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Handout 11-11 Joining MENSA To qualify for MENSA, you must score in the top 2% of any standard intelligence test Minimum of 132 on Stanford-Binet Minimum.

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Presentation on theme: "Handout 11-11 Joining MENSA To qualify for MENSA, you must score in the top 2% of any standard intelligence test Minimum of 132 on Stanford-Binet Minimum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handout 11-11 Joining MENSA To qualify for MENSA, you must score in the top 2% of any standard intelligence test Minimum of 132 on Stanford-Binet Minimum of 130 on Wechsler Each year about 30,000 people apply for MENSA, only about 1 out of every 25 applicants are admitted

2 1. FRIDAY 2. a. PY The alternate letters starting with S spell “silver anniversar” 3. 254. ANNIVERSARY 5. MENSA 6. B7. B8. B9. TOM10. HOUSE 11. JANE12. 9PM13. B Both grow in the ground 14. A Alternate numbers go up by 2 and down by 1 15. E The only one that is not an artistic work made by humans 16. PARACHUTE 17. 518. C19. LAND20. C The number of lines goes down opposite the stick, and the stick alternates from lower left to top right

3 Scale (Add 5 points if you finished in less than 20 minutes, 3 points if you finished in less than 30 minutes) 25You’re an excellent MENSA candidate 20-24You can almost surely pass the MENSA supervised test 14-19A very good candidate for MENSA 10-13A fair candidate Below 10Everyone has an off day

4 Questions 1) What are some skills that might be more important in determining success in life than a score on an IQ test? 2) Do you feel that IQ tests in general do a good job in measuring actual intelligence? Explain.

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