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Digitisation: Do it Well, Do it Once Government Recordkeeping Forum Auckland 29 October 2010 Anna Gulbransen, Advisor, Government Recordkeeping Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Digitisation: Do it Well, Do it Once Government Recordkeeping Forum Auckland 29 October 2010 Anna Gulbransen, Advisor, Government Recordkeeping Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digitisation: Do it Well, Do it Once Government Recordkeeping Forum Auckland 29 October 2010 Anna Gulbransen, Advisor, Government Recordkeeping Programme Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on

2 Overview What is digitisation The legislative framework Key requirements of the digitisation standard GDA 5: Original Source Records Certificate of Compliance Archives New Zealand’s advice and support

3 ‘Dig itisation is the means of converting hard-copy or non-digital records into digital formats. Hard copy and non-digital records include audio,visual, image, or, text.’

4 A best practice guide for use in the design and conduct of responsible digitisation by all organisations covered by the Public Records Act 2005

5 Public Records Act 2005 Mandatory Standards Create and Maintain Disposal Metadata Storage Discretionary Standards Digitisation Electronic Transactions Act 2002 Evidence Act 2006 Access Digital Recordkeeping General Disposal Authorities GDA1: Human Resources GDA2: Financial GDA3: Housekeeping GDA 4: Admin and Corporate GDA 5: Digitised Original Source Records Section 18Section 17

6 increase access to your organisations information

7 Support a business process

8 increase access to your organisations information Support a business process preservation

9 increase access to your organisations information Support a business process preservation Integrate with existing business systems

10 increase access to your organisations information Support a business process preservation move away from a hybrid system Integrate with existing business systems

11 increase access to your organisations information Support a business process preservation move away from a hybrid system reduce need for physical storage space Integrate with existing business systems

12 Business Process Digitisation… is ongoing, routine digitisation for regular business use.

13 Digitisation Projects… are retrospective or project-based digitisation of existing sets of non- digital records.

14 Official Record is the one used in the transaction of business

15 Business Case Benefits and improvements Anticipated costs Capability to commit Resourcing required Appendix 4

16 Requirement 1 All digitisation and digitisation processes must be planned, scoped and documented

17 Who How Where Technical Specifications Managing digital records Software and image manipulation Review Planning you digitisation

18 Requirement 2 Systems to support management of the digital output of digitisation as records must be in place

19 Requirement 3 Disposal of all records must be authorised

20 Prior to disposal ensure… the records are not the official records you have met all the mandatory requirements of the digitisation standard you have met the requirements of section 25 of the Electronic Transactions Act you have a Certificate of Compliance (appendix 2) signed by your Chief Executive

21 Public offices only

22 Let’s just digitise everything and throw away the paper?

23 Requirement 4 Long-term management systems, where required, for both source and digital records, must be documented and implemented.

24 The future of the Digitisation Standard

25 Contact us (04) 499 5595 Government Recordkeeping Programme

26 Questions?


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