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1 Lodge Journey to Excellence Program Lodge Evaluation Tool Lodge and Section Leaders Webinar December 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Lodge Journey to Excellence Program Lodge Evaluation Tool Lodge and Section Leaders Webinar December 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Lodge Journey to Excellence Program Lodge Evaluation Tool Lodge and Section Leaders Webinar December 2011

2 How do you get your JTE questions answered? During tonight’s call and afterward, please direct your questions regarding JTE to 2

3 Differences between Quality Lodge and Journey to Excellence Quality Lodge Focused on processes Fixed performance standards Pass or Fail –Requirement is met –Requirement is not met Minimum requirements Finite ending –“Try again next year.” Journey to Excellence Focused on outcomes Encourages improvement Multiple ways to meet the requirement –Three levels –Increasing in difficulty Establish goals to for improvement Continuous process –“Next year let’s work on A, B, and C.” 3

4 Why the change? The BSA no longer uses Quality Council, Quality District, Quality Unit With the its new strategic plan, the BSA transitioned to the Journey to Excellence A Lodge Journey to Excellence program… 1)Brings us inline with the BSA’s performance measure; 2)Utilizes the current best practices in performance measurement by using a balance scorecard approach; 3)Focused on continuous improvement and outcomes, has the potential to significantly impact our chapters and lodges. 4

5 How does it work? 5

6 The bronze level JTE requirements are similar to the Quality Lodge requirements Each criterion has a bronze, silver and gold requirement There are some mandatory requirements Lodges earn points for each requirement they complete. The sum of the total points earned determines a lodge’s placement on the JTE measurement scale 6

7 JTE categories Finance Membership Program Council Service Leadership and Governance 7

8 Finance 1.Fiscal management: Develop and successfully execute a lodge annual budget. –Bronze: Complete and follow an annual budget approved by the lodge executive committee –Silver: Close the year with a positive operating balance (i.e., operate in the black) –Gold: Close with an operating balance at least as great as your budget projection 8

9 Finance 2.Contribution to council: Contribute cash, materials or both to the council. –Bronze: Contribute an average of $2.00 per lodge member –Silver: Contribute the equivalent of $3.50 per lodge member –Gold: Contribute the equivalent of $5.00 per lodge member 9

10 Membership 3.Membership impact: Experience positive growth in membership over the previous year [REQUIRED] –Bronze: Grow membership by at least 1 –Silver: Grow membership by at least 1% –Gold: Grow membership by at least 3% 10

11 Membership 4.Ordeal Completion: Complete induction of Ordeal candidates [NEW] –Bronze: Complete induction of at least 60% of Ordeal candidates or 5% increase –Silver: Complete induction of at least 75% of Ordeal candidates or 5% increase over 60% –Gold: Complete induction of at least 90% of Ordeal candidates or 5% increase over 75% 11

12 Membership 5.Brotherhood conversion: Convert eligible Ordeal members to Brotherhood [REQUIRED] –Bronze: Convert at least 30% or 5% increase over prior year –Silver: Convert at least 40% or 3% increase over 30% –Gold: Convert at least 50% or 3% increase over 40% 12

13 Membership Brotherhood conversion scenarios A.If a lodge has a 32% conversion rate then it qualifies for bronze level. 13

14 Membership Brotherhood conversion scenarios B.A lodge has an 18% conversion rate in 2010. In 2011 a lodge has a 24% conversion rate and therefore qualifies for bronze level. The lodge showed at least a 5% increase (a 6% increase) from the year before (from 18% to 24%). In order for the same lodge to qualify for bronze next year, the lodge must show another 5% increase to at least 29% (a 5% increase) or a 30% conversion rate. 14

15 Membership Brotherhood conversion scenarios C.If a lodge has a 24% conversion rate in 2010 and a 28% conversion then the lodge does NOT qualify for bronze level. The lodge did not achieve the 30% conversion rate, nor did the lodge show at least a 5% increase from the year before. 15

16 Membership Brotherhood conversion scenarios D.In 2010 a lodge has a 31% conversion rate. In 2011, its conversation rate is 35%. Since the lodge increased the conversion rate by more than 3% (4% in this case) the lodge achieves the silver level points even though it did not reach a 40% conversion rate. In 2012, if the lodge wants to earn the silver level points again, the conversion rate must be at least 38%. 16

17 Membership 6.Membership retention: Improve retention rate of lodge members. [NEW] –Bronze: Achieve 50% or a 4% increase over prior year –Silver: Achieve 60% or a 4% increase over 50% –Gold: Achieve 70% or a 5% increase over 60% 17

18 Membership Membership retention formula [(2011 total lodge membership – 2011 ordeal inductions) * 100] / (2010 total membership) 18

19 Membership Membership retention scenario [(2011 total lodge membership – 2011 ordeal inductions) * 100] / (2010 total membership) 2011 membership = 320 2011 ordeal inductions = 50 2010 membership = 280 [(320 – 50)*100] / 280 = [270 * 100] / 280 = 96.43% (retention percentage) 19

20 Question break Remember, at any time you may submit your JTE questions to 20

21 Program 7.Unit elections: Conduct unit elections in council troops and teams desiring them. –Bronze: Complete elections for at least 90% of requesting units –Silver: Complete elections for at least 95% of requesting units –Gold: Complete elections for 100% of requesting units 21

22 Program 8.Section and national event attendance: Attend section and national events. –Bronze: Set and achieve a lodge attendance goal at scheduled section & national events –Silver: Exceed the lodge attendance goal by 10% –Gold: Exceed the lodge attendance goal by 20% NOTE: The score here is based on a lodge set goal rather than a goal specified by the national committee 22

