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Published byNeal Reginald Malone Modified over 9 years ago
Continents What are the seven continent?
Region How is a region different from a continent? What is the region that is colored in on the map?
Countries of the Middle East What kind of map is this? Political, physical, or thematic? What is a country? What are the names of some Middle Eastern countries?
Religious Middle East Map Today What type of map is this? Political, physical or thematic? What color has the most land? What color has the least amount of land? What color is in the middle? Judaism-5 million in world-90% in Israel Muslims-1.66 billion in world Sunni 90% of all Muslims. More liberal. Believe that caliphs can be elected to lead based upon their ability. Shiite less than 10% of Muslims. More conservative. Believe that only a direct descendant of Muhammad can lead their religion. Christianity-2.1 billion in world
What type of map is this? Political, physical, or thematic? What do you see?
Origins of Judaism: The History of the Ancient Israelites Mesopotamia Mediterranean Sea Egypt Red Sea Sinai Peninsula Dead Sea Persian Gulf What type of map is this? Political, physical, or thematic? What do you notice?
The ancient Israelites were nomadic people who migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan (present-day Israel and Lebanon) during the second millennium BCE. These people traveled around Egypt and the Near East, where they also settled for various periods of time. Another name for the Israelites is Hebrews, and they are often referred to by this term in ancient writings. The Israelites were the founders of Judaism, one of the first religions in the world to be based on monotheism (the belief in one God). In contrast, other peoples from that same time period practiced polytheistic religions (the belief in many Gods). The ancient Israelites believed their God was all-powerful and had created the world. Monotheism is the basis of several other world religions, including Christianity and Islam. There are an estimated 14 million followers of the Jewish religion around the world today. Almost everything we know about the Israelites is based on the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew Bible is also known as the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are known as the Torah, which is comprised of stories about the ancient Israelites and descriptions of Hebrew law. While many people believe the stories of the Torah to be factually true, scholars attempting to verify the historical accuracy of events described in the Torah have found little archeological evidence from which to work. However, some archeological evidence of the ancient Israelites does exist.
Abraham looking up at the stars What do you see here? What do you see on the hills in the background? Why do you think the man is kneeling? What do you think the man sees? The stars are symbolic. What do you think they represent? Why do you think this man is considered an important figure in the Jewish religion? The crouching figure is Abram, one of the founders of the Jewish religion. God commanded Abram to leave Mesopotamia for the land of Canaan. Abram kneels respectfully as God promises to make him the father of a nation of people in Canaan. The stars symbolize God’s promise to Abram: “Your descendants shall be as numerous as the stars.” Abram name changes to Abraham “Father of many.”
In your notes: Historical Reasons for the Middle Eastern Conflict: 1. Covenant between Abraham and God- Abraham moves from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan in exchange god will make his descendants as numerous as the stars.
Hagar and Sarah In the Biblical narrative in Genesis, Hagar was an Egyptian slave who belonged to Sarah, the wife of Abraham. When Sarah was unable to provide Abraham with a child, she proposed that her husband beget a child with her slave…By the time Hagar was pregnant, Sarah regretted the arrangement. Sarah too got pregnant. Ishmael was born first to Hagar, and Isaac was born to the legitimate wife. Sarah feeling threatened by the inheritance issue, began to treat her quite harshly. In fact, at her insistence, Abraham sent Hagar and her son, Ishmael alone into the wilderness. What do you see here? Who do you think these people are? What relationship do these people have with each other? How would you feel if you were Sarah? How would you feel if you were Hagar?
In notes: Abraham’s Family Tree: Sarah (wife)= Abram(Hebrew-Abraham “father of many) -Hagar (slave) Isaac (legitimate son)Ishmael (1 st born) Ancestor to JewsAncestor to Muslims Jacob (New name Israel-Israelites)
In your notes: Historical Reasons for the Middle Eastern Conflict: 1.Covenant between Abraham and God- Abraham moves from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan in exchange god will make his descendants as numerous as the stars. 2.Which one of Abraham’s sons has claim to the covenant between Abraham and god?
