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Reporting Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 Helen Karatasas Senior Education Advisor Presentation to NEEOPA 18 February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 Helen Karatasas Senior Education Advisor Presentation to NEEOPA 18 February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 Helen Karatasas Senior Education Advisor Presentation to NEEOPA 18 February 2014

2 A new name and focus Section 1

3 Who is covered by the Act? All non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees (relevant employers) are required to report annually If a relevant employer’s number of employees falls below 100, it must continue to report until numbers fall below 80 Employers with fewer than 100 employees are not required to report to the Agency but will be able to access advice and assistance from the Agency Required to report Not required to report Section 1

4 Key dates for reports Section 1 1 April 31 March - Reporting period 1 April 31 May - Date for submission of reports

5 2013–14 reporting period  standardised reporting matters under six gender equality indicators (GEIs)  report must be signed by the CEO  new online reporting portal  notification and access requirements continue  Agency review of compliance continue  confidentiality. Section 1

6 Reporting from 2013–14 reporting period Section 1 Gender composition of the workforce Equal remuneration between women and men Consultation with employees about gender equality Gender composition of governing bodies Flexible working arrangements* Any other matters specified by the Minister 11 33 22 44 55 66 *Availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating to flexible working arrangements for employees and to working arrangements supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities Six gender equality indicators (GEIs) GEI

7 GEIs and reporting matters Section 1 Workplace profile Reporting questionnaire Compliance requirements Six gender equality indicators Reporting matters GEI 1 & 3GEI 1 - 6 Legislation Legislative instrument

8  reporting and compliance requirements continue as per 2013-14 reporting period  additional reporting matters to be reported on  minimum standards will start to apply – to be set by the Minister by 31 March 2014. 2014–15 reporting period onwards Section 1

9 To be compliant (from 2013-14 reporting period onwards):  lodge a report containing required information on time  comply with notification and access requirements  have the report signed by the CEO  do not give false or misleading information to the Agency  if asked, give the Agency information for the purpose of reviewing compliance.  meet minimum standards (in place from the 2014-15 reporting period) or, if not met, make improvements against it by the end of two further reporting periods. Complying with the Act Section 1

10 Consequences of non-compliance  Agency may name a non-compliant employer  May not be eligible:  to tender for Commonwealth and some state contracts  for some Commonwealth grants or other financial assistance. Section 1

11  new online reporting portal via  AUSkey security. For more information on AUSkey, visit  logging on to the system  setting up a new user  reporting questionnaire  workplace profile Completing a report online Section 2

12 Online reporting

13 Whether to submit one or more reports? Section 2  Who are you reporting for? those organisations in corporate structure that belong to the same ANZSIC Division (top level in ANZSIC) can be included in the ONE report responses apply to all organisations being reported on under the one report.

14 Indicative reporting format

15 Completing the workplace profile Section 3  Report on: gender employment status standardised occupational categories for managers and non-managers reporting level from CEO (for managers) remuneration.  Table options: unit level or aggregated data

16 Completing the workplace profile Section 3 Selecting unit level or aggregated data table? Unit level dataAggregated data simplest format one row per employee employees are de- identified aggregated employee numbers per category annualised average FTE base salary and total remuneration per category two tables Option: Features: Online system: Download Indicate levels to the CEO for each manager category, generate and download

17 Completing the workplace profile Section 3 Login to online portal Reformat your data for reporting (if required) Download or generate Excel template Upload to online portal Copy into WGEA Excel template Review, validate & submit Extract data from your HR system Your system / data Online portal Recommendation: Consider adjusting your HR systems (if required) to reflect the WGEA reporting requirements, including the standardised classifications Recommendation: Consider adjusting your HR systems (if required) to reflect the WGEA reporting requirements, including the standardised classifications

18 Useful resources to help with reporting Indicative format workplace profile and reporting questionnaire V 2.0 Examples of roles under categories of non-managers Case study with a worked example Excel worksheets for your organisation to use in preparing your data and systems Reference guide Reporting FAQs on website Section 1

19  familiarise yourself with the reporting requirements  check any entities you’re including in your organisation’s report are in the same ANZSIC category (Division level)  check your data systems can provide the required data  check the definitions of managers and non-managers  register for an AUSkey / obtain a standard AUSkey  identify stakeholders for notification and access requirements  schedule in time for your CEO to sign the report. Preparing for reporting Section 3

20  After the 2013-14 reporting period, the Agency will be able to develop industry-specific educational benchmarks.  They will allow employers to compare their progress in gender equality with others in their industry / size. Benchmarks Section 4

21  revised Employer of Choice citation  new citation will recognise organisations investing in and reaping the benefits from gender equality programs  Online applications open 1 April and close on 31 July. Employer of Choice Section 4

22  Agency’s website  Telephone  Telephone conferences  Workshops  Webinars Advice and assistance Section 4

23 Contact us Workplace Gender Equality Agency Tel: (02) 9432 7000 1800 730 233 Email: Web:

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