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HYDROGENATED DIESEL / NG Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "HYDROGENATED DIESEL / NG Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 HYDROGENATED DIESEL / NG Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Boost Diesel Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology

2 Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Technology

3 Hydrogen / Natural Gas Blends Blends with < 20% Hydrogen are called HYTHANE ( This is a trademark of a US Company) Blends with < 20% Hydrogen are called HYTHANE ( This is a trademark of a US Company) HCNG is a blend of hydrogen and natural gas with 21-50% hydrogen( volume).

4 Applications Transit Buses Transit Buses Garbage Trucks Garbage Trucks Shuttle Buses Shuttle Buses City Work Vehicles City Work Vehicles

5 Development of H/CNG 1992-First Patent was introduced 1992-First Patent was introduced 1995-Demonstration of H/CNG buses in Montreal 1995-Demonstration of H/CNG buses in Montreal 2001-3 Buses in California 2001-3 Buses in California 2003-2 Buses in Malbö, Sweden 2003-2 Buses in Malbö, Sweden 2004-5M$ Hythane Project was started in France. 2004-5M$ Hythane Project was started in France. 2008-10 000 Buses in Beijing and 8 Buses in India 2008-10 000 Buses in Beijing and 8 Buses in India

6 How is H/CNG dispensed? CNG Sub-System

7 How is H/CNG dispensed? Hydrogen Sub-System

8 H/CNG H/CNG HCNG is blended, compressed and stored in the same container on-board the vehicle.


10 ENERGY CONTENTS of FUELS CNG 13.44 kWh/kg HYDROGEN33.90 15%H2 / 85% CNG 13.85 30%H2 / 70% CNG 14.31 50%H2 / 50% CNG 15.56 Althoug Hydrogen proportion increases,total amount of energy does not increases noticeably.Main reason of this, Hydrogen‘s low density.

11 STORAGE CAPACITY So that,with increasing Hydrogen percentage, storage capacity decreases in the vehicles. So that,with increasing Hydrogen percentage, storage capacity decreases in the vehicles. In other word, much more tank volume for same energy. And more money. In other word, much more tank volume for same energy. And more money.

12 So,why is Hydrogen added to NG? Main Point of this technology is to extend the lean limit of natural gas combustion. Main Point of this technology is to extend the lean limit of natural gas combustion. (Lean mixture=Excess amount of air in air- fuel mixture in the combustion chamber) In Urban driving, Vehicles operate at Lean Conditions(Low Load). And That causes decrease in Efficiency. In Urban driving, Vehicles operate at Lean Conditions(Low Load). And That causes decrease in Efficiency.

13 Efficiency decreases gradually with increasing air-fuel ratio.( going to lean mixture)Efficiency decreases gradually with increasing air-fuel ratio.( going to lean mixture) Urban Driving Skills In Urban driving, Vehicles operate at Lean Conditions. And That causes decrease in Efficiency. In Urban driving, Vehicles operate at Lean Conditions. And That causes decrease in Efficiency.

14 How does Hydrogen increases Efficiency in H/CNG vehicles? FUELFlame Velocity (cm/sec) Methane40 Hydrogen210 Propane44 Ethane43 With increasing flame velocity of fuel, combustion enhances rapidly. And that decreases the loss power during combustion stroke.

15 Comparison of CNG and H/CNG (at Full Load,n=2000rpm) Brake Efficiency in % with 8% Hydrogen mixture into CNG Volvo TG100 Although mixture closes to more lean conditions, efficiency decrease is not much as in pure CNG fuel, and efficiency is approximately 4% is higher at all same fuel-air ratios.

16 EMMISION TEST RESULTS (FORD T150) Hydrogen addition results in decrease in all greenhouse gasses, especially in CO emission.

