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The Pharmacy Technician 4E

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1 The Pharmacy Technician 4E
Chapter 2 The Pharmacy Technician

2 Chapter Outline The Pharmacy Technician Personal Standards
Training & Competency Certification

3 Pharmacy Technician A pharmacy technician, also called the pharmacy assistant. Works in a pharmacy. Works under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Assists in pharmacy activities that do not require the professional judgment of a pharmacist.

4 Pharmacist The pharmacist provides
The final check on the original prescription with the medication bottle and label. Patient counseling - has the regal responsibility.

5 Pharmacy Technicians Role
Originally, many pharmacy techs were trained as medics in the military. Returned after service to take positions in hospitals. In community pharmacy, the pharmacy tech evolved from clerk or cashier to a pharmacist’s assistant. A pharmacy technician assists the pharmacist with routine functions. Leaves professional decision making and judgment calls to the pharmacist.

6 Pharmacy Technicians Role
Receiving prescriptions Using computer Inventory control Taking patient information Filling prescriptions Ordering Compounding Working with a team of health care professionals

7 Evolution of the Pharmacy Technician’s Role
Without pharmacy technicians, pharmacists would not have sufficient time for the duties involved in “pharmaceutical care.” Pharmacy technicians do not have the skill or the training or the legal accountability to do them. Pharmaceutical Care functions include: Counseling patients and reviewing medication profiles. Monitoring for side effects and adverse reactions. Screening patients for disease. Discussing cost-effective drug therapy options with the prescriber.

8 By 2018, the demand will increase by 31%.
Pharmacy Technicians As of 2008, there are 326,300 Pharmacy Technicians employed in the U.S. By 2018, the demand will increase by 31%.

9 Work Environments and Conditions
Employment for Pharmacy Technicians Community pharmacies (i.e., drugstores) are the most common workplace. Hospital pharmacies are the second most common work place. Others Home healthcare and long-term care facilities . Specialized area of practice (e.g., nuclear pharmacy) with additional training. Mail order and internet Rx. Pharmaceutical wholesale.

10 The Pharmacy Technicians
Scope of practice What individuals may and may not do in their jobs. Pharmacists dispense, counsel, and advice physicians on drug related issues. Pharmacy Tech assist pharmacists in areas where pharmacists skills or expertise is not required. Job Description is written a document that states the specific responsibilities and tasks for pharmacy technicians which differs by settings.

11 Personal Standards Dependable Performing the job as required.
Showing up on time. Do what is required. Detail oriented Drugs are dangerous substances if not properly handled. Small mistake can lead to death of a person. Trustworthy Confidentiality of patient information. Access to habit forming drugs/drug with abuse potential. Access to expensive drug products.

12 Personal Standards Health
Has to be in good health or ease of making mistakes, contracting diseases. Hygiene Deals with several people, patients and customers Professional image. Appearance White lab jacket, grooming, badge, etc.

13 Characteristics A successful pharmacy technician must possess a wide range of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes. Broad knowledge of pharmacy practice that includes: Good Mathematics and problem solving skills Language and medical terminology - excellent communication skills Computer skills Interpersonal skills - dedication to providing a critical healthcare service to customers and patients high ethical standards, willingness to follow instructions eagerness to learn

14 Characteristics A successful pharmacy technician must possess a wide range of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes. Good research skills. Ability to perform accurately and calmly in hectic or stressful situations. Ability to multi-task or work on several projects at the same time.

15 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIP AA) - 1996
Refers to privacy and security of patient health related data. Made health care providers responsible for the privacy and security of all identifiable patient health information Called Protected Health Information – PHI. Apply to various formats including Electronic data, computer files, electronic transmission. Paper and hard copy documents. Oral communication, or billing and claims.

16 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIP AA)- 1996
NO casual discussion with anyone about a patient data. Includes patient’s family member, Patient’s friends, etc. without the patient’s permission/ after signing a waiver. NO discussion regarding topics including Medications and Health issues. Making sure files and documents are securely stored where no unauthorized person can access them.

17 Education and Licensing Requirements
In the past, on-the-job training (training in the workplace) was sufficient for the tech working in a pharmacy. Now, formal technician training programs train pharmacy technicians for their expanded roles. Initially centered in hospitals, now many programs are offered by community colleges and vocational and technical schools.

18 Education and Licensing Requirements
ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) Developed a model curriculum to meet the needs of all practice settings. In some states pharmacy technicians must be certified to practice. 250 accredited schools and institutions by ASHP. Performance review A performance review by an employer based on the job description. An employer is legally responsible for pharmacy tech performance and competency.

19 Evolution of the Pharmacy Technician’s Role
The essential differences in the duties of a pharmacist and a technician involve: Accountability and legal responsibility. Making decisions about the patient’s healthcare. Most state boards of pharmacy recognize the existence and importance of the pharmacy technician. Each state board of pharmacy regulates: The activities of pharmacy technicians. The ratio of pharmacy techs to pharmacists .

20 Competency Being qualified and capable and done in various ways.
Testing – written test or/and practical demonstration to show competency. Performance is evaluated by an employer. Includes performance reviews, comments by your supervisor, and complaints.

21 Competency Continuing Education
An instructional program on new drugs and other pharmacy practice to keep knowledge updated. Probation Period The time the pharmacy tech is expected to learn certain skills sets and is usually 6 months. Leads to either permanent employee or dismissal from the job.

22 Certification A legal proof or a document that an individual meets certain standards provided by a neutral professional organization. Two certification bodies: PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) offers a National Examination to become a CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician). ICPT (Certification of Pharmacy Technicians) offers a National Examination to become ExCPT. Give students the PTCB examination application and explain the process of filling it out.

23 PTCB certified 363,000 pharmacy technicians.
As of 2010, PTCB certified 363,000 pharmacy technicians.

24 Certification Certification must be renewed:
Every 2 years just like the pharmacist license Certifications require “continuing Education”, 20 contact hours Of these, one hour in pharmacy law every 2 years.

25 The Pharmacy Technician Exam (PTCE)
Length – 90 minutes, all multiple questions, computerize test. To take the examination, a pharmacy tech must Complete high school or have a GED. NEVER have been convicted of a felony. Tests in areas of: Assisting the pharmacist in serving patients (66%). Medication distribution (22%). Inventory control systems of pharmacy operations (12%). Score – 650 out of 900 points.

26 The Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT)
Contains 110 multiple choice questions. To take the examination, a pharmacy tech must Complete high school or have a GED. NEVER been convicted of a felony. Must be 18 years old. Test areas: Regulations and technician duties (25%). Drugs and drug products (23%). Dispensing process (52%).

27 Pharmacy Technician Examination Contact Information ExCPT PTCE 2536 S Old Hwy 94, Suite 224 St. Charles, MO (314) 2215 Constitution Ave, NW Washington, DC (202)

28 Terms to Remember Certification Competent Confidentiality Inventory
Personal inventory Professionals Scope of practice Technicians

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