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Office of State Courts Administrator 2013 MACA Presentation by Tammy Rex.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of State Courts Administrator 2013 MACA Presentation by Tammy Rex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of State Courts Administrator 2013 MACA Presentation by Tammy Rex

2 It’s all about me!!! Support Unit Coordinator  14 years with OSCA – CBS Division  5 th MACA Conference  1 st time presenting MACA

3 Now it’s about you!! Length of Service

4 Overview of the Missouri Court System Section I


6 The Role of the Courts The Supreme Court of Missouri has been the state’s highest court since 1820. The Supreme Court’s role is to ensure a stable and predictable system of justice as the final arbiter of disputes involving the state’s constitution and laws. It hears and decides many of the most important and often the most controversial legal issues affecting Missouri citizens, businesses, and organizations. The Supreme Court of Missouri Missouri Supreme Court Building across from Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City.

7 Missouri Supreme Court Judges

8 Missouri Court of Appeals Western District Eastern District Southern District

9 504 Municipal Courts 105 Counties & City of St. Louis 45 Judicial Circuits

10 The Office of State Courts Administrator Section II

11 Court Administrator Greg Linhares  2008 –present  Formerly Legislation Liaison for the Supreme Court

12 Introduction to the Office of State Courts Administrator OSCA is in the judicial branch of government, one of the three branches of state government. The Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court is our chief administrative authority. We have similar, and in some cases, the same personnel policies and benefits that cover the executive branch employees. Under the supervision and direction of the Supreme Court of Missouri, the Office of State Courts Administrator is responsible for providing administrative and technical support to all the courts of Missouri. Our mission is to provide exceptional support to the courts as they endeavor to deliver fair, effective, and expeditious justice to the citizens of the state. Introduction to the Office of State Courts Administrator OSCA is in the judicial branch of government, one of the three branches of state government. The Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court is our chief administrative authority. We have similar, and in some cases, the same personnel policies and benefits that cover the executive branch employees. Under the supervision and direction of the Supreme Court of Missouri, the Office of State Courts Administrator is responsible for providing administrative and technical support to all the courts of Missouri. Our mission is to provide exceptional support to the courts as they endeavor to deliver fair, effective, and expeditious justice to the citizens of the state.

13 Agency Divisions Administrative Services Division Deputy State Courts Administrator Information Technology Services Division Court Business Services Division

14 OSCA Help Desk OSCAAdministrative Services  Contracts  Grants  Facilities  Budget and Fiscal Human Resources and Payroll 3 rd Party Vendors HELP DESK Provide Impact Administration and Training to Judicial Staff JudicialEducation  Training  Jewels Court Business Services  CPAs  Support Unit  Civil/Criminal Unit  Monitoring/Review Unit  Central Transcribing  Statistics MSHP, DSS and ISTD Fiscal  Technical Coordinators  Inventory OSCA Staff Operations  User Support  Communications  Server Operations Applications &Development  Applications Development  DBAs  Application Support  Lotus Notes General Public  Case.Net Court Staff

15 OSCA Help Desk Why do Municipal Courts call the OSCA Help Desk? Accounting Questions Bi Annual DWI Reporting Forms i-Notes Court Operating Rules Vendor Issues Legal Questions Court Clerk Handbooks Reporting Requirements Record Retention & Destruction Monthly Statistical Reporting Record of Conviction Reports Legislation

16 Accounting Recommendations for:  Credit/Card Vendors  Bank Reconciliation  Receipting & Recording Payments  Deposit tracking

17 Court Clerk Handbook Procedures for JIS & non JIS users. Electronic Version is searchable. Court Operating Rules & Statute links

18 Bi Annual DWI Reporting Pursuant to section 577.006 RSMo. The Court Administrator shall:  prepare a report every six months which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the total number and disposition of every intoxication-related traffic offense adjudicated, dismissed or pending in its municipal court division.  The municipal court division shall submit said report to the circuit court en banc.  The report shall include the 6 month period beginning January 1st and ending June 30th and the 6 month period beginning July 1st and ending December 31st of each year.  The report shall be submitted to the circuit court en banc no later than 60 days following the end of the reporting period. The Court Administrator shall send the intoxication-related traffic offense case activity reports to the Presiding Judge no later than:  August 29 for the January to June reporting period and no later than  February 28 for the July to December reporting period.

19 iNotes Access to the Missouri Judiciary e-mail address book Access the Municipal Clerk Manual electronically, Access the Missouri Court Information Center database, Court Operating Rules, legislative updates, calendar of events for the Judiciary, court forms, etc.,

20 Legal Questions Did you know OSCA has legal resources? We can help answer your legal questions.

21 Legislation OSCA has staff that track changes in  Laws  Charge Codes  Court Cost & Penalties  Surcharges

22 Municipal Division Summary Reporting Form Caseload Information Warrants Parking Tickets Collections


24 Record of Conviction Reports Grant funded staff dedicated to improve reporting.  Case workflow process evaluation  Training to identify reportable charges  Make recommendations on getting OCN’s  Site visit to meet with city, law enforcement & judicial staff


26 Reporting Requirements

27 Record Retention & DestructionDisposition 31250

28 Vendor Issues SJRC Approved Vendor Requirements. OSCA can act on your behalf to help resolve issues. Provide you with guidance when selecting a new vendor for credit/card, software, etc.

29 Like us on Facebook

30 Any Questions???

31 Municipal Court Operating Rule #1 Section III

32 Municipal Court Operating Rule 1 Pursuant to section 577.006 RSMo, municipal divisions shall adopt a written policy outlining the requirements and procedures to report disposition information on all intoxication related traffic offenses to the Office of State Courts Administrator’s Office and Missouri State Highway Patrol. To comply with this requirement a copy shall be on file with the Office of the State Courts Administrator’s Office and the Missouri State Highway Patrol and if any revisions are made to this order, they shall also be forwarded to OSCA and MSHP.

33 What does Muni COR 1 cover? Court Administrator Administrative Procedures Reporting Requirements Fines Surety Bonds Warrants Administrative Search Warrants Accounting Procedures Closed Records Record Retention & Destruction Court CostSurcharges

34 Administrative Procedures Case Numbering Violation Bureau Schedule Budget

35 Reporting Requirements Municipality Dept of Revenue Missouri State Highway Patrol Office of the State Courts Administrators Circuit Court en Banc

36 Financials & Accounting Procedures Court CostFinesReceipts Unclaimed Funds SurchargesDepositsCollectionsBonds

37 Warrants Arrest Failure to Appear or Pay Administrative Search Probation Violation

38 Confidential & Closed Records Secure file location  Nolle Prossed  Dismissed  Not Guilty verdicts  SATOP documents

39 Record Retention & DestructionDisposition 31250

40 Marriage Records Parties must provide:  License  Certificate

41 OSCA Help Desk 888-541-4894 We’re here for you!!!

42 Any Questions???


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