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Tender Briefing Session Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications CQO/2013/0005.

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Presentation on theme: "Tender Briefing Session Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications CQO/2013/0005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tender Briefing Session Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications CQO/2013/0005

2 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Agenda 1.Welcome and OpeningMushtaq Wajoodeen 2.Overview of ProjectInger Marrian 3.Submission Requirements and Compliance Mushtaq Wajoodeen 4.Q & A Inger Marrian & Mushtaq Wajoodeen 5ClosureMushtaq Wajoodeen Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

3 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Overview of Project Objectives Background to Project Project Aim Scope of Work Expected Objectives Project Management and Mentoring Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

4 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Background to Project The Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) seeks to appoint a service provider to: 1.Conduct research on Assessment Centres for the Wholesale and Retail sector, 2.Provide a model that would be in line with QCTO requirements Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

5 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Project Purpose The main purpose is to identify a model or various models to be used for the accreditation of skills development providers and the accreditation of independent assessment centres in line with the requirements (including policy and procedure) of the QCTO for the W&RSETA occupational qualifications Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

6 Scope of Work The scope of the project includes but not limited to: 1.Develop a W&RSETA assessment framework for QCTO qualifications 2.Develop a management framework structure for the assessment centres 3.Develop a management and maintenance framework for the assessment system including mitigating against irregularities 4.Develop monitoring and evaluation framework for the assessment centre’s and skills development providers 5.Research into the development of itemized assessment banks 6.Set out an appropriate and internationally benchmarked model for the accreditation of skills development providers and accreditation of independent assessment centre that will be suitable for the W&RSETA occupational qualifications 7.Develop a report that will assist the SETA to improve our learner tracking system

7 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Expected Objectives 1.Development of a model for the accreditation and functioning of assessment centres for the W&RSETA 2.Develop a model for the accreditation of skills development providers and accreditation assessment centres in line with the QCTO Assessment Quality Partner (APQ) delegation function 3.Develop W&RSETA assessment framework which include the necessary policy, procedures and guidelines 4.Develop a management framework for the assessment centres 5.Capacity building with W&RSETA Staff 6.Provide input into the monitoring and evaluation framework for skills development providers and assessment centres 7.Provide information on best practice in the development of itemized assessment banks 8.Develop a costing model for assessment centres 9.Provide information on the possible use of FET Colleges and Higher Education and Training Institutions as assessment centres of the W&RSETA

8 Tender Details Tender Name Research on the establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Tender Reference NumberCQO/2013/0005 Description Research on the establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Closing Date23 August 2013 Closing Time11:00 Submission Details The Executive Manager: SCM W&RSETA Riverside Office Park. Hennops House 1303 Heuwel Avenue Cnr. Lenchen South and Heuwel Avenues Centurion Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

9 Bid detail: Tender NameWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Tender Reference Number RES/WSP/0411/01 DescriptionWSP/ ATR 5 year Impact Study Closing Date04 August 2010 Closing Time11:00 Compulsory Briefing Session 14 July 2010 at 10:00 at the W&RSETA Head Office Submission Requirements and Compliance Information Tender Details Tender Evaluation Process Standard Documentation Evaluation Process and Criteria Preference and Price Points Presentations Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

10 Tender Evaluation Process Phase 1Administration and Critical Criteria Phase 2Technical Evaluation Phase 3Pricing and Preference Points Phase 4Presentation (If applicable) Phase 5Award Phase 6Contracting Phase 7Notification of Award Phase 8Implementation Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

11 Standard Documentation DocumentDescriptionNote SBD 01Invitation to TenderComplete in full SBD 02Tax clearance requirements Only valid original tax clearance certificate acceptable SBD 04Declaration of InterestComplete in full SBD 6.1 Preference point claim form B-BBEE Certificate Complete in full Original or certified valid copy SBD 08 Declaration of bidders past Supply Chain Management Practices Complete in full SBD 09Certificate of Independent Bid DeterminationComplete in full TORTerms of referenceRead ECEvaluation Process and CriteriaRead GCCGeneral Conditions of ContractInitial each page Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

