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DISABILITY PRACTICING INCLUSION DisAbility Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church.

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Presentation on theme: "DISABILITY PRACTICING INCLUSION DisAbility Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 DISABILITY PRACTICING INCLUSION DisAbility Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church

2 Sharon McCart, Chair M.Div. Former Special Education Teacher

3 Barriers to Inclusion What keeps people with disabilities from being included in church? What prevents them from participating fully?

4 Types of Barriers Architecture Communication Awareness Attitude Others?

5 Architectural Barriers Stairs Rough pathways Narrow doors Obstacles No seating choices What else?

6 Communication Barriers Print too small No hearing assistance No sign language or captioning Unknown/unclear expectations Others?

7 Lack of Awareness Don’t know anything needs to be changed Don’t know what to change or how Never learned anything about disabilities Other?

8 Attitude Everyone should be like us Lack of compassion/empathy Don’t want to change Unfriendly/unwelcoming Other?

9 Other Barriers? What other barriers can you think of?

10 Removing Barriers How can we break down the barriers and practice inclusion in our congregations?

11 Architecture Ramps Wider doors Grab bars Signage Pew cuts

12 More Architecture Lifts, elevators Accessible restrooms Railings Automatic doors

13 Communication Large-print bulletins Assistive Listening Systems Accessible website Live captioning ASL interpreter

14 Awareness Disability Awareness/Access Sundays

15 Awareness Training for Sunday School teachers and other leaders

16 Awareness Disability Study/ Bible Study Disability Ministries Team Guest speakers with disabilities Training for church leaders Identify everyone’s spiritual gifts

17 Attitude Address different learning styles

18 Attitude: Change Worship! Intergenerational and hands-on! No “Shush” or “Sit still!” Fellowship, crafts, worship, supper More lively and interactive Don’t dumb down, but use easy-to- understand language with visual aids and engaging stories

19 Attitude Fragrance-free Zone No-Shush Policy Accessibility Welcome Kiosk

20 A one-stop place to find: Large-print bulletins and copies of the sermon Large-print hymnals Hearing assistance devices Print version of all Powerpoint slides

21 Assistance Companion/buddy/mentor Additional assistants in classes

22 Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) FM and Infrared systems Inductive loop systems All speakers use a microphone Committee Microphone System

23 For those who are Deaf Live-Captioned worship Videos need to be captioned or in print ASL interpreters Printed copies of the sermon and other spoken word

24 For those who are Blind Describe all videos and pictures Braille hymnals and bulletins Service animal policies Assistance when needed No obstacles in aisles, hallways

25 Outreach Programs Camp Employment Housing Working with people with disabilities

26 Commitment What barriers will you try to remove? 1. 2.

27 Resources Newsletter—The Voice Accessibility Audit New World Outlook, May/June issue Response, May issue

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