Israelite slaves working for the Egyptians What do you see here? Why do some men have whips? What civilization created the inscriptions on the monument in the background? The people being forced to work are Israelites. Why do you think the Egyptians enslaved the Israelites? What would bring the Israelites out of Canaan and into Egypt? The figures on the platform are overseers hired by Pharaoh Ahmose to force the Israelites to perform back breaking labors. Abraham’s grandson Jacob had 12 sons, and his favorite son was called Joseph. According to the Torah, Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and wanted to get rid of him, so they sold him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph rose to power after he successfully interpreted a dream of the Egyptian Pharaoh, and prevented a famine from striking the land. About 1700 BCE Another famine in Canaan forced Joseph’s brothers to journey to Egypt in search of food. Joseph did forgive his brothers. For many years, the Israelites grew in numbers and power. In 1550 BCE Pharaoh Ahmose feared the Israelite power and enslaved them all. Despite being enslaved, the Israelites continued to grow in population. Under Paraoh Seti I in 1306 BCE all newborn Israelite males were to be killed. One baby, Moses, escaped this fate.
In notes: Abraham’s Family Tree: Sarah (wife)= Abram(Hebrew-Abraham “father of many) -Hagar (slave) Isaac (legitimate son)Ishmael (1 st born) Ancestor to JewsAncestor to Muslims Jacob (New name Israel-Israelites) Joseph (sold into slavery by 12 brothers) Moses (Exodus- Israelites escape slavery in Egypt)
Pass out reading on the 10 plagues. Discuss with the students the two philosophies of thought: God is all powerful and creates Natural Disaster or these events. Natural Disasters occurred and people didn’t understand them, so they attributed them to god. Explain that people are always looking to prove religious events. This is a reading that talks about some possible theories. There are many others. None of these are proven fact. Have them read and write down questions they have. Do a carousel and have them share and answer each other’s questions. As a whole class, ask them if anyone heard and exceptionally great question. Discuss.
Moses closing the waters of the Red Sea What do you see here? What is the man in the center doing? What is happening to the soldiers on the left? What caused this to happen to the soldiers? The people on the right are Israelites. How do you think they feel about the plight of the soldiers? Why do you think the man in the center is considered an important figure in the Jewish religion? Moses, one of the prophets and spiritual leaders of the Jewish religion. Following God’s orders, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and back to Canaan, an event called The Exodus. Pharaoh Ramesses II sent his army to stop the Israelites from leaving Egypt. Moses raised his staff, and God parted the waters so that the Israelites could escape from the Egyptian army. When the Egyptian army pursued the Israelites, Moses raised his staff again, and God closed the waters, drowning the Egyptian army.
Moses descending Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments What do you see here? What is the man holding in his right hand? What do you think the rays of light above his head symbolize? This is Moses descending from Mount Sinai. What reaction do the Israelites have toward Moses? What do you think happened to Moses when he climbed Mount Sinai? Moses received the 10 Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. The Commandments were engraved on 2 stone tablets. They are the ten original laws of Judaism. The first and most important of the Commandments told the Israelites to worship only one God- Monotheism. God promised to protect the Israelites as long as they lived by the Commandments. The Commandments were to be kept in a special wood and gold sacred chest called an Ark and housed in a sacred tent called a Tabernacle. This was the Israelites first temple.
Pass out the 10 Commandments worksheet comparing the Code of Hammurabi to the 10 Commandments to the laws today.
Joshua’s conquest of Jericho What do you see here? The people in the foreground are Israelites. What do you think they are carrying? Why would they be carrying the Ark? Why do you think some of them are blowing trumpets? What do you see in the background? What is happening to the walls and towers in the city? Why do you think this is happening? Where do you think this city is located? Why might the Israelites want to return to Canaan? Moses and the Israelites left Mount Sinai back to Canaan. When they finally arrived the land was already occupied and well protected. The Israelites start to doubt Moses and God. They lived in the wilderness for 40 years. In 1200 BCE, Moses let the Israelites to Canaan’s border. Moses died and Joshua became their leader. He led them across the Jordan River into Canaan to the city of Jericho. According to the Torah, the Israelite holy men circled the city for seven days carrying the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day, the holy men raised their ram’s horn trumpets and down fell the walls. Historians believe the battle actually took place over many years with the Israelites gradually taking over the region through land settlement and adaptation to the existing culture.
