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Best Practice in Programme Management. Geoff Reiss Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group plc Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practice in Programme Management. Geoff Reiss Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group plc Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practice in Programme Management

2 Geoff Reiss Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group plc Senior Consultant: The Program Management Group plc Chairman: ProgM - The UK Programme Management Specific Interest Group Chairman: ProgM - The UK Programme Management Specific Interest Group Masters degree in Project Management Masters degree in Project Management FAPM FAPM Author of:Author of: –Project Management Demystified –Programme Management Demystified –One Project Too Many (with Geof Leigh) –The Gower Handbook of Programme Management (6 authors)

3 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information


5 Resources A Project Oh no, another project Cross Project Links Business As Usual Project Portfolio Management Benefit Management Programme Management

6 Programmes vs Projects Project Defined start and finish dates. Focus is more on delivering products. Rather than benefits. Simpler; only have to focus on delivering defined products. Projects are ‘ring fenced’. Change control is a more structured and easier activity. Micro view, will fight against others which threaten their success Programme Contain many projects, drive operational change. Exist in a world that is constantly changing. Macro view; have to consider the combined effect of a portfolio of projects. More complex interface with the strategy Less well defined end date. Focus is on delivering benefits and requires involvement after projects have ended. Every programme must directly benefit the organisation in some way.

7 Some Current InitiativesSome Current Initiatives –PMI Program Management Standards –APM Program Management Qualification –Managing Successful Programmes Refresh –Major UK Government Investment –Programme Management Maturity Model

8 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information

9 Roles and Responsibilities


11 Distributing Work

12 A single delegation Delegator Delegatee Agreed and audited scope, timing, budget, documents Automatic updates of latest plans

13 Direct Update Model Program Manager Project Managers Team Members Team Leaders

14 The Loan Model

15 Delegation and Loan

16 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management - Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information

17 Because a significant proportion of projects: fail to deliver their business benefits, or fail to demonstrate delivery of benefits through poor use of metrics Gartner Research: Do Programmes Deliver Benefits? Do companies measure benefits? yes Do some no deliver benefit 25% deliver no benefit 75% Forrester’s 2001 research tells a similar story, stressing that “[Programme] Prioritisation tops the list of CIO’s challenges” Portfolio Management


19 The Value Path Projects create deliverables. Programmes combine deliverables to create capabilities. The organisation utilises the capabilities and gains BENEFITS BENEFITS Capabilities Programmes Deliverables Projects


21 Defining a Programme Mandate – a written statement Owner and / or Sponsor(s) A List of Benefits: ‘No Change’ cost or income levels over time ‘Post Change’ cost or income levels over time Strategic Alignment measures: KPI’s Risk Estimates (schedule, cost, benefit) Resource Requirements and Costs (Investment)

22 Typical Screen shot showing a complete set of data for a single programme including resource requirements, investments, cash flow curves plus the aggregation of a variety of KPIs

23 Benefit Management Cycle

24 A Benefit Management Cycle Set a Strategy – the goalsSet a Strategy – the goals Request Programme ProposalsRequest Programme Proposals –Contender Programmes Analyse each Contender ProgrammeAnalyse each Contender Programme Cyclic Review of all current and contender programmesCyclic Review of all current and contender programmes –Scenarios –Mandatory, Important, Should do, Could do –Benefits, investment, resources, risk Select the best group of programmesSelect the best group of programmes Select Projects to deliver the programmesSelect Projects to deliver the programmes Stop as many unapproved projects as you canStop as many unapproved projects as you can Monitor those programmes in benefit termsMonitor those programmes in benefit terms

25 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information

26 Governance Program Governance is a minimum framework of rules necessary to manage the delivery of portfolios of projects in a consistent and reliable manner. US Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SARBOX). For Programs: Managing Successful Programs For Projects: PRINCE2 PMG’s view of Governance Program Management Standard Program Portfolio Management Standard

27 A Simple Project Process Project Board Approves Project Implementation Document Work Begins based on Approved Project Implementation Document Stage up to placing a major purchase Proceed to end of project Project ClosureProject Closure Report & Lessons Learned Prepare & Submit Project Implementation Document Stage Review

28 Governance: Prince2 Templates Also have 6Sigma & Governance White Paper

29 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information

30 The KPMG program management survey Focused on the importance of the Program OfficeFocused on the importance of the Program Office The global research covered all industry sectors, with 50% of participants from the UK.The global research covered all industry sectors, with 50% of participants from the UK. Almost two thirds of participants experienced a failed project within the previous 12 monthsAlmost two thirds of participants experienced a failed project within the previous 12 months 98% of organisations with a mature program office reported a 100% project success rate98% of organisations with a mature program office reported a 100% project success rate Program Office

31 Program Office Roles Project registerProject register –up to date point of reference VisibilityVisibility –program and project reporting Methodology & governanceMethodology & governance –maintaining appropriate processes and procedures –ownership & Support of the methodology Resource allocation and prioritisationResource allocation and prioritisation –the right people doing the right work Project closureProject closure –and keeping them closed –Lessons learned Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management –the process for program & project selection Education and training –Appropriate levels for the project and programme management community

32 Benefits of a Program Office Very rapid progressVery rapid progress Quick winsQuick wins Reduced riskReduced risk –Short term –Long term Best practice inputBest practice input VisibilityVisibility ConsistencyConsistency

33 Program Office Management Information Portfolio Management Exception Management Program Delivery & Control Knowledge Management

34 Introduction & Definitions Difference between project and programme management UK government activities/world interest and developments Four Very Common Problems: Organisation Project Portfolio Management Governance Program Office/Centres of Excellence Sources of Further Information

35 Further Sources ProgM - The Programme Management Special Interest GroupProgM - The Programme Management Special Interest Group –Register for Newsletter and invitations –The Project Selection and Benefits Management Initiative –Free Evening events and other Conferences –The Programme Management website –Programme Management Maturity Model  PPSO SIG   PMI Program Management Standard   Office of Government Commerce The Program Management Group plcThe Program Management Group plc Sources of Information

36 Good Luck with your programmes and your projects

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