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Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College November 30, 2011 Critical Design Review RockSat- C.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College November 30, 2011 Critical Design Review RockSat- C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College November 30, 2011 Critical Design Review RockSat- C

2 Mission Overview Design Description Prototyping/Analysis Manufacturing Plan Testing Plan Outline of Presentation Risks User Guide and Compliance Project Management Plan

3 Mission Overview Erin Wilson

4 Mission Overview Goal Statement: Our goal is to design and implement various generators to passively collect energy for possible use for space based instrumentation. We expect to harvest energy from the flight of the rocket, solar, magnetic and other various sources.

5 Mission Overview Mission Requirements: For each transducer, voltage across a known resistor will be measured and data will be stored. ○ Some transducers may require amplification of voltage. The power used by COTS sensing package will be measured and stored. Measurable data from the COTS sensing package will be saved.

6 Mission Overview Discovery & Benefit: Expect to transduce available energy to electrical energy and possibly provide significant energy to supply space based instrumentations. Results may lower cost and power requirements for space science by reducing the weight of electrical system.

7 Mission Overview Organizational Chart

8 Mission Overview Concepts of Operations

9 Expected Results Transducers: Aubade- less than 5 volts Grow Hot- 5 volts maximum Crusher- 5 volts maximum Diving Board- 5 volts maximum Elvis- 0-20 millivolts Bristol- 0-5 volts Jerk- 0-5 volts EM Pendulum- 0-5 volts Electrical System: Collect voltage from transducers Save data to SD-card COTS Sensing Package (Purchased): Collect physical data throughout the flight of the rocket Save information to SD card

10 Design Description Mechanical Michael Brown

11 Mechanical Design De-Scopes & Off Ramps Most transducers are to be completed as designed. Diving Board may off ramp from a piezoelectric cantilever beam to an aluminum beam with externally mounted piezo actuator, based on budget constraints. Full scale rocket has been de-scoped to a kit as opposed to a custom build. May implement a fractal design coil to harvest the earth’s electromagnetic field.

12 Mechanical Design Dimensions of Diving Board Neodymium Block: 1/4” x 1/4” x 1/2” Cristal Quartz Cantilever: 1” x 3” x 1/4”, 1/2” x 3/4” (notch removed) 6061 Aluminum Base: 1/2” x 1” x 1” base; 1/4” x 1” x 1” cap 30 Gauge Magnet Wire Coil: 1/4” x 5/8” diameter

13 Mechanical Design Dimensions of EM Pendulum Bowl ○ Height: 1 1/4”, Top: 2 1/2”, Bottom: 0.500” Magnet ○ Height: 0.88”, OD: 0.39” Ball Joint ○ Plate: 0.40”, 30 Gauge Magnet Wire Coil: 1/16” around bowl

14 Mechanical Design Dimensions of Bristol Neodymium Sphere: 1/2” 6 Layers of 30 Gauge Magnet Wire: 1/16” 6061 Aluminum Torus ○ Outer Diameter: 3” ○ Inner Diameter: 2 1/8” ○ Mounting Fixtures with 0.116” hole: 1/4” x 1/4” x 3/4"

15 Mechanical Design Dimensions of Jerk 1” Outer Diameter x 3/4” Inner Diameter Height: 4.5” 30 Gauge Magnet Wire Coil: 2” length and 6 layers (at 1/16”)

16 Mechanical Design Dimensions of Elvis Lavalier Microphone 11.9 mm x 5.3 mm x 2.8 mm Dimensions of Aubade Photovoltaic Panel: 2.9” x 3” Dimensions of Crusher Piezoelectric Block: 1” x 1” x 1 1/2"

17 Mechanical Design Overview- Physical Model

18 Design in Canister Right ViewLeft ViewFront View

19 Plates Bottom Plate

20 Plates Middle Plate Arduino’s Not Visible

21 Design Description Electrical Dylan Stobbe

22 Electrical Design De-Scopes No de-scopes have occurred to date or are currently planned. Off Ramps Change COTS sensing system if availability becomes an issue. Use alternative data logging system if OpenLog to Arduino interfacing becomes impossible.

