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Mapping Kentucky History. The MKH Challenge Obtain geographical coordinates to the Kentucky Roadside Markers Use cutting-edge technologies such as Global.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Kentucky History. The MKH Challenge Obtain geographical coordinates to the Kentucky Roadside Markers Use cutting-edge technologies such as Global."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Kentucky History

2 The MKH Challenge Obtain geographical coordinates to the Kentucky Roadside Markers Use cutting-edge technologies such as Global Positioning Systems and Geographical Information System Learn about Kentucky’s rich historical heritage

3 Kentucky Historical Markers Database Maintained by Kentucky Historical Society and Kentucky Department of Transportation Click on a the map to jump to the interactive map for Kentucky.

4 Marker Search

5 Historical Markers FrontBack

6 WHAT IS GPS? Global Positioning System - a system of satellites that transmits signals used by special receivers on the ground for precise determination of location, sometimes within meters. Data can include elevation, location, and speed.

7 Ranging, why are 3 needed? GPS Satellite

8 4 needed for 3-D fix

9 Why is the system not perfect? Error sources –Atmospheric –Multipath scatter –Positional error Cheap GPS Units –Limited satellite channels –Poor internal processors

10 Obstructions

11 Bad Luck with Satellites

12 One solution to the Error – Differential GPS Use two receivers to eliminate much of the signal error Increases accuracy to a few centimeters with good units

13 Consumer GPS Hardware (Cheap) Consumer-grade –Garmin III plus >3 meter accuracy –eTrex –Garmin V <3 meter accuracy 95% of the time WAAS –GPSMAP 60Cx

14 Survey-Grade GPS (Expensive) Survey Grade Thales Promark2 –Navigation WAAS <3 m –Post-processing <1 cm –Kinematic ~1 cm Trimble GNSS

15 GPS Uses Navigation: –Air & sea navigation –Emergency Services Locating –Airplane landing systems –Car-based direction services. Mapping –People & places –Animal/plant locations –Historical Markers!

16 GPS Unit

17 Push Power Button & Wait Turn on & lock onto signals

18 For training inside – turn on simulation mode To get past splash screen Press Menu Press Enter

19 Degree Minute Second Coordinate system Satellite Signal Strength Satellite Accuracy Satellites’ position in the Satellite constellation

20 Decimal Degrees Coordinate system To change coordinate systems – Press Menu Twice


22 Press quit twice To return to main screen

23 Some GPS tips: Know how to read the accuracy of the GPS and obtain the most accurate readings. Thick trees and buildings block GPS receivers from receiving signals from satellites. Be patient. GPS units require 5-10 minutes to obtain a location after being turned on.

24 The MKH Team Packet GARMIN GPS 72 Instruction Manuals Morehead State University Pencil File Folder –Obtaining GPS Coordinate Flowchart –Historical Marker Data Entry Form –Brochures – Free pass to Kentucky History Center

25 Data Entry Form Latitude/ Longitude Minutes Latitude/ Longitude Degrees Latitude/ Longitude Seconds Latitude/ Longitude Decimal Degrees Elevation 1 Elevation 2 Known Location Description

26 Data Entry Form Marker Text Front Marker Text Back

27 Data Entry Form Email Photos Photo and Additional Comments Tell us about yourself

28 Entering Data

29 Any Questions?!

30 Height Modernization in Kentucky Rebuilding Kentucky’s mapping infrastructure

31 Kentucky Place Names Project GNIS Geographic Names Information System All Features Great And Small “Words have meaning and Names have power” -Anonymous

32 Thank You The Kentucky Center for Geospatial Education, Research, & Outreach Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy (IRAPP) Center of Excellence, MSU A Kentucky Program of Distinction

33 Let’s map!

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