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ALEXANDER STREET PRESS Literature Music and Performing Arts History Religion classic texts major thinkers Sociology social theory Psychology voice of the.

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Presentation on theme: "ALEXANDER STREET PRESS Literature Music and Performing Arts History Religion classic texts major thinkers Sociology social theory Psychology voice of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALEXANDER STREET PRESS Literature Music and Performing Arts History Religion classic texts major thinkers Sociology social theory Psychology voice of the patient therapy transcripts novels poetry short fiction drama film scripts essays diversity lit music listening music reference scores opera videos dance videos theatre videos radio drama history from the ground up silent voices heard letters and diaries oral histories American Civil War women’s history black history

2 History: Literature (including plays and film scripts): Religion: Psychology: Music and the Performing Arts: Sociology: Individual collections: full text, music, audio, and video

3 Thank you, CRKN!

4 Theatre in Video part of Critical Video Editions

5 Can’t find what you’re looking for, no random access A lot of content is simply unavailable Learning and research are slow – can’t speed-read or speed-browse Primary sources (objective) and secondary content (subjective) are mixed together Content isn’t citable below the package level Content isn’t linkable below the package level Low quality, grainy, amateur clips Entertainment centric Licenses are overly restrictive Issues with video for academia…

6 Let’s license great content

7 Let’s fix it so video can take its role in the academy Citable in papers and journals Integrate text and video

8 Embed video on your library’s Web page student pages course pages Let’s free video from the format constraints

9 60 minutes of the evening news = 30 doubled spaced pages and takes 3-4 minutes for a scanned reading 15-20 minutes for an in-depth reading Or 1 hour to know what’s on the 1-hour video = Let’s free video from the time problem

10 American History in Video

11 We applied our Semantic Indexing

12 We made the subtitles searchable

13 Let’s allow video to be cited down to the second. Give scholars the tools for creating and sharing.


15 Playlists



18 Theatre in Video Includes 500 hours of performances and documentaries. There are 350 complete, unique productions. From the1930s to contemporary productions, both Broadway and off-Broadway, are presented. The works link directly to the North American Theatre Online reference database.

19 From the Greeks to today Sean O’Casey Jean Cocteau Derek Walcott John Millington Synge Voltaire August Strindberg Henrik Ibsen Moliere D.H. Lawrence Elie Wiesel Aeschylus Anton Chekov Jean Genet Jean Giraudoux Sophocles Alfred Jarry Federico Garcia Lorca John Osborne Harold Pinter Racine George Bernard Shaw Heinrich von Kleist Peter Handke Terrence McNally

20 Neil Simon Ntozake Shange Tennessee Williams Wendy Wasserstein Lanford Wilson George S. Kaufman Robert Sherwood Sidney Kingsley Maxwell Anderson A.R. Gurney Richard Sheridan And many others

21 Distinguished performance companies Group Theater Brecht’s Berliner Ensemble BBC Shakespeare series (optional add- on subscription) Actors Studio Jerzy Grotowski’s Polish Laboratory Theatre Joe Chaikin’s Open Theater Joseph Papp’s New York Shakespeare Festival The Wooster Group And many others

22 Major actors Dustin Hoffman Meryl Streep Faye Dunaway William Hurt Robert Redford Sissy Spacek John Gielgud Derek Jacobi Helen Mirren Anthony Hopkins Ben Kingsley Juliet Stevenson Zoe Wanamaker Kevin Kline Prunella Scales A long list of others

23 Instruction and research tools Scene-level semantic indexing; Ability to search by people, titles, companies, and other fields; URLs at the per-second level; Ability to bookmark specific scenes, monologues, or staging examples; Tools for including the online links in papers and course reserves.




27 400 hours of performance

28 Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller (stars Lee J. Cobb and George Segal) Long Day’s Journey Into Night, by Eugene O’Neill The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams (stars Katherine Hepburn) The Skin of Our Teeth, by Thornton Wilder The Master Builder, by Henrik Ibsen Olivier’s Hamlet and King Lear, by William Shakespeare Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov Party Time, by Harold Pinter Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello Incident at Vichy, by Arthur Miller

29 The Iceman Cometh, by Eugene O’Neill (stars Robert Redford and Jason Robards) My Heart is in the Highlands, by William Saroyan The Eccentricities of a Nightingale, by Tennessee Williams (stars Blythe Danner) Uncommon Women and Others, by Wendy Wasserstein (stars Meryl Streep) Moon For the Misbegotten, by Eugene O’Neill (stars Jason Robards and Colleen Dewhurst) Awake and Sing, by Clifford Odets (stars Walter Matthau) The Good Doctor, by Neil Simon Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett Pantomime, by Derek Walcott Playboy of the Western World, by John Millington Synge The School for Scandal, by Richard Sheridan Plays The Iceman Cometh, by Eugene O’Neill (stars Robert Redford and Jason Robards) My Heart is in the Highlands, by William Saroyan The Eccentricities of a Nightingale, by Tennessee Williams (stars Blythe Danner) Uncommon Women and Others, by Wendy Wasserstein (stars Meryl Streep) Moon For the Misbegotten, by Eugene O’Neill (stars Jason Robards and Colleen Dewhurst) Awake and Sing, by Clifford Odets (stars Walter Matthau) The Good Doctor, by Neil Simon Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett Pantomime, by Derek Walcott Playboy of the Western World, by John Millington Synge The School for Scandal, by Richard Sheridan

