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Redundancy Support Salford New Directions 3/3/14 Today’s Speaker is Trish Ingham Redundancy Co-ordinator Manchester, Salford, Trafford Cheshire East, West.

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Presentation on theme: "Redundancy Support Salford New Directions 3/3/14 Today’s Speaker is Trish Ingham Redundancy Co-ordinator Manchester, Salford, Trafford Cheshire East, West."— Presentation transcript:

1 Redundancy Support Salford New Directions 3/3/14 Today’s Speaker is Trish Ingham Redundancy Co-ordinator Manchester, Salford, Trafford Cheshire East, West & Warrington Jobcentre Plus February 2014 Version 1

2 2 Department for Work & Pensions Introduction Who are we? Jobcentre Plus is part of Department for Work & Pensions. Our aims are to Help people into paid work Provide help, support and benefits for those who cannot work Help employers to fill their vacancies We support redundancies in Partnership with a range of organisations including; ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service Skills Funding Agency National Careers Service Blue Orchid Debt Advice Network & Money Advice Service HM Revenue and Customs

3 3 Department for Work & Pensions When and Why should I make a claim to benefit? Why? Current weekly rate of JSA is £56.80 (aged 16-24) £71.70 (aged 25+) National Insurance Contributions credited (value £13.55 per week) Tax & NI HMRC webinar – Mortgage – Credit Card – Loan Protection (see insurance claim documents) Mortgage Interest Payments (13 week qualifying period) Checkable Work History When? We cannot take your claim in advance, so make your claim on the next available day after you finish work Voluntary Redundancy? Eligible to make a claim Entitlement? Use Benefits Adviser “ENTITLED TO” link on

4 4 Department for Work & Pensions Types of Jobseekers Allowance Contribution Based Qualify if sufficient National Insurance paid in last 2 tax years Disregards redundancy pay, wages in lieu, partners income Reduced by earnings which exceed £5 per week or occupational / personal pension of more than £50 per week Payable for 6 months Income Based Paid to claimants with insufficient National Insurance Contributions Takes ALL household income and savings into account Paid if partner works less than 24 hours Savings over £6,000 will reduce rate of JSA and £16,000+ won’t qualify Passport to other means tested benefits (Rent, prescriptions etc) No end date

5 5 Department for Work & Pensions Universal Credit Universal Credit is a new means-tested benefit which is being phased in gradually between 2013 – 2017 and will replace 6 benefits with one monthly payment. This is designed to be paid per HOUSEHOLD in the future. Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Income Support Working Tax Credit Child Tax Credit Housing Benefit Universal Credit will help you to start a new job or work more hours and be better off in work

6 6 Department for Work & Pensions Benefits Adviser “ENTITLED TO” Make an on-line claim to Jobseekers Allowance via Receive an appointment to attend your local Jobcentre Agree terms & conditions of Jobseekers Agreement Visit Jobcentre fortnightly and receive support to get back into work Making a claim to benefit

7 7 Department for Work & Pensions Conditions of Entitlement to Jobseekers Allowance Jobseekers Agreement (JSA) Claimant Commitment (UC) Actively seek employment & be available for work. OCCUPATION SALARY 90 minute JOURNEY Permitted Period – Up to 13 weeks Be FLEXIBLE Working Tax Credits – Supplements low income for employed people aged 16+ who work at least 16 – 24 hours per week or aged 25+ who work at least 30 hours per week. Use the Tax Credit Calculator on website Take action on tasks that our Advisers set Give yourself the best prospect of securing work

8 8 Department for Work & Pensions Looking for a Job 10,000 jobs advertised DAILY on Universal Jobmatch‎ Easy to use & free registration Govt. gateway account & Email address Create Profile - Up to 8 Skills & 5 CV’s Employers can find YOU! Build CV Record Job search UK & Worldwide vacancies Local Jobsfairs Jobseeker Direct 0845 6060 234 Recruitment Agencies

9 9 Department for Work & Pensions Preparing for the Job Market The National Careers Service is an on-line integrated Adult Career Service Skills Health Check - Help to identify jobs which suit you CV Builder – Create a CV in bite size chunks and gain advice on application form completion, covering letters and interview techniques Courses, Learning and Funding Book a face to face Career Assessment / Skills review by calling 0800 100 900 Additional Services from Day One of claiming JSA Work Trials – Risk Free Trial – Something new Work Clubs – Local – Access to computers Specialist Advisers – Disability? Lone Parent? Army? Access to Work * Childcare Cost* Career Transition Partnership

10 10 Department for Work & Pensions Training Options and RAPID RESPONSE SERVICE (RRS) funded training Identify training needs and source funding Apply for RRS funded training if necessary Interview with National Careers Service (NCS) Adviser Call NCS on 0800 100 900 Career Change / Long term training? Students studying 16+ hours per week Not JSA eligible - Student Grant TEL: 0800 389 2500 Short Job Focused Training? Govt. funded providers / colleges OR Rapid Response Funded for workers facing redundancy or made redundant 13 weeks pre / post redundancy 2 weeks duration Linked to existing skills / experience Linked to current job market Can support Business Start up

11 11 Department for Work & Pensions Other Options…. Franchising Investment in existing business model Advice and support from... Franchising Works 0161 408 1313 Business Start Up New Enterprise Allowance £65 per week £33 per week Advice and support from... Blue Orchid 0161 341 0245 Voluntary Work New skills and increased job prospects No limit on hours for JSA claimants Visit website or

12 12 Department for Work & Pensions Financial Support Money Advice Service Know your redundancy rights Redundancy Pay What to do about your pension Planning ahead Budget Builder THE REDUNDANCY HANDBOOK TEL: 0300 500 5000 Debt Advice Network Registered Charity Face to Face service Negotiate with Creditors TEL: 0300 011 2340 The following organisations can help you to deal with a change in your financial circumstances.

13 13 Department for Work & Pensions Services Available at Today’s Event Blue Orchid Business Start up and NEA Franchising Works Franchising & Business Mentors National Careers Service CV’s, Interview techniques, Careers Assessment & Funded Training including Rapid Response Money Advice Service Budgeting and help with debts HR Services Voluntary options (VER/VS figures and enquiries) SEARCH (Salford Employment and Recruitment City Hub) Help with local job search Salford 4 Good Salford Volunteering Opportunities Welfare Rights and Advice Benefits Entitlement Advice Salford City College Flexible full & part time courses The University of Salford Undergraduate & Post Graduate courses Fostering & Adoption Fostering as a Career Unions Unison, Unite, GMB

14 14 Department for Work & Pensions THANK YOU FOR LISTENING ANY QUESTIONS ??????????????

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