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28.06.2013 St Petersburg ATOMEXPO-2013 The IAEA recommendations for training of contractor personnel.

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Presentation on theme: "28.06.2013 St Petersburg ATOMEXPO-2013 The IAEA recommendations for training of contractor personnel."— Presentation transcript:

1 28.06.2013 St Petersburg ATOMEXPO-2013 The IAEA recommendations for training of contractor personnel

2 2 Key personnel Training managers and staff for national nuclear infrastructure in newcomer countries – an important element of establishing nuclear power programmes in newcomer countries Personnel for Nuclear Programme Nuclear Energy Program Implementing Organization (NEPIO) - 50 persons Regulatory body (RB) – 70 persons Operating organization (OO) – 150 persons Total: 270 persons/country – training in Russia

3 3 Milestones Milestone 1: Understanding the commitment (pre-project) Milestone 2: Ready to request bid for the first NPP Milestone 3: Ready to commission and operate the first NPP Elements of Nuclear Infrastructure National Position Legal Framework Regulatory Framework Radiation Protection Financing Human Resource Safeguards Security Emergency Planning Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Waste Environmental Protection Nuclear Safety Sites selection Stakeholder Involvement Electrical Grid Management Industrial Involvement Procurement Nuclear Infrastructure Issues CICET Responsibilities

4 4 IAEA Guidance Publications for Nuclear Infrastructure Development inn Newcomer Countries 2001

5 Training of construction workers and maintenace fitters (IAEA recommendations ) 5 Competencies/ Experience Requirements Educational Requirements Training Requirements Lead Time Required Physical fitness; basic mechanical competence; Good communications competence Secondary/High School Diploma or equivalent Apprentice, journeyman, master level discipline skill level training required (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & controls); certification training for non-discipline craft such as crane and rigging operators, fork lift operators, scaffolding and insulation, etc. Varies (for discipline craft): some national governments require a 3 year apprentice training program prior to initial work at the nuclear plant; others allow OJT provided by the plant owner with initial training times as short as 6 weeks prior to OJT 2. Training of construction workers and fitters

6 USA Approach 6 1. Stages of NPP commissioning )

7 7 Estimates of timeframe and risks for construction of new NPPs (USA) From first concrete to fuel load (months) 2. Training of construction workers and fitters !

8 Number of construction workers and fitters by years for two units NPP 8 Jobs1 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5 yr6 yr7 yr Builders 1085237453415178162520910 Tele-equipment fitters 1933971451178369536 Ventilation equipment installers 35511066412 Construction electricians 28314401700600 Insulation workers 782182228184 TOTAL: 10852609615483575400170046 Example for Novovoronezh NPP-2 (by design documentation) 2. Training of construction workers and fitters

9 ROSATOM Resolution on In-Advance-Start-Up of Integrated Training Centre 9 5 yrs prior to physical start- up

10 Training of fitters Stages of NPP Personnel Training: the case of recepient country Recipient CountryRussia Recipient Country Theoretical training & Simulator based training (CICET, NV -TC) Probation at the reference NPP Training Profiles: Reactor Island Turbine Island Electrical Equipment Shop Automation&Control Shop Water-Chemistry Shop Comissionning /maintanence Probation at the NPP under construction Acceptance of NPP FSS Start-up Completing TC First Criticality University education (EVN-EPU,…) & Russian Language Courses First concrete at the NPP site Key Personnel Training of construction workers Comissioning Work under supervision of Russian specialists Yrs 0 -3 -5 Russian Language Courses & University education (MEPhI, etc) 3.Specificity of newcomer

11 11 Thank You for Your Attention!

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