30 100 hours of documentaries Examples: Chaos and Order: Making American Theater Performing Antony and Cleopatra: Capturing the Contrasts The Negro Ensemble Company August Wilson: Writing and the Blues The Federal Theater, Project 891 and the Mercury Theater Ben Jonson Into the Post-War Era Playwrights workshop: Writing for the Stage Playing Shakespeare

31 See August Wilson talk of his grand design to write a play reflecting each decade of the 20th century – then read the plays! Examine the ship production design in Pirates of Penzance. How did the RSC stage exit pursued by a bear? Analyze Lee J. Cobb’s handling of transitions of time and memory in Death of a Salesman.

32 300,000+ tracks Classical Music World Music African American American History Our music portfolio includes…

33 90,000+ pages of reference 300,000+ tracks Classical Music World Music African American American History Our music portfolio includes…

34 90,000+ pages of reference 300,000+ tracks 400,000+ pages of scores & song sheets Classical Music World Music African American American History Our music portfolio includes…

35 90,000+ pages of reference 300,000+ tracks 400,000+ pages of scores & song sheets Classical Music World Music African American American History 1,000+ hours of video

36 Music Online: Listening Music Online: Reference Classical Music Library Smithsonian Global Sound African American Music American Song Contemporary World Music African American Music Reference Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online Classical Music Reference Library Classical Scores Library Available individually or within two discounted packages

37 Opera in Video Dance in Video Optional add-ons

38 Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries Classical Music Library African American Song American Song Classical Music Reference Library Classical Scores Library The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online African American Music Reference Opera in Video Dance in Video Editorially selected Web resources Archival content Additional sources as they become available The new Music Online platform: A single search will deliver unified results from…


40 Music Online: Consistent look and feel

41 Music Online: All materials digitized to standard formats

42 Music Online: Consistent cataloging Where relevant, products share the same controlled vocabularies

43 Music Online: New ways to find relevant materials Tag cloud featuring the most popular subject terms

44 Music Online: Select, annotate, organize and share content Choose an appropriate level of sharing Add subjects terms relevant to you

45 Music Online: Unified searching Search and browse all products at the same time

46 Example: How does court music differ in East Asian music cultures?

47 One search brings back relevant articles and representative recordings Example: How does court music differ in East Asian music cultures?

48 Classical Scores Library Growing to 400,000 pages of the most important classical music scores. Study and analyze more than 16,000 musical works. Includes manuscripts, previously unpublished material, and archival content. Has a mix of in- and out-of-copyright scores—many of the out-of-copyright items are not likely to be on your shelves.

49 Classical Scores Library Includes multiple types of scores across various composers, genres, and time periods. Covers orchestral, chamber, opera (complete scores), vocal, solo instrumental, and choral music. All opera, vocal, and choral texts are rekeyed to allow for deep searching and textual analysis. Full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, and piano reductions are included.

50 Classical Scores Library Many items link to audio tracks in Classical Music Library. The database also works together with Classical Music Reference Library. Subscribers to all three databases can listen to a recording online, follow along with the full score, and see the reference materials. All will be connected through a single click early in 2008 (through the new Music Online unified interface).


52 Classical Scores Library

53 A single search in Music Online I want to listen to early performances by Louis Armstrong. Find songs associated with the Freedom Rides of the Civil Rights era. I want to listen to examples of “stride piano.” Show me a picture of the composer Edmond Dede. What did he write? What is “Chicago Style” jazz? Explain how slave songs were “coded” and show me examples. What was Billy Emerson’s role in the evolution of minstrelsy?

54 How many Handel operas used baritone characters? Let me see a video of the opera. What sacred genres were composed in the late Baroque period? What compositions use the word freude in the text? Show me all scores with figured bass. What vocal duets are available from the Romantic period? I want to compare musical settings of Goethe’s Faust. Find 17th century compositions for solo mandolin. A single search in Music Online

55 What is the difference between da capo and del segno? What was the significance of Wagner’s character Tannhäuser in folk legend? How does Britten use passacaglia in his operas? What are the mass parts of the Missa Brevis? Show me an example of a duplet. With whom did Mahler study composition? Where was Die Fledermaus premiered?

56 A single search in Music Online How are Western musical idioms being transferred and applied to other world societies? What is Indo-jazz and how does it relate to other jazz genres? How does the concept of nationalism in music compare among different countries? Show me examples of improvisational techniques in Hindustani instrumental music. Are there differences in uses of the one-stringed versus the two-stringed zither? Show me examples of the different modes used in Nô (Noh) plays.

57 Tools and Future Plans Marc records Usage statistics Future Development Plans

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