bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Terms of Reference, or any other aspect concerning the bid is to be requested in writing via email from Tania Lee ( A reply will be forwarded within three (3) working days. All questions and answers will be published on the Fasset website and e-mails will be sent to all prospective bidders after the cut-off date, ie 27 August 2013. The bid number should be quoted in all correspondence. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

5 Instructions CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS THAT BIDDERS NEED TO TAKE NOTE OF: One (1) original plus four (4) hard copies as well as one (1) soft copy (CD) of the bid, i.e. five (5) documents and a CD be handed in/delivered to the address on the bid document. Only bids that are submitted as one (1) original plus four (4) hard copies will be accepted as valid and responsive. The original and copies will be distributed to the tender evaluation panel, and must contain the same information and must all be nearly marked and professionally presented. NB: Bidders must indicate on the cover of each document whether it is the original or a copy. Copies must be numbered, e.g. Copy 1. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

6 Instructions CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS THAT BIDDERS NEED TO TAKE NOTE OF: Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with: Bid number FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14 Friday, 30 August 2013 at 11:00. The name and address of the bidder Documents submitted on time by bidders shall not be returned. Bids received late shall not be considered. A bid will be considered late if it arrived even one second after 11:00 or any time thereafter. The tender (bid) box shall be locked at exactly 11:00 and bids arriving late will not be considered under any circumstances. Bids received late shall be returned unopened to the bidder. Bidders are therefore strongly advised to ensure that bids be despatched allowing enough time for any unforeseen events that may delay the delivery of the bid. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

7 Instructions GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The General Conditions of Contract must be accepted. The GCC can be downloaded from the Fasset website. Please refer to link below: SECTION A Please note Section A should NOT be submitted with the proposal. The following areas are included to guide your proposal. TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) EVALUATION PROCESS CONTRACT FORM Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

8 SECTION B To be completed and submitted as part of the proposal Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

9 SECTION B SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID AND CONTRACT The bidder must clearly state if a deviation from these special conditions are offered and the reason therefore. If an explanatory note is provided, the paragraph reference must be indicated in a supporting appendix to the application submission. Should the bidder fail to indicate agreement/ compliance or otherwise, Fasset will assume that the bidder is in compliance or agreement with the statement(s) as specified in this bid. Bidders must complete, sign and return the Special Conditions of Bid and Contract. Bids submitted without a completed Special Conditions of Bid form may be deemed to be non-responsive. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INVENTIONS AND COPYRIGHT Copyright of all documentation relating to this contract belongs to Fasset. No bidder may disclose any information, documentation or products to other clients without the written approval of the accounting authority or the delegate. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

10 SECTION B SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID AND CONTRACT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS During evaluation of the bids, additional information may be requested in writing from bidders. Replies to such request must be submitted, within 3 (three) working days or as otherwise indicated. Failure to comply, may lead to your bid being disregarded. No additional information will be accepted from any individual bidder without such information having been requested. FORMAT OF BIDS Bidders must complete all the necessary bid documents and undertakings required in this bid document. Bidders are advised that their proposal should be concise, written in plain English and simply presented. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

11 SECTION B SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID AND CONTRACT  SARS Tax Clearance Certificate(s) An original valid SARS Tax Clearance Certificate must accompany the proposal and must be valid at the date of closing of the bid. In case of a consortium/ joint venture, or where sub-contractors are utilised, an original valid SARS Tax Clearance Certificate for each consortium/ joint venture member and/or sub-contractor (individual) must be submitted. The certificate requirements page should not be returned as part of the submission.  Declaration of Interest  Invitation to Bid Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

12 SECTION B SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID AND CONTRACT  Pricing Schedule: Use the template provided!  Local Content This form has to be completed if providers intend to provide promotional items to learners on their programme(s); Whatever is stipulated on the form at the time of submission will be valid for the term of the contract. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

13 Supply Chain Management (SCM) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

14 SCM Process Potential Providers access documentation by: Downloading from Fasset's websiteRequest via email from Fasset Fasset advertisement appears in: The Government GazetteThe Fasset website Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

15 SCM Process Round 1: Compliance Each submission is checked for compliance. i.e. Does the submission contain the required documentation? Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

16 SCM Process Round 2: Functionality Each submission is evaluated by the bid evaluation committee according to the evaluation criteria indicated in the bid document. It is therefore important to ensure that your submission addresses all the items included in the evaluation criteria and providers are urged to note the weighting that is attached to each criterion. A score is allocated to each submission and if the document scores more than the minimum requirement for functionality e.g. 70%, it will move to the next round in the evaluation process. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

