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Drugs & Alcohol In The Workplace South East ALARM Conference November 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs & Alcohol In The Workplace South East ALARM Conference November 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs & Alcohol In The Workplace South East ALARM Conference November 2006

2 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Who‘s He Then ? Mark Barnes – JLT Public Sector Risks Dedicated Public Sector Team Wide range of experience of Local Authority issues and challenges

3 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Agenda Sack or Treat Affected Employees ? Relevant Legislation Effect On Business / Service Delivery Implementing An Alcohol & Drugs Policy Benefits Of A Policy

4 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Sack or Treat ? Do we sack or seek to assist employees found to have alcohol and/or drugs problems ?

5 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Current Legislation Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health & Safety at Work Regs. 1999 Road Traffic Act 1988 Transport & Works Act 1992 Drivers must not be under influence of alcohol or drugs Who’s driving your school bus ?

6 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Effect On Business Annual cost to industry ( 2002 CMI ) Drug abuse £800M Alcohol abuse £3.3billion Affect health & safety of staff and clients Business continuity and financial stability

7 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Service Impact Lower productivity Increased staff turn-over Increased absenteeism ( 2/3 times higher ) Loss of clients / revenue Damage to reputation

8 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Service Impact Accidents & other Health & Safety breaches ( 20%-25% involve intoxicated people ) Employee theft Lower staff morale Workplace bullying Increase stress levels

9 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division What Is Abuse Workplace problems not just due to addicts Alcoholics most likely to cause accidents but few of them Moderate drinkers cause most workplace problems Low quantity of alcohol can cause high level of performance impairment

10 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Research Example USA pilots study – had to perform tasks in simulator Before alcohol 10% could not perform all operations Blood alcohol concentration 0.10/100ml - 89% could not perform all operations 14 hrs later 68% could not perform all operations correctly “The Problem of Alcohol Use By Pilots” 1990 New England Journal of Medicine

11 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Prevention In The Workplace Establishment of prevention programmes Abuse cannot be separated from workplace – most problem drinkers & drug users work Workforce is reflection of local community Workplace significant channel for preventative and remedial action Certain industries and occupations seem higher risk Lower status, young, male

12 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Work Factors In Abuse High stress Low job satisfaction Long hours or irregular shifts Fatigue Repetitious duties Periods of inactivity or boredom Isolation Remote or irregular supervision Easy access to substances

13 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Duty of care to employees Drive drugs and alcohol out of workplace, not employees Prevention as important as dealing with consequences Introduce comprehensive, unequivocal & effective drugs and alcohol policy Deliverable Recognisable Understandable Guiding Straightforward

14 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Stage 1 – Forming Team & Brief Senior officer mandated to implement Employee representatives, safety officers & Members to be involved Feedback from all to be sought at appropriate stages Announce to all staff that a policy is being drawn up - seek views, ask for team members

15 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Stage 2 – Drafting Policy Who policy applies to – all or selection. Contractors, out of hours restrictions, prospective employees Restrictions on bringing drugs or alcohol to workplace Support to existing employee misusers Random/routine testing & right of search Enforcement & non- compliance sanctions Education & training proposals Timescale & format for introduction Auditing and effectiveness Employees rights & privacy

16 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Stage 3 – Implementation of The policy Senior management must in implementation Date of implementation to be communicated to all Communication channels to include Interviews induction programme Staff handbook Intra-net & e-mail bulletins Posters & leaflets Specific training seminars

17 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Stage 3 – Implementation of The policy Management training Contents of the policy Legal implications Signs & symptoms of misuse Methods of testing Dealing with consequences of misuse Managers could be tested to introduce procedures New employees must be made aware and policy part of induction training

18 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division The effects of various types of substances Alcohol beer, wine, spirits impaired judgement, slowed reflexes, impaired motor function, sleepiness or drowsiness, coma, overdose may be fatal Cannabis marijuana, hashish distorted sense of time, impaired memory, impaired coordination Depressants sleeping medicines, sedatives, tranquilisers inattention, slowed reflexes, depression, impaired balance, drowsiness, coma, overdose may be fatal Hallucinogens LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), PCP (phencyclidine), mescaline inattention, sensory illusions, hallucinations, disorientation, psychosis

19 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division The effects of various types of substances Inhalants hydrocarbons, solvents, petroleum products intoxication similar to alcohol, dizziness, headache Opiates morphine, heroin, codeine, some prescription pain medications loss of interest, "nodding", overdose may be fatal. If used by injection, the sharing of needles may spread Hepatitis B, or C and HIV/AIDS Stimulants cocaine, amphetamines elevated mood, over activity, tension/anxiety, rapid heartbeat, constriction of blood vessels

20 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Implementing A Policy Stage 4 – Audit The policy Senior officer to take audit responsibility Regular review of documented arrangements training records, misuse incidents On-going action to detect and prevent misuse Management reports

21 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Benefits Of A Policy Ability to recognise problems & gives responsibilities Raises awareness of the effects of alcohol and drugs Helps Authority to deal fairly with a problem Gives clear understanding of the Authority’s rules Trains key staff how to deal with a problem Creates culture to acknowledge problems A service that protects employees and service delivery

22 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division Sack or Treat ? Do we sack or seek to assist employees found to have alcohol and/or drugs problems ?

23 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Broking Division The End Any questions or comments ? Lets go for a cup of tea !

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