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Pop Art Mrs. Hillman 3-D Art

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1 Pop Art Mrs. Hillman 3-D Art
Robert Indiana (born Robert Clark, American, 1928-), Love, 1966, oil on canvas Andy Warhol 1981 Dollar Sign acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen In this Pop Art Unit, you will: + Create a group online poster (glog) about a pop artist. + Design your own relief sculpture using an idea from popular culture.

2 What is a “glog?” Glog = a computer-generated poster.
You can link videos, sound clips and images from the Internet into your poster for others to see. You can choose from colors, shapes, and themes that are already designed for you. Glogs are great tools for learning and sharing information with others. Remember to cite your resources!

3 Glog Rubric: 10 8 5 3 1 20 EXELLENT GOOD SATISFACTORY
Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you completed the criterion. EXELLENT GOOD SATISFACTORY NEEDS IMPROVEMENT POOR Composition & Design: Is your poster clear and easy to read? 10 Easy to read and the theme is well-thought out. Objects are slightly overlapped to show unity and movement. 8 Colors and shapes work well together, and the composition is well balanced (not too much attention on one area). 5 Easy to read, some objects are too spaced-out, there is a lack of unity overall. 3 Some disorganization, spelling errors, a few areas are difficult to read. 1 The poster is very unorganized & difficult to read. Needs editing. Artist Information: Have you included interesting facts and information about your artist & their contribution to art? At least 5 Pop Art facts about your chosen artist are included. 4 Pop Art facts about your artist are included. 3 Pop Art facts about your artist are included. Only 2 Pop Art facts about your artist are included. Information is accurate and does not tell how the artist affected the Pop Art Movement. Artwork Examples: Have you included examples of artwork by your chosen artist? At least 5 examples of artwork by your chosen artist are included. 4 examples of artwork by your artist are included. 3 examples of artwork by your artist are included. Only 2 examples of artwork by your artist are included. There are no artwork examples by your chosen artist. Works Cited: Have you accurately referenced all information using Chicago Style Formatting? 20 You have given credit to the author for each fact or image. Most facts and images are referenced, but not all. Half of the facts and images are referenced. Only 2 or 3 facts and images have been referenced appropriately. Facts and images have not been referenced at all.

4 Let’s get started! Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Choose your 3 person group! Lab Worksheet: Plagiarism *Work in your group to complete the worksheet. Finish early? Search for potential artists for your glog! Sign your group up for your chosen Pop Artist. Delegate group responsibilities. Search and reference your information. Finish locating & referencing facts and artwork. 1. Last day to work in the computer lab. Turn-in group feedback rubrics. Intro: Pop Art Sculpture Project!

5 Who is Clayton Pond? He was born in Bayside, NY in 1941.
As a pop artist, he has shown his work in over 70 individual exhibitions. Luther College. Updated Accessed on

6 Who is Clayton Pond? He is known for using very bright vivid colors with high contrast Contrast = use of opposites, especially in color (ie: red & green, purple & yellow, orange & blue) Pond is also known for his silk screen medium.

7 MORE POP ART! The term “Pop Art” was coined in the 1950’s, following WWII. Many artists shared the same interest in taking popular culture images and mass producing them in a visually appealing way. Try your own Pop Art!

8 Andy Warhol Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe c. 1960

9 Roy Lichtenstein Pop artist known for his comic book style art.
In the Car 1963

10 Jasper Johns Known for his American flag paintings.

11 Your Objectives: By the end of this project, you will be able to:
Explain elements of relief sculpture. Create a sculpture using cardboard as media (elements of "culture") Develop skills in working with color.

12 How is this project 3-D art?
Areas of your artwork will be raised up, and not left flat. (think about a pop-up book)

13 How is this 3-D art? There will be textural elements.
Some areas will feel smooth, while others feel rough to touch. There is depth from layering pieces of cardboard on top of one another.

14 Where do we start? Your task is to create a relief sculpture of an everyday item from popular culture, as inspired by the relief wood sculptures of Clayton Pond. Brainstorm ideas by Journaling: write down ideas, and draw quick sketches of your ideas. Think about everyday objects and images that anybody would recognize. (ie: household appliances, food, furniture, accessories like sunglasses, shoes, logos, etc… Simplify the shapes and forms so it is easier for you to draw. You must have at least 3 thumbnails and evidence of journaling before beginning your project.

15 Your Timeline: Week 2 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8* Day 9* Days 10*
Turn-in group feedback rubrics. Intro: Pop Art Sculpture Project! Review project details 3-D intro: What is relief? Plan your project! (thumbnails & Journaling) (due e.o.c) Trace & cut out basic geometric shapes *Refer to planning guides Finish cutting shapes Paint background & layer 1 shapes Glue painted shapes for layer 1 Begin painting layer 2 shapes Days 10* _____________ Paint and glue shapes for layer 2. Day 11* Finish last minute details. Complete 2 critiques, turn in with rubric.

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