17 SCM Process Round 3: Pricing and B-BBEE points Each submission with a functionality score of more than the minimum required, will then be on equal footing. The proposed price and B-BEE compliance are the only aspects taken into account in this round. The final evaluation score is calculated on either the 80/20 or 90/10 principle (as indicated in the bid document). The submission that scores the highest in this round will be awarded the tender or it may be a lower scoring bid on justifiable grounds or no award at all. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

18 SCM Process COMBINING PRICE AND B-BBEE POINTS It is important to note that the BEC may recommend that the contract be awarded to a bidder obtaining the highest aggregate mark or to a lower scoring bid on justifiable grounds. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

19 Board Procurement Committee (BPC) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

20 SCM Process ADJUDICATION OF BID Successful / unsuccessful bidders will be notified either via email and / or telephonically. The names of successful bidders will also be advertised in the Government Gazette and on the Fasset website. Contracting will follow. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

21 SCM Questions & Answers Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Is the Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) the same as the Board Procurement Committee (BPC)? –No. The BEC is made up of senior Fasset staff members who evaluate the proposals and make a recommendation to the BPC which in turn is made up of Board members who make the final awards. Is feedback provided from stage 1 and 2 of the evaluation process? –Feedback will be provided to those who have been eliminated at stage 1 or 2. What is required from tax exempt organisations? –Tax exempt organisation are still required to provide an original Tax Clearance Certificate issued by SARS

22 SCM Questions & Answers (continued) Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 What is the closing date of the contract? –The bid document indicates the ideal closing date as 31 March 2015, however Fasset would consider later closing dates provided that it does not extend beyond 31 March 2016. Please elaborate on the stipulation that the bid “may” be eliminated if a response is not provided in 3 working days. –This would depend on the nature of the query. If the BEC is still able to evaluate the proposal without the response, the bid may not be eliminated. If however, the response is required for the evaluation and it is not received within the stipulated timeframe, the bid will be eliminated.

23 Board Strategy Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

24 No.INTERVENTION Rand value (Millions) Pipeline imperative NQF Level 1 Bridging programmes for access into higher education Approx. 3,5 Access, entry level to academic 5 2 Financial support for learners in the sector with student loans (NSFAS) **Academic exit level7 3 Academic programmes that lead to academic and/or professional body qualifications/designations Approx. 40Academic exit level6-8 4 Bridging programmes for access into employment Approx. 40 Training, entry level to employment 6-7 Total85,5 Board Strategy Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

25 Board Strategy:Learning Programme Alignment: Scarce skills Bridging / Academic Programmes which will alleviate the scarce and critical skills needs in the Fasset sector (For example, Trainee Accountants) √ Black learnersAfrican √ South African citizens √ NQF levels 5 - 8Bridging / Academic Programmes √ Board Strategy Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

26 Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14

27 Tender Objectives NQF 5 OVERALL OBJECTIVE Fasset requires the services of one or more suitably qualified service providers who are located in South Africa, to provide an academic programme(s) on NQF level 5 which will lead to the improvement of the academic results of Grade 12 learners thereby providing them with access into accredited Higher Education Institutions to study in a finance related discipline (preferably Commerce). Ideally, the programme should be completed by 31 March 2015. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14

28 Tender Objectives NQF 5 TRAINING PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE Train learners on an academic qualification that will ideally lead to the successful enrolment in an accredited higher education institution to pursue studies in a finance related discipline (preferably Commerce). Provide soft skills training. The soft skills training could be aligned to the critical cross-field outcomes for the Generic Management qualification (SAQA ID 57712; at NQF level 4. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14

29 Tender Objectives NQF 5 PLACEMENT AND PASS RATE OBJECTIVES Provide Fasset with a Placement Strategy as part of the proposal which highlights a plan for a minimum of 70% of learners to be placed in accredited Higher Education Institutions to enter studies in a finance related discipline. The proposal should include: Learner tracking and monitoring, during the course and for at least 6 months after completion. Obtain a minimum pass rate that will allow learners to meet the entry requirements to enter an accredited higher education institution. Provide alternative avenues of study/opportunities for those learners who fail to qualify for entry into higher education institutions (preferably in professional body qualifications in the Fasset sector). Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14

30 Tender Objectives NQF 5 Questions & Answers Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Does the SAQA ID need to be Seta based? –This would be preferable Will the bid be considered if the organisation is not accredited? –No. Fasset suggests that organisations who are not yet accredited, partner with another accredited organisation and make use of accredited material. Will the proposal be considered if the programme is running in current high schools? –This will be considered provided that the outcome is at NQF level 5. What if the funding is not available to place 70% in higher education? –The solution to this should be included in the proposal to Fasset. Will Pastel qualifications be considered? –Yes, this could be included in the offering and must be aligned to scarce and critical skills!

