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RiseR is a low salt starter fertilizer with ACA technology designed for the progressive grower to enhance early season plant vigor and overall yields.

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Presentation on theme: "RiseR is a low salt starter fertilizer with ACA technology designed for the progressive grower to enhance early season plant vigor and overall yields."— Presentation transcript:

1 RiseR is a low salt starter fertilizer with ACA technology designed for the progressive grower to enhance early season plant vigor and overall yields.

2 Features Powered by ACA Technology Full Micro package Low salt formulation (13.5) Low use rate Benefits Increased availability of soil nutrients Contains Cu, Fe, Mn & Zn – All essential for the photosynthetic process Seed safe formulation that can be applied in-furrow More acres per fill for the grower

3 How does ACA work? In the plant: – Zinc is essential in the photosynthetic process of the plant allowing for maximum growth and yield potential Boosts auxin production which promotes cell elongation which leads to increased root growth and mass In the soil: – The Ammonium Acetate molecule acts as an extraction agent releasing tied up nutrients in the soil Mother Nature’s mining agent!

4 Zinc Ammonium Acetate Promotes Auxins Nature’s Nutrient Mining Agent Pushes Root Development Increased nutrient uptake from the soil solution ACA Technology

5 Sales Tools Agronomic Tech Sheet

6 “The Results Are Clear” RiseR FA is differentiated starter fertilizer designed to increase nutrient availability and increase yields.

7 Features Powered by ACA Technology Full Micro package Low salt formulation Low use rate Formulated with Fulvic Acid Benefits Increased availability of soil nutrients Contains Cu, Fe, Mn & Zn – All essential for the photosynthetic process Seed safe formulation that can be applied in-furrow More acres per fill for the grower Enhances the overall nutrient availability to the crop

8 Fulvic acids - The fraction of Humic Substances (HS) that is soluble in water under all pH conditions. They remain in solution after removal of humic acid by acidification. By reacting Fulvic Acid (which has a CEC of 1400) with the Ammonium Acetate (plants natural mining agent) we will increase the availability of nutrients to the plant especially in cool wet conditions. In contrast to Humic Acids (used primarily to condition soil and feed microbes), Fulvic Acids provide increased nutrient efficiency, lateral root growth and increased plant health.

9 Enhanced Formulation A new, more user friendly, formula has been developed and will be utilized going forward.

10 Product Overview: Black Label Zn 6-20-0.77 Zn powered by organic acid and designed to be a highly efficient starter fertilizer. Contains 7.1% Organic Acids Product Positioning: Can be applied 2x2 or in-furrow. Excellent for use in lower organic matter/higher pH soils. Applications can be mixed with 10-34-0 or 11-37-0 to increase overall efficiencies of the starter program. Application Information: Apply a minimum of 2-3 gallons per acre

11 Features Powered by organic acids Organic acids and humin fragments increase the CEC within the soil solution Low salt fertilizer Low application rate Benefits Increased mobility and availability of phosphorous in the soil (100% available) Increases soils ability to hold and exchange positively charged ions (cations) Seed safe formulation that can be applied in-furrow Allows growers to be more efficient as starter

12 Dr. Ajwa - Univ. of California Phosphate Movement Study Phos. Acid moved 3” completely tied-up 10-34-0 moved 5” to 6” - 60% tied-up Black Label Zn moved up to 9” and was completely available Phosphate Movement Availability after 42 days 0 to 3” 3 to 6” 6 to 9”

13 5 Basic Components of Humin Fragments Humic Acid Fulvic Acid Carbohydrates Fertilizer (N and P) Cation Exchange Capacity

14 Organic Acids 4 Part System with 4 Major Impacts A. Humic Acid B. Fulvic Acid C. Humin Fragments D. Carbohydrate a) Physical b) Chemical c) Biological d) Plant Stimulant

15 Organic Acids Organic Acids Influence: Physical – ex: H20 infiltration Chemical – ex: N mineralization Biological – ex: microbial development – VAM, mycorrhizae, etc… Plant Stimulant Properties – ex: Biopolymer Precursors

16 – Accomplish LM is a biochemical fertilizer catalyst UNIQUE to CPS/Loveland Products that is specifically formulated for use with LIQUID FERTILIZER AND BROADCAST SPRAYS

17 Mechanisms for Product Functions Healthy, treated soil Accomplish LM applied to soil 12 Nutrient mineralization Calcium displaces Na and H Soil Colloid Na flushed beyond the root zone 3 Nutrients “unlocked” 17

18 Mechanisms for Product Functions Healthy, treated soil Calcium displaces Na and H Soil Colloid Na flushed beyond the root zone Improved soil tilth More nutrients readily available Increased root growth 18 Accomplish LM applied to soil 12 Nutrient mineralization 3 Nutrients “unlocked”

19 Biochemical Products "Build a Better Transportation System" for Both Water and Nutrients Marginal Soil Compacted Soil, Poor Aeration, Poor Root Development, Decreased Nutrient Uptake Physical Compaction Chemical Compaction water films on roots and particles provide a highway for nutrients and water Improved pore space provide tunnels Improved aggregate provides bridges 19

20 Standard Nutrient Utilization Initial Fertilizer Application Microbial Functioning Nutrient Mineralization Nutrient Uptake The Diamond of Nutrient Utilization As soil temps increase As microbial functioning increases As nutrient mineralization increases As nutrient uptake increases Nutrient Functioning & Yield 20

21 Biochemically Enhanced Nutrient Utilization Initial Fertilizer Application Microbial Functioning Nutrient Mineralization Nutrient Uptake The Diamond of Nutrient Utilization As soil temps increase As microbial functioning increases As nutrient mineralization increases As nutrient uptake increases Nutrient Functioning & Yield Biochemistry Increased rate of nutrient uptake and utilization Increased extent of nutrient uptake and utilization 21

22 Titan PBA is a biochemical fertilizer catalyst UNIQUE to CPS/Loveland Products, that is specifically formulated for use with DRY FERTILIZER BLENDS

23 TITAN PBA Demonstrates Increase Nutrient Efficiencies Titan PBA applied at 1 gal/ton on P & K blend

24 Accomplish LM and Titan are unique to CPS/Loveland Products Necessary component to maximize fertilizer programs Facilitation vs. protection – Make nutrients more available – Facilitate increased nutrient uptake (efficiency) Backed by university studies and field trials Proven increased yield, excellent ROI

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