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The Oak Tree Symbolism in Writing.

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1 The Oak Tree Symbolism in Writing

2 Symbolism in Writing A symbol is the use of a concrete object to represent an abstract idea. The word symbol is derived from the Greek verb “symballein” which means “to put together and the related noun “symbolon” which means “mark”, “taken” or “sign”. The term, symbol, when used in literature is often a figure of speech in which a person, object, or situation represent something in addition to its literal meaning.

3 Symbolism in Writing When determining whether or not an object is a symbol, it is often beneficial to begin by rereading those passages about the object and also by asking several questions about that object. Some questions we could pose about the tree are as follows: What do we know about the tree in general? What kind of tree is it? Does this kind of tree have any certain qualities or lore about it? What is the main purpose of the tree within the plot? What objects have the children found in the tree? Why does Boo put things in the tree?

4 The Oak Tree Oak trees belong to the genus Quercus and are members of the beech tree family. All oak trees are deciduous, which means that they drop their leaves during one season. There are over four hundred varieties of oak trees. Some of the common varieties include ‘white oak’, ‘black oak’, ‘northern red oak’ and ‘chestnut oak’. The wood of the oak tree is very strong and is often used in the manufacturing of furniture.

5 The Oak Tree For centuries oak trees were used in the construction of boats and ships. Oak barrels are used in the distilling of certain wines and liquors, producing a pleasing flavor in the final product. Oaks consume a large amount of water. Mature trees sometimes absorb more than 50 gallons of water each day. Many European nations use the oak tree as a ‘national tree’ as it symbolizes strength and long life.

6 The Oak Tree Oak trees can grow as high as 70 feet and reach widths of over 9 feet. Their branches can span between 85 and 135 feet in breadth! Oak trees produce seeds called ‘acorns’ during fall any time after reaching 20 years and before 50 years of age. They can produce an average of 2,200 acorns yearly after reaching 100 years of age. One oak tree in Windsor is said to be over 800 years old. It was planted during the reign of King John, and has lived through the reign of 35 monarchs!

7 The Oak Tree The oak remains a symbol of spiritual significance. The Bible refers to the oak tree 23 times! The six pence, one of Britain’s oldest coins, has an oak tree engraved on it. Most acorns that fall to the ground do not develop into oak trees as they are very difficult to germinate. In fact, only one out of every 10,000 acorns develops into an oak tree!

8 Oak Trees and Lore Oak trees were considered a gateway between worlds in Celtic mythology. To the druids, oaks were doorways to other realms. Oak trees were believed to be the dwelling places of certain fairies. As Celtic Myth Podshow notes, "In Greek mythology Dryads, faerie-like creatures, lived in Oak trees. Dryads are actually tree nymphs. They are very shy except when around Artemis the goddess who was a friend to most nymphs. Dryads are very long lived and very attached to their homes. The Hamadryad, an advanced form of the species, would die if their tree died."

9 The Doorway The oak tree of our story could be considered a doorway between the Dryad-like Boo Radley and the outside world - Jem and Scout. Also in Celtic mythology, the parasitic plant mistletoe was closely associated with the oak. Today, we associate mistletoe with Christmas, only reinforcing the tree's possible parallelism to a gift tree or Christmas tree.

10 The Doorway Boo continually gives presents to the children through the tree. The first thing Scout finds in the tree is two pieces of Wrigley's Double Mint chewing gum. Later items include two Indian-head pennies in a box, a spool of yarn, a spelling bee medal, a pack of gum, a pocket watch with an aluminum knife, and soap carvings that resemble Scout and Jem. Thus, the tree is not only the means of Scout and Jem's communication with Boo, but it could even symbolize their friendship.

11 Family Tree One symbol of the tree today is in following your family heritage, or genealogy. The Family Tree follows your ancestor family lines through several generations. A family tree may be incomplete (branches missing) for several reasons.

12 Assignment Interview members of your family to create a family tree as far back as you can go. Challenge yourself to go back at least 4 generations. Hint- grandparents are a perfect source for this assignment!

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