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Supporting further and higher education Developments in Distributed e-Learning in the UK Paul Bailey e-Learning Programme Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting further and higher education Developments in Distributed e-Learning in the UK Paul Bailey e-Learning Programme Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting further and higher education Developments in Distributed e-Learning in the UK Paul Bailey e-Learning Programme Director

2 Aims Provide an overview of developments in eLearning to support learning across institutions within the UK education sector Explore the development of a Technical eLearning Framework and ePortfolios in relation to international developments in eLearning standards Provide participants with an opportunity to discuss eLearning developments and explore the use of ePortfolios through a series of scenarios

3 Presenters Wilbert Kraan, Web Journalist CETIS Sam Easterby-Smith, Standards Implementation CETIS Peter Rees-Jones, CETIS/University of Leeds Tish Roberts, JISC Programme Manager Susan Eales, JISC Programme Manager

4 About JISC JISC: Joint Information Systems Committee Public funding body for post-16 and higher education Funded by Funding Councils in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales Supports post-16 (formerly FE) and HE Annual budget of approx £66 million

5 Core JISC Budget

6 HE Spending Review Budget

7 About CETIS CETIS – the centre for educational technology interoperability standards CETIS represents UK higher- education and further-education institutions on international learning technology standards initiatives Funded as a JISC service

8 JISC activities 1999-2004 Aims were to… –To explore the concept of joining systems in institutions –To share effective practice £5 million development programmes –Programmes mainly working in further and higher education institutions FE Informing the development of e- learning standards

9 Drivers/Lessons Maturity of e-learning standards –levels of agreement required beyond institutions Focus on learner and pedagogy rather than administration –learner vs institution (vs vendors) Broader e-learning agenda –Lifelong learning needs to include schools, community, work, etc.

10 Supporting further and higher education Distributed e-Learning

11 Distributed e-Learning ( a definition ) Distributed e-Learning is the effective use of technology to assist learners to access, piece together and manage the learning they do throughout their life, in a range of institutional, informal and work-based settings.

12 e-Learning Programme Four strands –e-Learning Pedagogy –e-Learning Framework and tools –Innovations in e-learning –Distributed e-learning Budget of £20million over 4 years Working across sectors Flexible framework leads to flexibility in e-learning approach

13 The Themes E-learning domain is too big so focussing on specific themes –Lifelong learning/widening participation –Personalised learning –Assessment –Portfolio –Learning Content –Learning Design (discussion activities)

14 Programme Overview of the Technical e-Learning Framework Activity: Issues of e-Learning –Formulate infrastructure requirements Report Back Coffee Overview of Repositories Overview e-Portfolio Projects E-Portfolio Case study Activity: Scenarios of e-Learning Feedback/Conclusion

15 Supporting further and higher education Distributed e-Learning Projects Developing e-Portfolio

16 Regional Projects Exploring learner progression between institutions Initially concentrated on the learner transcript (record of formal qualifications) Expanded to explore the process of personal development (reflective) Larger demonstrators.

17 e-Learning Tools Developing prototype e-learning tools to support the idea of a personal learning environment Several focussed on e-Portfolio development for learners Open approach

18 Regional Demonstrators Across 9 regional areas in England Facilitating progression into Higher Education Working across a range of organisations within regions Projects start in January 2005

19 Supporting further and higher education A view of the learner record Susie – developing the learner record from cradle to grave

20 Supporting the LLL CollegeSchool RecordLearner PassportCollegeUCAS Age 05-1616-1919-202525-29University35LearnDirect29-83College Facilitate access to learner information Ensure ownerships by the learner Provide advice at key stages Encourage personal reflection and recording skills Provide an integrated but socially acceptable LLL record

21 Terry Rourke, Project Manager

22 Learner Record DB Regional Hub Regional Infrastructure Links to other regions Schools, FE and HE

23 LR HE FE Region FE School HE LR Exam Board Region School FE UCAS Region LR HE School The Longer-Term Vision





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