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Marc Chevalier, Board of Directors Switzerland Physioswiss.

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Presentation on theme: "Marc Chevalier, Board of Directors Switzerland Physioswiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marc Chevalier, Board of Directors Switzerland Physioswiss

2 Swiss Physiotherapists go to Court!

3 Health System Every citizen has to be insured Health Insures are organised into 3- Groups Physiotherapists are organised into 2- Gourps 2-different health law systems: –Accident Insurance –Health Insurance

4 Health System Physios have to negotiate with Health Insurers When terms are agreed the Govt has to approve the contract i.e. to make sure it complies with the law 26 Cantons Each is responsible for their own healthcare & paying for it – both in hospital and outpatient (Private Practice) Also responsible for how much tax is used to pay for healthcare and of course physiotherapy

5 Health System If the Physios and Insurers cannot agree on the price then: Each Canton has to fix the price If either the Physios or the Insurers do not agree with the Canton’s price then the matter has to go to court The court has to decide

6 Health System Right now – We are waiting for the Court to decide –In 11 out of 26 Cantons there is a decision that is higher than Insurers want to pay –We are waiting for the other 15 –This means 26 cases in total –There are 16 geographic sections within Physioswiss and each has mandated the Association to act in this way


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