23 Subsystem Overview- Block Diagram

24 Schematics for PCB’s

25 Electrical Design Major Functions Transducers supply voltage during flight profile. Op Amps amplify voltage. Rectifiers convert AC to DC. Low pass filters remove high frequency noise. Resistors allow calculation of power and current. Arduinos measure scaled voltage. COTS sensing package provides information on voltage used to allow comparison of transducer effectiveness. Open-logs store information from Arduinos and COTS sensing package.

26 System Level Software Flow Chart

27 Electrical Design Pseudo Code Int inputVoltage = 0; //declare variables Void setup() { Serial.begin(300); } void loop() { //read voltages int voltage=analogRead(inputVoltage); //display voltages in serial monitor Serial.print(inputVoltage); }

28 Design Description Test/Software John Benfield

29 Test Design De-Scopes & Off Ramps No de-scopes to date. Off Ramps: ○ Include using a component rocket only if problems arise with the full-scale rocket. ○ Using a vibration analysis demonstrator for shake table analog. Changes Since PDR Will purchase a kit rather than building a full-scale rocket.

30 Prototyping & Analysis Nathan Keller

31 Prototyping & Analysis Arduino Prototyping Tested Arduino at multiple baud rates with multiple sources of voltage. ○ Measured Arduino’s own 5v and 3.3v outputs as well as an external 4.8v NiMH battery. ○ Arduino returned accurate values for each trial.

32 Prototyping & Analysis Key Results Accurately read DC voltage from various sources. Data procured at acceptable baud rates demonstrated that the Arduino Mega is an acceptable microcontroller.

33 Prototyping & Analysis Prototypes Completed to Date 4 inch diameter scale rocket 42 inch length

34 Test Completed to Date Grow-Hot produced voltage. Aubade produced voltage. Elvis produced voltage. Jerk produced voltage.

35 Testing Completed to Date Key Results Elvis ○ Produced 0-200 milivolts maximum. Aubade ○ A single solar cell will produce 0-500 milivolts maximum. Jerk ○ Produced 0-3.6 volts maximum. Grow-Hot ○ Produced 0-150 milivolts maximum.

36 Prototypes Completed to Date Jerk Aubade Grow Hot Elvis

37 Prototyping Completed to Date Key Results Jerk ○ Completed a nominal design. Bench tested and produced reasonable voltage. Grow Hot ○ Acquired prototype TEC and determined test methodology with results obtained. Aubade ○ Acquired multiple solar cells, determined test methodology with results obtained. Elvis ○ Acquired multiple microphones and tested over a wide range of input frequencies and amplitudes.

38 Prototyping & Analysis PEGASIS Mass Budget SubsystemTotal Mass (lb) BSTL.26 (by hand) EMPD.08 DVBD.18 (by hand) JERK.35 CRSH.11 ABDE.02 ELVS.01 Total1.01 Over/Under (including electrical & hardware) 0.78

39 Prototyping & Analysis Detailed Power Budget SubsystemQuantityVoltage (V)Current (A)Time in Use (min) Amp- Hours ARD250.2200.133 BB13.30.03200.010 OL23.30.006200.004 OpA160.0015200.008 Total:0.155 Amp- Hours

40 Manufacturing Plan Mechanical Gary Staggers

41 Mechanical Manufacturing Plan Need to be manufactured: Makrolon Plates Bowl base of EM Pendulum Housing of Bristol Mounting the base of Diving Board Test canister in plastic

42 Mechanical Manufacturing Plan Still need to be procured: Neodymium magnets for Diving Board and Bristol Piezoelectric cantilever beam 4-40 bolts Photovoltaic panel Microphone (Elvis) Angle brackets

43 Mechanical Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan 1/9: Flights Awarded 1/20: Jerk, Aubade, Grow Hot, Crusher, Elvis procured 1/25: Parts received, ready to assemble EM Pendulum, Bristol and Diving Board 1/30: Online progress report 3 due 2/10: Remaining transducers completed 2/11: Shake table/ spin tests 2/12: Test data analysis 2/13: Individual subsystem test due

44 Manufacturing Plan Electrical Dylan Stobbe

45 Electrical Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan 1/9: Flights Awarded 1/25: Interface Arduinos to OpenLogs; procure remaining electrical system components 1/30: Progress Report Due 2/10: Remaining electrical components completed 2/11: Shake table/ spin tests 2/12: Test data analysis 2/13: Individual subsystem test due

46 Manufacturing Plan Software Dylan Stobbe

47 Software Manufacturing Plan Discrete Blocks of Code Arduino to OpenLog interface code. Explore voltage measuring further. ○ Simultaneous voltage measurements from each transducer COTS sensing package to slave Arduino interfacing code. Countdown timer program to run in background.