31 Tender Objectives NQF 5 Questions & Answers (continued) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Are there limitations on the geographical distribution of placements? –No. Providers are however encouraged to try and reach as wide a geographic spread as possible! Is there a requirement for a specific number of learners? –No. Fasset would evaluate this aspect based on the value offering. If we proposed 300 learners in Gauteng, would we be considered? –Yes. Provided the programme fulfils all other requirements. Who is responsible for the recruitment of learners? –The recruitment strategy and implementation will be driven by the provider. Fasset, will provide advice and will assess the recruitment strategy. Would learners with previous study experience be considered? –Yes. Provided they are currently under-employed.

32 Tender Objectives NQF 5 Questions & Answers (continued) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Could we propose the relocation of learners? –The preference would be to provide training where learners reside, however this will be considered if strongly justified. Why is the budget for this window only R 3.5 million? –From a strategic perspective, an NQF level 5 qualification, does not necessarily guarantee entrance into the Fasset sector. Is the purpose of the project to encourage entrance into Higher Education or into the Fasset sector? –The proposed programme should lead to entrance into a finance qualification at an accredited Higher Education institution. Are bursaries available? –This aspect should be addressed in the proposal. Providers are encouraged to try and access additional Public/Private funding opportunities in order to assist learners into Higher Education.

33 Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

34 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8 OVERALL OBJECTIVE Fasset requires the services of one or more suitably qualified service providers, who are located in South Africa, to provide an academic programme(s) which will lead to the completion of an academic and/or professional body qualification / designation on NQF levels 6 – 8. Ideally, the programme should be completed by 31 March 2015. NB: This funding window is only open to Universities, Universities of Technology and Professional Bodies. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

35 TRAINING PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE Train learners on an academic qualification and / or professional body qualification (which would ideally lead to the achievement of a qualification or a professional body designation) on NQF levels 6 – 8. The programme must include academic and/or technical support. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8

36 PLACEMENT AND PASS RATE OBJECTIVES Provide Fasset with a Placement Strategy as part of the proposal which highlights a plan for a minimum placement of 70% of learners in employment and/or Learnerships and/or Internships, within Fasset’s sector. OR Provide Fasset with an “Improvement in Pass Rate” Strategy as part of the proposal which highlights a plan to achieve a desired pass rate for students progressing from one level to another. In terms of final year students: Letters of Commitment from prospective employers to illustrate that the placement objective will be achieved (a minimum of 33% at the time of submission will be regarded as acceptable). In terms of students progressing from one level to another: A commitment from the provider to achieve a minimum pass rate of 60% OR a pass rate at least 10% higher than the national pass rate for exams that are nationally benchmarked as well as a strategy for how this will be achieved. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8

37 Questions & Answers Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Will there be an extension given for commitment letters? –No. Letters from employers indicating their intention to participate by taking on learners after the programme, is a requirement at the submission stage (a minimum of 33% should be shown). Why has NQF level 5 been excluded from this window? –This decision is based on the Board’s Strategy to target individuals at higher NQF levels as they are much closer to entering the sector. Should the programme start and end within the contract period? –The ideal end date is 31 March 2015, however later end dates will be considered, provided that is does not extend past 31 March 2016. Is Fasset open to different modes of delivery? –Providers are free to propose any mode of delivery provided the end product is a solution to the terms of reference.

38 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8 Questions & Answers (continued) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Please elaborate on the term “lead to” a qualification? –The programme must culminate in the achievement of a qualification or a professional body designation. Must the programme be run in an existing structure or can budget be used for development? –All costs must be included in the proposal, Fasset will however not fund any capital expenditure. Providers can include learning resources required in terms of development costs but no fixed assets will be paid for. Will supplementary programmes be considered in conjunction with university studies? –Yes, provided that the programme is accredited by the University or UoT as being part of the degree and / or Diploma. Can the programme be made up of short courses? –Yes, provided that it results in a qualification or professional body designation. (See second last slide for a response from SAQA) If the requirement is to lead to NQF level 6, can we end the programme on NQF level 5? –No. NQF level 6 is the minimum requirement.

39 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8 Questions & Answers (continued) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 What is the difference between a ‘service provider’ and a ‘purchaser’ in the contract form? –Service Providers are members of the public who are offering to do work for Fasset. Fasset is the “Purchaser” who will award a contract to a successful bidder or “Service Provider”. What is the reason for the ‘price per week’ requirement in the price schedule? –This is a requirement that allows Fasset to compare bids more fairly. What is the reason for the allowance for meals and transport in the price schedule? –This is a suggestion based on previous experience in similar projects. How flexible is the 70% placement rate in the Fasset sector? –This can only be negotiated at a Board level when the programme is at the placement stage and a limitation exists.

