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7: Wireless Technologies Networking for Home & Small Business.

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Presentation on theme: "7: Wireless Technologies Networking for Home & Small Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 7: Wireless Technologies Networking for Home & Small Business

2 Objectives


4 Understanding Wireless Electromagnetic Spectrum –Radio, TV, Light, X-Rays, Gamma Rays –Each has a specific wavelength Like the distance between waves Wireless uses Electromagnetic Waves –Same as carrying radio signals We’ll discuss the most common wavelengths

5 Infrared (IR) Low energy Can’t go through walls, short range (30’) One to one communication –Wireless Mice & Keyboards, Remotes, PDA –Infrared Direct Access (IrDA) port

6 IR & Your TV Your TV remote has an infrared LED inside Switches on & off to create 0’s and 1’s when you push a button –Push a button to send a 7 digit sequence of 0’s & 1’s –Sony TV Channel Up is 0000011, channel down is 0010001

7 Radio Frequency (RF) Wireless LAN, cordless phone, Bluetooth LAN & Phone –Signal travels through walls, longer range, higher power –900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz frequency Bluetooth –Low speed, short range, lower power –One to many devices –Uses 2.4GHz –Starting to use Bluetooth for wireless mice, etc.

8 Activity- Which is it?

9 Review Bluetooth or RF. Which has higher power output? –RF Two doctors are beaming their business cards to each other through their PDAs. Which signal is being used? –IR

10 Wireless Benefits

11 Wireless Limitations Many devices use wireless –Cordless Phones 2.4GHz Interference –Microwave Ovens Interference –Range –Solid Walls a problem Not as fast as wired Security –Ease of Access –Authentication & Encryption now used

12 Wireless Networks Grouped into three categories Hard to place boundaries

13 WPAN- SMALLEST Wireless Personal Area Network –Used to connect wireless mice, keyboards & PDA’s to computer –IR or Bluetooth –Short Range –Device to device

14 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network –RF –IEEE 802.11 standards –Users connect to a wired network through an Access Point (AP) –Medium range

15 Access Point Between your wired equipment and your wireless devices

16 WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network –Cell phone network –GSM, CDMA –Long range –Government regulated

17 Wireless Networks

18 Review


20 Wireless Standards Specifies data speed, range, RF spectrum IEEE standards, Wi-Fi 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n Wi-Fi Alliance tests devices from manufacturer Will work with other devices w/ same logo

21 802.11b 1999 2.4GHz 11Mbps 150ft range indoors 300 ft range outdoors

22 802.11a 1999 5GHz –Unused at that time –Less congestion 54Mbps (faster than B) NOT compatible with b/g/n 75ft-150ft range Originally too expensive Now hard to find

23 802.11g 2003 2.4GHz 54Mbps 150ft range indoors 300 ft range outdoors Compatible with 802.11b

24 802.11n 2.4Ghz Up to 750ft range Backwards compatible b/g

25 Wireless Components Access Point –Connects wireless devices to wired network Client –Any host device that connects to wireless –Also known as STA (station) Bridge Antenna

26 Omni-Directional Antenna Equally in all directions Found on APs

27 Directional Antenna Concentrate signal in one direction Better distance Connects networks 25 miles or more apart Bridge to Bridge- connects 2 networks wirelessly

28 Want a bridge? Aironet 1400 Find it on

29 Activity

30 WLANs & the SSID Your WLAN has to be identified

31 SSID-Service Set Identifier Tells wireless devices which WLAN they belong to & which other devices they can communicate with Case-sensitive & up to 32 characters All of your devices MUST have same SSID –Broadcast or Not?

32 WLAN Install 1: Ad-hoc Mode- IBSS Wireless devices can talk to each other without involving Access Point Peer-to-peer or small networks Less $$$, no AP

33 WLAN Install 2: Infrastructure Mode- BSS Most used AP/Router controls communication –Access to Internet –Basic Service Set (BSS) Area covered by a single AP

34 Cover More Areas Connect many BSS’s to get expanded area –You get an ESS, Extended Service Set Areas should overlap –Think about this school & coverage

35 Question?




39 Lab Activity READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! Click Topology, then the host View browser, follow directions

40 Wireless Channels Used to control multiple conversations –Like how all of your TV channels travel across a cable –Divides up the 2.4GHz for each conversation Selection of channels is usually automatic Sometimes they use a single wide channel to get more bandwidth

41 Going to a Concert General Admission compared to tickets for a seat –What’s the different experiences? Wireless has a method to avoid collisions A “ticketing” system

42 Wireless Detecting Collisions CSMA/CA Reserves a channel for conversation –No one else may use that channel Request to Send (RTS) to the AP If available, a Clear to Send (CTS) is sent –OK to send –Broadcast is sent to all, notifying channel in use ACK sent to AP to notify done –All devices see ACK & know channel is open

43 CSMA/CA- (

44 Activity- Setting the Channel

45 Configuring an AP

46 Configuring the Client What is a wireless host known as? –STA (station) It’s a device with wireless NIC & software for it Settings MUST match AP –SSID, security settings, and channel

47 Configuring the Client- Software As part of the OS OR supplied with Wireless NIC –Contains link info, profiles, etc. Usually the OS one is okay

48 Now Test It… Look at signal strength Then test data transmission –Use the ping test –Ping another PC 1 st –If that doesn’t work, ping the AP

49 Lab & Configure the AP and Wireless Client


51 Wireless Security Tradeoff: –Ease & convenience of availability vs. putting info to the airwaves What can they do? –Use your Internet for FREE –Access your computers –Damage files –Steal private info Solution…SET UP SECURITY!

