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The effects of alcohol misuse on the body LCA Social Education Module 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of alcohol misuse on the body LCA Social Education Module 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of alcohol misuse on the body LCA Social Education Module 1

2 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on the heart? Has it something to do with the heart muscles?

3 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on one’s ageing process? Has it something to do with wrinkles?

4 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on the individual? Is there a danger of becoming dependent on it in order to have a good time?

5 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on the liver? Does it kill the cells in the liver?

6 Cirrhosis of the liver


8 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on bones? Does it cause aches in our bones?

9 Gout


11 Osteoporosis

12 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on the stomach?

13 What are the effects of alcohol misuse on the brain? It damages the brain cells.

14 What are the recommended units of alcohol per week... for a woman for a man 14 units 21 units

15 Can you think of other effects of alcohol misuse on the body?


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