23 Program 9.Lodge communications: Maintain active communications within the lodge. –Bronze: Have and follow a written lodge communication plan –Silver: Publish a lodge newsletter or update your lodge web site at least quarterly –Gold: Contribute to the Council newsletter or web site 23

24 Program 10.Lodge event participation: Improve lodge membership participation at full lodge events. [NEW] –Bronze: Average at least 10% of lodge membership at all lodge events –Silver: Average at least 20% of lodge membership at all lodge events –Gold: Average at least 30% of lodge membership at all lodge events 24

25 Program 11.Lodge planning: Maintain an active planning process that guides the lodge program and supports the Council Strategic Plan. –Bronze: Have a written annual plan approved by the council scout executive –Silver: Conduct an annual review and update of your plan in conjunction with a review of the council strategic plan –Gold: Have an annual meeting with the council scout executive to review your updated plan 25

26 Program Lodge event participation formulas Lodge event attendance rate = [(Average event attendance)*100] / (Total lodge membership) Average event attendance = (Sum of attendance at all full lodge events) / (Total number of full lodge events) 26

27 Program Lodge event participation scenario Lodge membership: 150 4 full lodge events Event 1 attendance: 55 Event 2 attendance: 45 Event 3 attendance: 65 Event 4 attendance: 35 Sum of event attendance: 200 Step 1: Calculate average event attendance Average event attendance = (Sum of attendance at all full lodge events) / (Total number of full lodge events) Average event attendance = 200 / 4 = 50 27 Step 2: Calculate lodge event attendance rate Lodge event attendance rate = [(Average event attendance)*100] / (Total lodge membership) Lodge event attendance rate = [50 * 100] / 150 = 33.33% On average, 33.33% of your lodge attends your lodge events.

28 Council Service 12.Council service projects: Complete scout executive approved service project(s) on council property and in the community. –Bronze: Complete project(s) equal to at least 2 hours of service per lodge member –Silver: Complete project(s) equal to at least 2.5 hours of service per lodge member –Gold: Complete project(s) equal to at least 3 hours of service per lodge member 28

29 Council Service 13.Council camping support: Conduct camp promotion contacts to council troops and teams –Bronze: Complete contacts to at least 75% of units or 3% increase –Silver: Complete contacts to at least 80% of units or 3% increase over 75% –Gold: Complete contacts to at least 85% of units or 3% increase over 80% NOTE: The scout executive determines what a “contact” is whether that be a letter, phone call, or email. 29

30 Council Service 14.Council program support: Provide OA member staff support for council and district program events. –Bronze: Support 2 council or district events –Silver: Support 3 council or district events –Gold: Support 5 council or district events 30

31 Council Service 15.Council designated support: Complete scout executive designated program support projects –Bronze: Complete one project –Silver: Complete two project –Gold: Complete three projects 31

32 Council Service Possible council designated service options Contributing to the council endowment Creating a Where to Go Camping? Guide Conducting consecutive key-3 meetings Supporting the Cub Scout outdoor program Conducting Cub Scout crossover ceremonies Participating in NLS/NLATS Supporting units via the OA mentoring program Participating in OA high adventure NOTE: These were the optional requirements on the Quality Lodge petition 32

33 Leadership & Governance 16.Lodge and chapter leadership: Conduct at least one LLD during the year with qualified instructors using current material –Bronze: Achieve at least 75% of eligible members trained or 3% increase –Silver: Achieve at least 80% of eligible members trained or 3% over 75% –Gold: Achieve at least 85% of eligible members trained or 3% over 80% Note: The lodge determines who constitutes eligible members and qualified instructors. 33

34 Leadership & Governance 17.Annual report: Submit a written annual report of accomplishments to the council executive board –Bronze: Written report –Silver: Submitted written report submitted and verbal report given to the council executive board –Gold: Verbal report given by the lodge chief to the council executive board 34

35 Question break Remember, at any time you may submit your JTE questions to 35

36 How does it work? A lodge must complete 3 main goals in order to achieve at least bronze level of Journey of Excellence. First, complete minimum number of objectives. –10 bronze level objectives for bronze level –12 bronze level objectives for silver level –15 bronze level objectives for gold 36

37 How does it work? Second, the lodge MUST complete at least the bronze level #3 (positive membership growth) and #5 (brotherhood conversion of 30% or an increase of 5%). –A lodge must complete at least the bronze level for objectives #3 and #5 in order to earn any level. 37

38 How does it work? Third, total your points to obtain minimum score. After completing the desired number of objectives (including bronze level #3 and #5), a lodge needs to accumulate points in order to determine level (only after completing enough objectives). –Bronze level = 800 points –Silver level = 1100 points –Gold level = 1400 points 38

39 How does it work? The most significant part of JTE: Reflection –reflect over the past year’s performance, –identifying their areas for growth, –and set goals for the coming year. 39

40 JTE for chapters and sections Will be posted to JTE portion of website Chapter JTE –Similar to Lodge JTE requirements –Designed to help lodges meet JTE Section JTE –Measures performance of sections 40

41 Question break Remember, at any time you may submit your JTE questions to 41

42 Call for best practices Each lodge / chapter share what they do best Include –Description –Instructions for implementation –Support tools December 15 42

43 Follow up Remember, at any time you may submit your JTE questions to 43

44 Save-the-date 2012 NOAC Webinars Northeast - Tuesday, January 10, 8:00 PM EST Central - Tuesday, January 10, 9:30 PM EST / 8:30 CST Southern - Thursday, January 12, 8:00 PM EST Western - Thursday, January 12, 9:30 PM EST / 6:30 PM Pacific 44

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