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Big Data Justin Sosebee Raif Treadwell Nadir Usmani Tommy Nguyen.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data Justin Sosebee Raif Treadwell Nadir Usmani Tommy Nguyen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data Justin Sosebee Raif Treadwell Nadir Usmani Tommy Nguyen

2 Agenda of Presentation I.What is Big Data? II.History of Big Data III.Fundamentals of Big Data IV.Decision-Making Using Big Data V.Infographic VI.Examples VII.Video VIII.Conclusion/Summary IX.Interactive Component

3 What is Big Data? “Big Data” is extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.

4 1880 -U.S. Census is formed. 1881 -The birth of the Hollerith tabulating machine or “punch cards”. 1932 -United States begin giving social security numbers to help organize record keeping. 1966 -Centralized computing system was implemented into business to help with inventory system. 1970 -A hierarchy file system allows records to be accessed using a simple index system. History

5 History (Cont.) 1985 -First known data warehouse for business data analysis from IBM. 1992 -Windows creates the first simple database report making it affordable to everyone. 1995 -Microsoft Excel was introduced. 1997 -Google launch their search engine.

6 Fundamentals What is big data used for? What are analytics? What should we interpret from this?

7 Decision-Making How will using big data improve business practices? Companies obtain competitive advantages by using data- driven decisions to gain a desired business outcome.

8 Utilization What industries rely heavily on big data? Where is big data most used? The least? According to 2014 IBM Center for Applied Insights nsights/dashboard14/#pillar=analytics&data=adoption&so rtedSeries=3

9 Infographic This infographic shows the leading industries using Big Data strategies to conduct business in the bar chart in the top right-hand corner. The milestones achieved have been generalized for displaying presentation-purposes, which include the formation of the U.S census, the establishment of IBM warehouse (used for data analysis) and the, current, progress on the success of analyzed data. On the bottom, the three V’s of Big Data are displayed (Velocity, Volume, and Variety).

10 Benefits of Big Data Reduces organization’s errors Reduces organization’s risks Reduces organization’s costs

11 Examples of Big Data Users ●Amazon ●Google ●Walmart ●Sears ●Delta

12 Aspects ●Analyzes large amounts of unstructured data ●Examines company history for different purposes ●Data can be pulled from multiple sources


14 Management Concepts ● Data Lake ● Data Governance ● Meta-Data ● System Security

15 Google's Data Warehouse

16 Amazon Web Services

17 Conclusion/Summary The use of data to form well-calculated predictions and analyses have skyrocketed over the past decade. Also, the use of data to form predictions is a successful trend that businesses are using to effectively conduct business to achieve desired business outcomes. Retailers could potentially increase their profit margins by more than 60% through the use of big data analytics.

18 Brynjolfsson, E. and McAfee, A. (2012) “Big Data: The Management Revolution,” Harvard Business Review 90(10), pp. 60-68. Jackson, Joab. Data Mining: “Oracle brings big data back to database administrators”. April 7, 2015 How Big Data Analytics Will Affect Your Company Culture - AMA Playbook (AMA Playbook How Big Data Analytics Will Affect Your Company Culture Comments) What is big data analytics? - Definition from (SearchBusinessAnalytics) Mayer-Scho ̈ nberger, Viktor, and Kenneth Cukier. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. Print. Goes, Paulo B. "Big Data And IS Research." MIS Quarterly 38.3 (2014): iii-viii. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. Berinato, Scott. "With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility." Harvard Business Review 92.11 (2014): 100-104. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. Ying, Liu. "Big Data And Predictive Business Analytics." Journal Of Business Forecasting 33.4 (2014): 40-42. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. George, Gerard, Martine R. Haas, and Alex Pentland. "BIG DATA AND MANAGEMENT." Academy of Management Journal Apr. 2014: 321+. Business Source Complete. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. Sources

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