40 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 8 Questions & Answers (continued) Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Can we progress learners from one level to another e.g. NQF level 6 to 7 or 7 to 8? –If possible, this should be proposed in two stages. There has been a change in the NQF levels, which version is Fasset referring to? –Fasset refers to the new NQF levels 1 -10. What is the number of learners required? –This will be provider driven, based on the budget and needs. Can we use the NSFAS Loan Repayment Grant (NLRG) as an incentive? –This grant is only available to learners who are already on learnerships (in employment) Do learners on learnerships have to apply for loans? –No. The NLRG assists learners who already have NSFAS loans.

41 Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14 Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14

42 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 7 OVERALL OBJECTIVE Fasset requires the services of one or more suitably qualified service providers who are located in South Africa, to provide a Bridging Programme(s) for Access into Employment on NQF level 4/5 or higher, aimed at Diplomates and or Graduates (preferably Commerce) who are on NQF levels 6 – 7. The programme should lead to: placement in employment / on learnerships / internships AND to the completion of part of, or a whole qualification. Ideally, the programme should be concluded by 31 st March 2015. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14

43 TRAINING PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE The programme must fulfil the requirements of the definition of a PIVOTAL programme. Pivotal programmes mean professional, vocational, technical and academic learning programmes that result in qualifications or part qualifications on the NQF. The programme could include outcomes that will be assessed against the Generic Management qualification (SAQA ID 57712; at NQF level 4. Fasset recommends that providers apply now to be accredited as assessment and delivery sites for the qualification or part of the qualification that they intend providing as part of the submission. This will be a pre-requisite to apply for funding. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 7

44 PLACEMENT AND PASS RATE OBJECTIVES Provide Fasset with a Placement Strategy as part of the proposal which highlights a plan for a minimum placement of 70% of learners in employment and/or Learnerships and/or Internships, within Fasset’s sector; AND Provide Fasset with a “Pass Rate” Strategy as part of the proposal which highlights a plan to achieve a desired pass rate for students being assessed against part of a qualification or ito completing a whole qualification. The proposal should include: Letters of Commitment from prospective employers to illustrate that the placement will be achieved (a minimum of 33% at the time of submission will be regarded as acceptable). A commitment from the provider to achieve a minimum pass rate of 60% OR a pass rate at least 10% higher than the national pass rate for exams that are nationally benchmarked as well as a strategy for how this will be achieved. Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 7

45 Questions & Answers Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Must the organisation be accredited with the Seta or Professional Body? –All organisations offering qualifications that will be assessed must be accredited to do so., either through the relevant Seta or Professional Body. Will courses in specific topics be considered? –Yes, provided that the topics are assessed and are accredited (on the NQF). What if the qualification/part-qualification is not on the NQF by 30 August? –Fasset may still consider this provided that the accreditation process is in place and that the registration will be active before the start of the intended programme. Will whole qualifications that are outcomes based and not unit standard based be considered? – (Answer from the QCTO) A module taught as part of a whole qualification (ELOAC) would be regarded as a part qualification. The enrolment is key – the learner must be enrolled on the full qualification. Not sure how ELOAC modules are accommodated by the NLRD though… –See next slide for more… What is a Part qualification? –See next slide

46 Tender Objectives NQF 6 - 7 Questions & Answers Fasset Briefing Session FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14 Qualifications and Part Qualifications (From the QCTO) A part qualification means an assessed unit of learning that is registered as part of a qualification. For example a part qualification can be a module, unit standard, etc. My understanding is that learners can be enrolled on one or more unit standards or a module (comprising of unit standards taught as a skills programme) that form part of a qualification. After being assessed as competent the learner would have completed a “part qualification” – this would apply to currently registered qualifications and unit standards. As a result of the Ministerial determination the QCTO can no longer consider registering “Awards” on the NQF but would have to register “Part Qualifications” (less credits, but still with the 3 components) on the NQF. However, this “part qualification” would have to form part of a “full qualification”. The FLC has been registered on the NQF but even though it is referred to as a “part qualification” in the true sense it is not.

47 Provider Contacts Fasset Briefing Session Provider nameExpertise/ Offering Contact personEmail address Oval InternationalPravin Stellenbosch University Bridging Programmes Anneke Applied ScholasticsMaths and Accounting Ntsane Masiloane PR Financial Services & Training Pratiksha Ranshod In4 GroupITDeepak FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0530/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0531/Y14; FAS/TL/PD/WRP/CON0532/Y14

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