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By Irene Li EDFL 624 Professor : Sean McKay. WK4 Content: Pinyin (7 initials), Classroom Expressions, “Introduction”, Culture Spring Festival (Chinese.

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Presentation on theme: "By Irene Li EDFL 624 Professor : Sean McKay. WK4 Content: Pinyin (7 initials), Classroom Expressions, “Introduction”, Culture Spring Festival (Chinese."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Irene Li EDFL 624 Professor : Sean McKay

2 WK4 Content: Pinyin (7 initials), Classroom Expressions, “Introduction”, Culture Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) Date: 03/04/2010 Classroom: Office Student: a middle age lady

3 Lesson introduction Chinese language lesson description: An introduction to modern spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. Beginners’ speaking, listening comprehension and basic principles in grammar along with simple exercises in compositions and reading which include cultural material. Students will write very simple Chinese characters.

4 Classroom A classroom is a room in which teaching or learning activities can take place. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, including public and private schools, corporations, and religious and humanitarian organizations. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space where learning can take place uninterrupted by other distractions.roomteachinglearning Resource from: R

5 Equipment in the classroom Most classrooms have a large writing surface where the instructor or students can share notes with other members of the class. Traditionally, this was in the form of a blackboard but these are becoming less common in well-equipped schools, and are replaced by flipcharts, whiteboards and interactive whiteboards. Many classrooms also have TVs, maps, charts, books, monographs and LCD projectors for presenting information and images from a computer.blackboardwhiteboardsinteractive whiteboardsTVsmapschartsbooks monographsLCD projectors Resource from: R

6 My student Middle age Doctorial level education Learned French before Have been in China for several times Know a few simple words Have never learned Chinese systematically

7 Characteristics Has a strong motivation of learning Chinese language Self-learning capacity is relatively strong However The faculty of memory is not good as young people Not as fast as the young to accept new things

8 Technologies used Power point show: Used throughout the whole class, along with pictures, Chart and Pinyin cards. Video: short video about Chinese Spring Festival Key board play

9 Power point show


11 Video

12 Key board play

13 The reasons for choice Increase student’s understanding. Virtual Sounds Increase student’s interesting Cultural Self-learning

14 Questions Can I choose a variety of technologies for my lesson plan? If not, can I use blog as my choice of technology? In that case, pictures, charts, video and sounds can be integrated into one blog. Can I directly download and use resources from internet, for example, video from

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