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Strategic Planning Work Group Update March 17, 2015 Metro Omaha Food Policy Council Strategic Planning Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Work Group Update March 17, 2015 Metro Omaha Food Policy Council Strategic Planning Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Work Group Update March 17, 2015 Metro Omaha Food Policy Council Strategic Planning Committee

2 Timeline MOFPC Strategic Plan Next Steps Q and A MOFPC Strategic Planning Agenda House Keeping Strategic Planning Committee Members Accomplishments Strategic Plan Purpose Strategic Plan Process MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

3 House Keeping Respect the process Parking Lot MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

4 Strategic Planning Committee Members Maria Pauley Mary Balluff Ali Clark Barbara Dilly Catherine Plumlee Betsy Goodman Susan Whitfield Connie Nelson Andy Waltke MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

5 Accomplishments Mission Vision Core Values By-Laws Board of Directors Meeting Location Monthly Meetings Eight Steps to Policy Change MOFPC Work: Land Use White Paper, Cottage Food, Community Gardens, Seed Saving Food Day 2013 Communication Strategy: email, website newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, & LinkedIn MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

6 Strategic Plan – (3) Phases ●P1 - SP Committee plan and develop a framework for strategic plan ●P2 - Sub-work group will work with stakeholders from all (5) sectors of the food system to develop strategic plan ●P3 - Final strategic plan is launched and implemented MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

7 Timeline Strategic Planning process may take (12) to (24) months to complete. Sub-work groups will assist in developing plan details and timeline. MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

8 Timeline Meetings and Events April 29 SP logic model process approved by Board Apr 29 May 20 June 17 July 15 Oct Nov 7 Dec 22 Jan 10 Jan 20 Feb 17 Mar 14 May 20 SP presents logic model w/ timeline to Council June 17 Joe Allen VPA UNO present survey process to Council July 15 VPA – UNO LOI signed for survey October VPA – UNO Screener submitted Nov 7 VPA survey mailed to Council body Dec 22 VPA survey results provided Jan 10 SP workgroup drafted SWOT, Themes and Priorities Jan 20 SP meeting; drafted logic model Feb 17 SWOT presented; feedback Mar 14 SP met to revise format, terminology, update logic model MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

9 Types of Tools (past and future) Interviews Volunteer Assessment SWOT Analysis Logic Model MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

10 Organizational Structure MOFPC Conceptual Model Formal Informal Identified Policy Areas Cottage FoodsLand Use Community Gardens & Seed Saving Waste Management Farm to Institution Policy Strategic Planning Process Agenda Structured Rolling Agenda Format Facilitate an agenda focused on policy Concept 8 steps to policy development

11 Strategic Plan Role Definition Communication Structure Enchanced Organizational Structure Resource Development MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

12 Strategic Plan Purpose Take a critical view of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (Feb 17, 2015) Provides a blueprint to how MOPFC can create and implement strategies to fulfill mission and work toward achieving the goal MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

13 Sample Logic Model Framework InputsActivitiesOutputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?What will we do? How many/how much are created though this activity? So what? How is our target population changed? How is MOFPC changed? MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

14 InputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?So what? How is our target population changed?How is MOFPC changed? 1. Role Definition Short-term:  Recognized organization in the food system Intermediate:  Increased participation from a diverse community Long-term:  Utilized as a resource by the food system Defined leadership role in Food Systems Policies and Procedures 2. Communication Structure Short-term:  Informed and engaged membership Intermediate:  Sustain public visibility Long-term:  Affect policies as a respected partner of food systems stakeholders A recognized independent voice able to affect policy change 3. Enhanced Organizational Structure Short-term:  Define and understand the MOFPC organizational structure that is clear and concise Intermediate:  Provide the framework that supports the structure through policies and procedures Long-term:  Utilize the structure in decision making and guidance of the Policy Council Be an Efficient, Sustainable, Relevant, Flexible organization 4. Resource Development Short-term:  Identify and understand needed resources Intermediate:  Manage daily operations Long-term:  Be a transparent and accountable organization Sufficient and appropriate resources to support a non-profit status MOFPC Logic Model MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

15 MOFPC Logic Model InputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?So what? How is our target population changed?How is MOFPC changed? 1. Role Definition Short-term:  Recognized organization in the food system Intermediate:  Increased participation from a diverse community Long-term:  Utilized as a resource by the food system Defined leadership role in Food Systems Policies and Procedures MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

16 MOFPC Logic Model InputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?So what? How is our target population changed?How is MOFPC changed? 2. Communication Structure Short-term:  Informed and engaged membership Intermediate:  Sustain public visibility Long-term:  Affect policies as a respected partner of food systems stakeholders A recognized independent voice able to affect policy change MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

17 MOFPC Logic Model InputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?So what? How is our target population changed?How is MOFPC changed? 3. Enhanced Organizational Structure Short-term:  Define and understand the MOFPC organizational structure that is clear and concise Intermediate:  Provide the framework that supports the structure through policies and procedures Long-term:  Utilize the structure in decision making and guidance of the Policy Council Be an Efficient, Sustainable, Relevant, Flexible organization MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

18 MOFPC Logic Model InputsOutcomesImpact What do we need?So what? How is our target population changed?How is MOFPC changed? 4. Resource Development Short-term:  Identify and understand needed resources Intermediate:  Manage daily operations Long-term:  Be a transparent and accountable organization Sufficient and appropriate resources to support a non-profit status MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

19 Priority Areas - Lead Role Definition – Ali Clark & Betsy Goodman Communication Structure – Mary Balluff & Barbara Dilly Enhanced Organizational Structure – Catherine Plumlee Resource Development – Susan Whitfield MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

20 Next Steps Review Timeline Reach consensus on priorities Sub-work group MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

21 Questions? Next meeting Council Meeting April 21st If you have further questions please contact Mary Balluff 402.444.1773 (o) MOFPC Strategic Planning Work Group March 17, 2015

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