17 Fuel Consumption Comparison (Ford T150) Fuel Range (km) %100 CNG 200 %15 H/CNG 180 %30 H/CNG 165 There is a contradiction between mileage range and emission. According to test data of Ford T150, if this vehicle is fueled with %100 NG, range decreases with increasing proportion of Hydrogen addition. (for same tank volume)

18 Acceleration Fuel Time to 100km %100 CNG 10.10 %15 H/CNG 10.97 %30 H/CNG 12.68

19 INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS Electrolyzer=179 000 $ Dispenser=59 000 $ 3.53$ /kg H2(to end user) App. 3000$ (conversion of a city bus) Some engine modifications is needed to get better performance. (Especially after 20% blend) Fuel Cost (per kg) H2 (to end user) 3.52 $ Diesel0.7 Gasoline0.55 Average prices for 2007 in US

20 Hydrogen Boost Diesel - Hydrogen / Diesel Duel Fuel First Pick up Track (2004,Saskatchewan,CANADA) - 6.6 L Duramax Engine of GM

21 How does Hydrogen influence in a good way? Mixtures of Hydrogen are homogenous because of its low density (High diffusion coefficient) Mixtures of Hydrogen are homogenous because of its low density (High diffusion coefficient) Therefore, it is a good mixture with high burning velocity. Therefore, it is a good mixture with high burning velocity.

22 How does Hydrogen influence in a bad way? The very low density of hydrogen gas can cause a problem on lubricating oil. The very low density of hydrogen gas can cause a problem on lubricating oil. Hydrogen gas can blow through the piston rings during the compression stroke and enter the crankcase. Hydrogen gas can blow through the piston rings during the compression stroke and enter the crankcase. So, lubricating oil become to lose its properties and its viscosity increased rapidly. So, lubricating oil become to lose its properties and its viscosity increased rapidly.

23 Comparison of Diesel engine with /without Hydrogen 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 050010001500200025003000 Engine Speed (rpm) Power (kW) Diesel Hydrogen+Diesel As it is seen in the figure, the power output increases by the addition of Hydrogen. Saturn SL1 Sedan Test Results

24 Comparison of Diesel engine with/without Hydrogen According to test results, fuel consumption decreases by the addition of Hydrogen. Saturn SL1 Sedan Test Results

25 Emission Test Results The reduction percent of CO is 85 and NOx is 18 when 42% Hydrogen added to pure Diesel.

26 REFERENCES Hythane – Bringing Hydrogen to Zero Emissions Reality, June 28th, 2006 Bengt Ridell Carl Bro Energikonsult AB, Sweden, 2005-04-15 Hydrogen and Hydrogen/Natural Gas Station and Vehicle Operations, 2006 Driving Forward to a Hydrogen Economy, Craig Murray,May, 2006 İçten Yanmalı Motorlarda Alternatif Yakıt Olarak Hidrojen Kullanılması, Nafiz KAHRAMAN, Selahattin Orhan AKANSU,Bilge ALBAYRAK Hydrogen/CNG Blended Fuels Performance Testing in a Ford F-150, Don Karner,James Francfort,November 2003 Advanced Technology Vehicle Testing,Jim Francfort,Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory,November 2003

27 Project in the HyCom spirit for the early deployment of H2 as a vehicle fuel, Jacques Saint-Just, 08/06/2004Project in the HyCom spirit for the early deployment of H2 as a vehicle fuel, Jacques Saint-Just, 08/06/2004 An evolutionary pathway to hydrogen,Owe Jönsson, SGCAn evolutionary pathway to hydrogen,Owe Jönsson, SGC Hydrogen, CNG, and HCNG Dispenser System – Prototype Report, Don Karner, Scott McCamman James Francfort, February 2005Hydrogen, CNG, and HCNG Dispenser System – Prototype Report, Don Karner, Scott McCamman James Francfort, February 2005 Hydrogen and Hythane in Fort Collins, October 19, 2005Hydrogen and Hythane in Fort Collins, October 19, 2005 Development and Demonstration of Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas (H/CNG) Blend Transit Buses,October 15, 2002 — September 30, 2004Development and Demonstration of Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas (H/CNG) Blend Transit Buses,October 15, 2002 — September 30, 2004

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