52 Why is security important? It’s possible that an individual or a business owner can be held responsible for what an unauthorized user does with your network Computer Fraud Law –Accessing a computer without authorization

53 Getting In Easily

54 Which Security Measures?? Use all of the following to secure your wireless network: 1.Change the router password from the default 2.Change the SSID & disable the broadcast 3.Use MAC Address Filtering 4.Authentication (PSK) 5.Encryption (WPA)


56 Change the Password!


58 Change SSID & Disable Broadcast SSID –Must be known to connect –Broadcast by default Solutions –TURN SSID BROADCAST OFF!! –Change the default settings SSID Passwords IP addresses –These solutions help, but you can still be hacked!

59 The SSID’s- Discovered!!!


61 Get your MAC Addresses

62 Set up MAC Address Filtering

63 MAC Address Filtering Use your device’s MAC address to limit connectivity to you KNOWN devices You pre-configure the MACs in the AP The AP will check its list Only those in list will connect

64 MAC Address Filtering What could go wrong? –Typo on the MAC address –New devices can’t enter network without adding Mac to the AP configuration –MAC address cloning 1.Sniff network traffic (MAC address in packet) 2.Find MAC addresses on that network 3.Change your MAC address to match one on the target network.

65 Sniffing to Clone


67 Authentication Permitting entry on WLAN based on credentials Used before connecting to the WLAN –Checks authentication 1 st –Then MAC address filtering 1.Open authentication (DEFAULT SETTING) 2.PSK (good)….THIS IS USED AT HOME. 3.EAP (better than PSK)…BUSINESSES.

68 Open Authentication Public networks

69 Pre-Shared Keys (PSK) Client & AP have secret word/keys One-way –Client authenticates to the AP –AP DOES NOT authenticate the user

70 Extensible Authentication Protocol- EAP Two-way PLUS user authentication Uses a separate server (RADIUS) –Built into some AP’s now –More for medium to large businesses The user provides a username & password

71 Overview

72 WLAN Encryption Protecting data going through the air WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol) WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)

73 Configuring Auth & Encrypt WEP WPA Personal, uses PSK –TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) –AES (Advanced Encryption System) WPA2 –TKIP or AES WPA Enterprise, RADIUS RADIUS AES is only supported by newer devices that contain a co-processor. –To ensure compatibility with all devices, select TKIP.

74 Problems Still??? Authentication & MAC filtering won’t stop the hacker –They can sniff the info from the air Encrypt the data –WEP –WPA

75 WEP- Wired Equivalency Protocol String of letters & numbers 64 or 128 bits Passphrase All devices in WLAN must have same WEP key Can work in conjunction with PSK –WEP-PSK WEAK!!!!! –Static key

76 WPA- Wi-Fi Protected Access Better than WEP 64-256 bits New keys for each time it connects

77 Review WEP/WPA _______________ the data. –Encrypt PSK/EAP are used to _____________ the user to the WLAN. –Authenticate WEP or WPA. Which is stronger? –WPA What’s the difference between open authentication & PSK? –PSK has the secret key

78 Activity 7.3.4 Configure authentication

79 Traffic Filtering You can control the type of data –Entering or leaving the AP –Going to/from a specific MAC or IP –Block by port #

80 Lab Configuring Wireless Security


82 Planning the WLAN Determining the type of wireless standard to use Determining the most efficient layout of devices An installation and security plan A strategy for backing up and updating the firmware of the wireless devices.

83 Wireless Standard Bandwidth requirements, coverage areas, existing implementations, and cost. –This information is gathered by determining end-user requirements. Ask the following… –What throughput is actually required by the applications running on the network? –How many users will access the WLAN? –What is the necessary coverage area? –What is the existing network structure? –What is the budget?

84 Planning the WLAN Which 802.11 standards support a larger BSS? –Means less equipment to buy Is there an existing standard in use? Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) which includes the purchase of the equipment as well as installation and support costs

85 Installation of Devices Site Survey –Measurements –Consider interference sources & locations

86 Install & Secure the AP

87 Back It Up!!! Activity Home & Small Business –Select Backup Configuration in Menu –To restore, select it –Factory Default Setting

88 Updating the Firmware The OS of the device is in firmware –Update for new features, etc 1.Get the current version 2.Research issues & features that may cause you to want the upgrade 3.Download it to a HD (directly connected machine) 4.Select Firmware upgrade DO NOT INTERRUPT THE PROCESS!

89 Activity Upgrade the firmware

90 Review

91 7: Wireless Technologies Networking for Home & Small Business

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