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The British Isles consist of two big islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and a lot of small ones. One of the biggest ones is Great Britain. It is divided.

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Presentation on theme: "The British Isles consist of two big islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and a lot of small ones. One of the biggest ones is Great Britain. It is divided."— Presentation transcript:


2 The British Isles consist of two big islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and a lot of small ones. One of the biggest ones is Great Britain. It is divided into three parts: England, Wales and Scotland. The second Island consists of Northern Ireland and Independent Irish Republic. Four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

3 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland

4 Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales

5 London and Oxford are situated on the Thames

6 The Severn, the Thames are the longest rivers in Great Britain

7 The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England

8 Lake Windermere is one of the biggest lakes in the Lake District

9 Loch Ness is situated in Scotland. It is famous for its monster

10 La Manche is a French word; it means “a sleeve”

11 Sherwood is one of the famous forests in the World

12 The climate of Great Britain is changeable and rather soft

13 This country is famous for its fogs


15 The red cross of Saint George on a white background

16 The white diagonal cross of Saint Andrew on a blue background

17 The red diagonal cross of Saint Patrick on a white ground

18 The Red Dragon is on the white-green ground

19 The British people call this flag – the “Union Jack”

20 The national emblem of England is the Red Rose

21 The national emblem of Scotland is the Thistle

22 The national emblem of Wales is the Daffodil

23 The national emblem of Northern Ireland is the Shamrock.

24 The political system of Great Britain is a Parliamentary Monarchy. The Parliamentary Monarchy means that there is a queen and a parliament in the country. The British Queen Elisabeth II

25 The Prime – Minister is the head of the Parliament. The Residence of the Prime – Minister is Downing street, 10. David Cameron is the Prime-Minister of Great Britain

26 The former English Prime-Minister Gordon Brown is in his Residence.

27 The British government sits and works in the Houses of Parliament

28 London is the capital of England, Great Britain and the UK

29 Cardiff is the capital of Wales

30 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland

31 Belfast is the capital of the Northern Ireland

32 Oxford and Cambridge are famous for its universities









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43 April’s Day is a day for fun and humour

44 The 26 th of December is called Boxing Day. The priest in church opens boxes with money and presents and gives to the poor people.

45 May Spring Festival is celebrated on the 1 st of May. Girls put on their best summer dresses and belts around their waists.

46 Guy Fawkes Day is one of the most popular festivals in Britain. It is celebrated on the 5 th of November. British people burn a dummy, made of a straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks.

47 The English have afternoon tea at about 5 o’clock. Sometimes it is called “high tea”. “High tea” can hardly be called a meal. They usually have a cake or biscuits, cheese or salad and a cup of tea. The English are fond of tea. They usually have several cups of tea a day.

48 Most English love gardens. Growing roses is one of the most popular hobbies among Englishmen. They usually prefer a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating.

49 These men are Life Guards. Life Guards wear red uniforms, shining helmets, long black boots and long white gloves. They guard the Queen of Great Britain and very important guests of the country.

50 Some of us think life is a game, but the English think cricket is a game.

51 The English Queen with her husband

52 The Princess Diana She is the symbol of Britain. She was the “Icon of style”, many women wanted to be like her.

53 Winston Churchill was the Prime- Minister during the most dangerous period in the history of Great Britain.

54 William Shakespeare. A famous English writer, dramatist and poet. He created such great plays as “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “King Lear”, “As you like it”, “Twelfth Night”, “Henry IV”, “Richard III” and many others. He created the world-famous theatre “Globe”.

55 England gave many famous scientists to the world. Isaac Newton is one of them. Newton made his three discoveries – the discovery of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation.

56 Charles Darwin - a famous English naturalist. He created “The Theory of Evolution”.

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