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 US and Japan had negotiated several treaties to respect each other territorial possessions.  Japan had ignored the treaties and were threatening US.

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Presentation on theme: " US and Japan had negotiated several treaties to respect each other territorial possessions.  Japan had ignored the treaties and were threatening US."— Presentation transcript:


2  US and Japan had negotiated several treaties to respect each other territorial possessions.  Japan had ignored the treaties and were threatening US island possessions and the Open Door Policy in China.  Invaded China in 1937 and started WWII in Asia.  US had placed an embargo on war goods so that Japan could not purchase them.  Japan signed an alliance with Germany and Italy  The Japanese felt if they attacked the US hard enough, we would back off and let Japan control the Pacific. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.  This would allow Japan to create their Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

3 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941Pearl Harbor, on the Island of O'ahu, Hawaii, (then a territory of the United States) was attacked by the Japanese Imperial Navy, at approximately 8:00 A.M., Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Admiral Isoroku YamamotoThe surprise attack had been conceived by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. 353 Japanese aircraftThe striking force of 353 Japanese aircraft was led by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida. formal declaration of warThere had been no formal declaration of war. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Captain Mitsuo Fuchida

4 In less than 2 hours, the Pacific Fleet lost two battleships, six others were heavily battered and nearly a dozen lesser vessels put out of action. More than 150 planes were wrecked; over 2,300 servicemen were killed and 1,100 wounded. Blame was widespread, both on the Officials in Washington and on the Admiral and the General in Hawaii.

5 Over half the U.S. Pacific fleet was out to sea, including the carriers. 18 Army Aircorps aircraft including bombers and fighters and attack bombers were destroyed or damaged on the ground. A few U.S. fighters struggled into the air against the invaders and gave a good account of themselves. A total of twenty-nine Japanese aircraft were shot down by ground fire and U.S pilots from various military installations on O'ahu.

6 Approximately 100 ships of the U.S. Navy were present that morning, consisting of battleships, destroyers, cruisers and various support ships. USS Arizona (BB39) Battleship USS West Virginia (BB48) Battleship USS California (BB44) Battleship USS Oklahoma (BB37) Battleship USS Nevada (BB36) Battleship USS Pennsylvania (BB38) Battleship USS Tennessee (BB43) Battleship USS Maryland (BB46) Battleship USS Vestal (AR4) Repair ship USS Neosho (AO23) Oiler USS Detroit (CL8) Light cruiser USS Raleigh (CL7) Light cruiser USS Utah (AG16) Target Ship USS Tangier (AV8) Seaplane Tender

7 Infamy7



10 After FDR’s Day of Infamy speech asking for a declaration of war against Japan, Congress approved the declaration…. FDR signed the declaration of war against Japan on Dec. 8, 1941 After FDR’s Day of Infamy speech asking for a declaration of war against Japan, Congress approved the declaration…. FDR signed the declaration of war against Japan on Dec. 8, 1941

11 posters

12  First Sea Fight in which the enemy warships never sighted one another.  Airplanes attacked the warships.  Technically the battle was a draw.  Allowed Americans to gain confidence.  From here on, Pacific battles would be won based on warship and plane strength.

13 map/japan TURNING POINT BATTLES1942 Coral Sea Midway Midway virtually destroyed Japanese Navy. TURNING POINT BATTLES1942 Coral Sea Midway Midway virtually destroyed Japanese Navy. 1943 Continued “island hopping” strategy1943

14  Island Hopping- capturing some Japanese controlled islands and ignoring others in a steady path to Japan.  This was a slow and steady process to get to Japan and end their conquering power.

15  Iwo Jima- March 1945- 36 days of fighting= 23, 000 casualties. Americans won.  Okinawa- April 1945= Most costly operation in the Pacific. Held a vital air base. 50, 000 casualties. ½ million troops and 1,213 warships.  Using these places American troops could bomb Japanese Islands.

16 US Marines on Mt. Surbachi, Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945]

17 A joint Allied Project consisting of Canadian, British and U.S. scientists to build an atomic bomb. Started in 1940….. By July 1945, 3 bombs had been built. 1 bomb = 20,000 tons of TNT One would be set off in New Mexico successfully. A joint Allied Project consisting of Canadian, British and U.S. scientists to build an atomic bomb. Started in 1940….. By July 1945, 3 bombs had been built. 1 bomb = 20,000 tons of TNT One would be set off in New Mexico successfully.

18  70,000 killed immediately  48,000 buildings. destroyed.  100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

19  40,000 killed immediately  60,000 injured.  100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.



22 My fellow Americans, the British, Chinese and United States governments have given the Japanese people adequate warning of what is in store for them. The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. If Japan does not surrender, bombs will have to be dropped on her war industries and unfortunately thousands of civilian lives will be lost.The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. If Japan does not surrender, bombs will have to be dropped on her war industries and unfortunately thousands of civilian lives will be lost. I urge Japanese civilians to leave industrial cities immediately and save themselves. President Harry Truman

23 Japanese A-Bomb Survivors

24 The Beginning of the Atomic Age


26 Jap surrender Japan surrenders on Aug. 14, 1945……Official surrender ceremonies were held on Sept. 2, 1945



29 V-J Day response by Americans in New York City



32  Hitler wanted to control Stalingrad so he could overtake Russia and gain control of the rich oil fields.  Brutal fighting: house to house, block by block, bombing and much rubble.  The Germans were starving, sick and had fostbite.  German troops surrendered on January 31, 1943.  Major turning point of war in Europe. Ended realistic plans of Hitler dominating Europe.

33  British had been fighting Germany and Italy since 1940.  El Alamein (Egypt)- October 1942 British Won  Next month Allied troops landed in Morocco and Algeria and began to move east toward key German positions.  Dwight Eisenhower (Ike)  George S. Patton, Jr.

34  July 1943- British and American troops landed in Sicily  Sept. 3, 1943 Italy surrendered and ended the rule of Mussolini  Hitler made Mussolini leader of puppet state in N. Italy.  Fighting continued until 1945

35 The Allies Liberate Rome: June 5, 1944





40 Normandy Beach Today

41 V-1 ROCKET V-2 ROCKET ME-262 FIGHTER JETATOM BOMB Hitler’s Technology

42 FDR dies in Warm Springs, Georgia on April 12, 1945 Mussolini is executed by his own people on April 28, 1945 Hitler realizing that Berlin was about to fall, married his mistress, Eva Braun and both commit suicide on April 30, 1945.


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