12 Packaging of Tender Documents for Submission The following information must be clearly indicated on the envelope in which the Tender is submitted: The Tender name and number The name of the bidder The contact details of the bidder (including the e-mail address) Original and Copy Clearly Indicate the contents of the Envelope / Document Submitted Compliance documentation (Separate Envelope / Binded Separately) Technical Documentation (Separate Envelope / Binded Separately) Price Documentation (Separate Envelope / Binded Separately) Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications NB: Non compliance to the above may render your bid as non-responsive

13 NumberDocument Description 1Compliance Documents Invitation to tender Valid Original Tax Clearance Certificate Declaration of Interest Preference Point Claim form and BBBEE Certificate Declaration of past SCM practices Certificate of Independent Bid Determination General Conditions of Contract 2Technical Documents Expertise in Research Knowledge and understanding of Assessment Centre’s Knowledge and understanding of QCTO Project Management Methodology and Approach 3Price Documents Schedule A- Scope of work Schedule B- Additional Other Schedule C- Total Cost Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

14 Critical Criteria Bids submitted that do not comply with the following will not be considered for evaluation: Tax Clearance Certificate A valid original tax clearance certificate must be submitted Prescribed / Submission format All bids must be submitted on the official (SBD) forms- not re- typed or hand written Bids must be submitted in the prescribed format with the requested number of copies with the Technical Document separately submitted from the Compliance and Price Document Critical and Submission Requirements Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Note: An original or certified valid copy of the B-BBEE Certificate must be submitted

15 Critical and Submission Requirements Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications CriteriaSubmission Requirement(s) Critical Criteria Weight A)Tax Clearance Certificate/Confirmation of VAT exemption  Original Documentation Y0 B) Submission of bid documentation in the prescribed format  Please refer to Cover page and guidelines of the bid documentation Y0

16 Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Submission Requirements CriteriaSubmission Requirement(s) Critical Criteria Weight C) Experience in research  Proof of research conducted in similar projects  Detailed CV’s and experience of project team  Three letters of recommendations with contactable references N20 D) Knowledge and understanding of assessment Centre's  Proof of previous experience in national and/ or international summative assessment centres including two recommendation letters  Proof of knowledge on the development of itemized assessment banks N25

17 Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Submission Requirements CriteriaSubmission Requirement(s) Critical Criteria Weight E) Knowledge and understanding of QCTO  Write up indicating knowledge on QCTO i.e. only background, establishment of the QCTO and function thereof as well as the delegation policy on functions to AQP’s and DQP’s including the various draft policies of he QCTO 1. Accreditation of skills development providers 2.Certification policy 3. Accreditation of Assessment Centre’s 4. RPL for occupational qualification 5. External integrated summative assessment of occupation qualifications and registration of occupation assessors and moderators N15

18 Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications Submission Requirements CriteriaSubmission Requirement(s) Critical Criteria Weight F) Project Management  Detailed project implementation plan in line with the identified W&RSETA timeframes, all human resources and tools to the project are identified and an organogram of the project is included.  Deliverables are in line with the deliverables in the Terms of Reference N20 G) Methodology and Approach  Detailed methodology and approach in outlined and in line with the deliverables in the terms of reference N20 Technical Evaluation Threshold 75% Total Weighting100

19 Pricing Detailed cost breakdown structure linked to the implementation plan Additional other costs related to the project be listed and included under “additional other” Pricing inclusive of any applicable VAT Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

20 Presentations Should presentations be required: The necessary invitations will be limited to the shortlisted 3 providers Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

21 All bidders will be notified of the outcome of this tender Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

22 All queries must be in writing and directed to: Fax: 086 506 6986 Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

23 THANK YOU ! Research on the Establishment of the Assessment Centres for the W&RSETA QCTO Qualifications

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