In your notes: Historical Reasons for the Middle Eastern Conflict: 1.Covenant between Abraham and God- Abraham moves from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan in exchange god will make his descendants as numerous as the stars. 2.Which one of Abraham’s sons has claim to the covenant between Abraham and god? 3.When Moses returns Canaan is already occupied by the Philistines (Palestinians today). At war with each other for control of the land.
In notes: Abraham’s Family Tree: Sarah (wife)= Abram(Hebrew-Abraham “father of many) -Hagar (slave) Isaac (legitimate son)Ishmael (1 st born) Ancestor to JewsAncestor to Muslims Jacob (New name Israel-Israelites) Joseph (sold into slavery by 12 brothers) Moses (Exodus- Israelites escape slavery in Egypt) Joshua (Takes the land of Canaan back from Philistines (Palestinians)
David and Goliath What do you see here? Who do you think these people are? What does the light in the sky represent? The smaller man is David of the Israelites. The giant is Goliath of the Philistines. How do you think David will be viewed after slaying Goliath? In about 1000 BCE, the Hebrews were at war with a rival tribe, the Philistines. According to the Hebrew Bible the Philistines promised to be the Hebrews’ slaves if someone could beat their fiercest warrior, the giant Goliath. David was not yet a grown man, but he was outraged at Goliath’s mockery of the Hebrew God. Bravely he stepped forward. His only weapon was a slingshot. With one mighty throw, he felled Goliath with a stone. David’s courage and faith were rewarded later, when God made him king.
David and the Ark of the Covenant What do you see here? Who do you think these people are? What is under the blanket? Where do you think they are going? As king, David completed the defeat of the Philistines as well as other enemies. He united the 2 parts of the Hebrews’ land, Israel and Judah, into a single kingdom known as Israel. David chose the city of Jerusalem for his capital. David brought the Hebrews’ most sacred object, the Ark of the Covenant, to Jerusalem. It contained the 10 Commandments. Because of the Ark, Jerusalem became a holy city. The star of David is the Israelite symbol. The two triangles: one God looking down at the people. The people looking up at God.
In notes: Abraham’s Family Tree: Sarah (wife)= Abram(Hebrew-Abraham “father of many) -Hagar (slave) Isaac (legitimate son)Ishmael (1 st born) Ancestor to JewsAncestor to Muslims Jacob (New name Israel-Israelites) Joseph (sold into slavery by 12 brothers) Moses (Exodus- Israelites escape slavery in Egypt) Joshua (Takes the land of Canaan back from Philistines (Palestinians) David (Unites Israel and Judah and makes Jerusalem the capital)
Solomon’s Temple What do you see here? Where do you think this is located? Who do you think lives here? Do you think this building is still around today? David’s son Solomon became king. Solomon built a magnificent temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant. Building the temple was a huge undertaking and cost the Hebrews greatly. Solomon forced his people to work on the construction of the temple. He taxed his people heavily to buy gold, cedar wood, copper, and other materials. This angered many Hebrews. In 931 BCE, the northern tribes broke away and became a separate kingdom of Israel. In 70 CE, the Roman military leader Titus led an army of 60,000 soldiers against the Jews and destroyed the temple. All that remains today is its western wall. The Romans also scattered the Jews from the city. This event is called a Diaspora.
In notes: Abraham’s Family Tree: Sarah (wife)= Abram(Hebrew-Abraham “father of many) -Hagar (slave) Isaac (legitimate son)Ishmael (1 st born) Ancestor to JewsAncestor to Muslims Jacob (New name Israel-Israelites) Joseph (sold into slavery by 12 brothers) Moses (Exodus- Israelites escape slavery in Egypt) Joshua (Takes the land of Canaan back from Philistines (Palestinians) David (Unites Israel and Judah and makes Jerusalem the capital) Solomon (Solomon’s Temple- N. Tribes break away and become kingdom of Israel.)
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