48 Software Manufacturing Plan Code co-dependencies: ○ The DataLogging blocks of code will be the backbone of the experiments success, special attention must be paid to this part of the software. Create beta version of payload software by mid February to allow time for reiterations and testing of mechanical components.

49 Testing Plan System Level Derek Spencer

50 Testing Plan Verify payload can withstand high G forces and strong vibrational forces. Hardware mounts, electrical connectors, circuit boards and transducer prototypes will need to remain functional after testing. Test will include a mock-up payload (containing legacy equipment) in conjunction with a full-scale rocket measuring 10” in diameter and 98” long and incorporating a Cesaroni J1520 motor to provide valuable insight into survivability of components during flight. Mock-up payloads will be tested on custom-built shake tables (high & low frequency).

51 Test Rocket

52 Testing Plan Mechanical Level Derek Spencer

53 Mechanical Testing Plan Tests will be conducted for structural integrity. Individual components will be tested on a small-scale rocket and shake tables. Measurements of G forces and vibrational forces will be taken to decide if the components retain their functionality and structure during flight simulation.

54 Testing Plan Electrical Level Derek Spencer

55 Electrical Testing Plan Tests to include: ○ Magnetic interference ○ How to shield from interference ○ Shrink wrap and tie durability when under stress and increased heat ○ Current flow ○ Connections between transducers/sensors and Arduinos ○ Individual components tested on a small-scale rocket & shake tables

56 Testing Plan Software Level Derek Spencer

57 Software Testing Plan Testing and debugging will be conducted by the electrical team in conjunction with electrical systems test. Testing of software components will be conducted on a scale rocket flight, shake table, and bench top testing. Software tests will be incorporated into some of the mechanical tests to determine compatibility.

58 Risks Bradley Hager

59 Risks Since PDR RareUnlikelyPossibleLikely CriticalBCF.RSK GSM.RSK CatastrophicRTC.RSK MSD.RSK  RTC.RSK: Rocket CATO  MSD.RSK: MicroSD card fixturing ineffective  BCF.RSK: Battery cell fails(internal delamination, overcurrent shorts battery, etc…)  GSM.RSK: G-force issues on surface mount electronics Mitigation  Rocket CATO is out of our control  Shake Table Testing of fixturing for MircoSD Card  Proper testing and ensuring that wiring is properly grounded  Shake table testing of surface mount electronics

60 New Risks RareUnlikelyPossibleLikely MarginalARF.RSK Critical CatastrophicRTC.Risk  RTC.Risk: Rocket CATO  ARF.RSK: Anomalies in rocket flight  UPE.RSK: Unforeseen programming errors Mitigation  No mitigation available  Debug and test Arduinos for program  Bench test and testing on full scale rocket will reveal programming errors

61 User Guide Compliance Beau Brinkley

62 User Guide Compliance The mass of the payload, including canister, is 9.218 lbs. The center of mass of our canister is within the 1”x1”x1” envelope requirement, verified using Autodesk Inventor. The payload will be powered by a 7.2 volt NiMH battery. Design of payload will utilize a 1.SYS.1 activation.

63 Sharing Logistics PEGASIS will be partnering with the New Jersey Space Grant. They plan to collect and analyze data for future space research through various experiments. Planned communication will take place via teleconferences, Google Chat & Google Docs along with Vyew. Pegasis will leave the top plate clear for the New Jersey Space Grant Team. Allowing for variable capability to move CG and adapt in z & theta without constraining our partner. Scheduled teleconference with New Jersey Space Grant December 5th

64 Project Management Plan Beau Brinkley

65 Management Budget Overview

66 Management Milestone Schedule

67 Management Work Package Schedule

68 Management Task Schedule

69 Management Work Breakdown Structure Project Phase 1 Timeline 8/15/2011 – 1/9/2012 Project Phase 1 Deliverables Conceptual Design Review Preliminary Design Review Critical Design Review

70 Conclusion Plan of Action Order any parts that still need to be procured to complete prototypes. Finish all prototypes. Fly scale rocket and record data from flight. Objects to Finished Before Winter Break Prototype. Save test data to open logs.

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