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LOGO Unit 3 Under the sea Warming up & Reading. Today, we’re going to take a look at the world under the sea. So, are you ready?

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Unit 3 Under the sea Warming up & Reading. Today, we’re going to take a look at the world under the sea. So, are you ready?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Unit 3 Under the sea Warming up & Reading

2 Today, we’re going to take a look at the world under the sea. So, are you ready?

3 Now, we are on a snorkeling trip under the sea. We’ll come across a great variety of marine animals. Come on!

4 Dolphins 海豚 What are they?

5 Look. It’s coming towards us. Turtle 海龟

6 Sea horse 海马 What’s this?

7 Squid 鱿鱼

8 Sea star 海星 This looks beautiful!

9 Jellyfish 水母

10 Coral 珊瑚

11 Angel fish 天使鱼 Different kinds of little fish

12 Anemone fish 海葵鱼

13 Clown fish

14 A shark is coming. Look out! It’s dangerous.

15 He noticed us. We’d better leave him alone before it’s too late. Bye, Mr Shark!

16 We are safe now. And I caught a sea star near the shore.

17 If you like, where can you go to see more about the ocean life? on a boat trip in books, on the Internet, in the Ocean Park, on TV etc. at an aquarium

18 What’s happening in the pictures? A Killer Whale

19 Killer whales ( 虎鲸 ) belong to toothed whales, who are the largest of the dolphins and king of the sea, biggest carnivore( 食肉动 物 ) of the sea, killing all kinds of animals in the sea, even the huge blue whale, like tigers on land, working in a team.

20 Average lifespan: 50 to 80 years Size: 7 to 9.7 m Weight: up to 6 tons

21 Killer whales

22 Killer whales are attacking a baleen whale with whalers waiting by in their boat,harpoon at the ready. What is happening in the picture ? baleen whale Read the introduction of the passage on page 19 and then fill in the chart below. killer whale whalers, people who hunt whales

23 Writer Career Style Time Place Main idea Clancy A whaler Anecdotes At the beginning of the 20 th century Southeastern coast of Australia The killer whales helped the whalers kill baleen whales Brief introduction of the passage

24 Individual Work Skimming

25 1. The first story is mainly about ____. A . Clancy began to work at a whaling station B . the killer whales helped the whalers to catch a baleen whale C . the killer whales hunted in a team and killed a baleen whale D . Old Tom showed whalers the way to a baleen whale 2. The second story was told to _____. A. show killer whales were cruel hunters B. entertain readers C. show killer whales could protect and save people in danger D. show killer whales never harmed or attacked people.

26 Fill in the blanks with the names mentioned in the text. 1. ________was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station. 2._________orderd Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _________was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way. 4._______told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. 5._________was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers. 6. _____knew that Old Tom would protect James.Clancy George Old Tom Jack James Red

27 Pair Work Scanning for detailed information

28 Read these two anecdotes carefully and find out some verbs or verb phrases to do the blank - filling worksheet.

29 Anecdote one :

30 Before the hunt The killers' action : Threw itself out of the water and then crashed down again. Swam by the boat , showing the whalers the way. Circled back to the boat, leading the whalers to the hunt. The whalers' reaction : A whaler yelled out. George ran ahead of Clancy.Clancy raced after him.They jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.

31 During and after the hunt The killers' action : A pack of killers are throwing themselves on top of the whale's blow-hole to stop it breathing ; some others are stopping it fleeing out to sea.The killers started racing between the whalers' boat and the whale , just like a pack of excited dogs. Within a moment or two , the whale's body was dragged down into the depths of the sea. The whalers' reaction : The man in the bow of the boat aimed a harpoon at the whale and let it go to hit the spot. Started turning the boat around to go home.

32 ( ) Using a telescope we could see that something was happening. ( ) The killers started racing between our boat and the whale. ( ) Clancy arrived at the station. ( ) The men started turning the boat around to go home. ( ) Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay. ( ) The whale yelled out. ( ) We jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. ( ) The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale. Put the following sentences into correct order. Answer: 5 6 1 8 2 3 4 7

33 Anecdote two : The dangers facing James : (1)James was washed off the boat and was carried away by rough waves, who was terrified of being abandoned by us. (3)There was a shark out there. The help offered by Old Tom : (1)Old Tom wouldn't let the shark near. (2)Old Tom firmly held James up in the water.

34 Work in pairs Consolidation

35 Retell the passage with the help of the worksheet.  Please retell either of the two anecdotes in the name of Old Tom , the baleen whale or James.Your anecdote should at least consist of two paragraphs : Paragraph one : about the writer , time , place and what happened Paragraph two : detailed information about the anecdote

36 AccidentJames was ___________ the boat Situation1. The sea was ______ that day and it was ________to handle the boat. The ______ were carrying James further and further away. 2. Suddenly there was ________ over there. FeelingHe was_________of being abandoned by us. Help1.Old Tom won’t let it _______James. 2.James was firmly ________in the water by Old Tom ResultJames was __________ into the boat. washed off rough difficult waves a shark terrified near held up pulled back

37 Work in groups Discussion

38 Discussion 1: 1 . Why has the killer whale got the name Old Tom? 2 . Do you like killer whales ? Why or why not?

39 The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. Whales are now an endangered species and protected by an international ban, but some countries oppose the ban. In groups discuss the reasons for and against banning whaling. Discussion 2:

40 ★ Environment protection is imperative under the situation. ★ Think globally, act locally. ★ Make a contribution to our blue planet. My opinion:

41 Homework 1. Writing: What can we do for our blue planet? do for our blue planet? 2. Finish off exercises on 22 and 63

42 LOGO Thank You!

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