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Join us in Summer 2008! Plant IT : Careers, Cases, and Collaborations Ethel Stanley BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Claire Hemingway Botanical Society of.

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1 Join us in Summer 2008! Plant IT : Careers, Cases, and Collaborations Ethel Stanley BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Claire Hemingway Botanical Society of America Carol Stuessy Texas A&M University The BioQUEST philosophy is to engage students in: Problem posing—Grappling with multiple issues involved in the posing of a problem, including significance, feasibility and bias Problem solving—Appreciating the nature of scientific solutions Peer persuasion—Convincing peers outside of a research team of the utility of the problem solutions Margaret Waterman and Ethel Stanley, authors of Biological Inquiry: A workbook of investigative cases for Biology 8e (an AP biology text), will lead the investigative cases at the summer teacher institutes. 2007 ITEST Project Award 07-37669 Information Technology Experience for Students and Teachers TEACHER INSTITUTES Earn 120 hours of professional development Case Development 2 weeks (12 days) in collaborative setting working with scientists, science educators Explore technology rich plant investigative cases, with new topics covered each year: Plant Forensics  Environmental Monitoring and Remote Sensing  Seed Technology  Bioinformatics Adopt, adapt, or develop a case to customize for your classroom. Work with science experts to develop the content and tools that bring your chosen case alive with data, models, simulations, digital libraries, images and other e-science resources. Want to know more about the partners in this collaborative effort? College of Education Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture The Botanical Society of America is leading the PlantingScience outreach effort to foster student research through science mentorship and inquiry. BSA scientists and professionals from diverse career pathways will take part in Teacher Institutes. Case-based learning Career awarenessCollaborative learningCurrent plant biologyTechnology toolsVisual learning Collaboration and access to shared data and analysis tools characterize modern biological research. Similar technologies supporting today’s scientists also also available to high school students and teachers. Did you know? The US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (2006) reports that biotechnology will drive job growth opportunities for biologists, including agriculture and food scientists. Explore e-science resources to prepare your students with 21st Century Skills and diverse careers working with plants and IT. Root your classroom science investigations in real world activities and collaborations with peers and professionals. Plant IT Cases Plant IT Collaborations Case Testing 1 week (5 days) in leadership working with students who are participating in summer career camps Examine student learning Practice new skills Quarterly Online Reflective Meetings Support for classroom implementation Share experiences Classroom Case Experience Learn from classroom implementation STUDENT SUMMER CAREER CAMPS Especially for Texas high school students Explore real world biology problems  Visit labs, field sites  Interview scientists and plant professionals  Make a pod cast or movie  Multimedia Presentation Day The online mentoring and collaborative science platform underlying PlantingScience will serve as a model for the Phase 2. Plant IT Collaborations. Carol Stuessy is the project internal evaluator, leading the formative and summative assessment and guiding the science education research. Texas A&M will host the Teacher Institutes and Student Summer Career Camps on the friendly, lively College Station Campus. Case Student Group Work Lab, Field, or Computational Activities that integrate IT: data, images, models. Real world problems in plant biology workplace applications of ecology, biotechnology, evolution, physiology Phase 1 Engagement. Plant IT Cases invite teachers and students to explore contemporary plant biology and technology through collaboratively developed online investigative cases. Phase 2 Engagement. Student-Teacher-Scientist Online Collaborations. Implementation of Plant IT Cases in the classroom is just the first step. Plant IT Collaborations will provide opportunities for teachers to to share data, resources, and experiences on a common research topic in an online collaborative workspace. Individual teachers can opt to have their students communicate directly with practicing scientists as they work through their case investigations! Investigative Cases Applying learningFood, fuel, fibers Case Student Group Work Consider a new opportunity for you and your high school students to solve contemporary plant-related biology problems and explore career connections featuring the technology and skills that support modern plant science! This case study provides an opportunity to identify and then investigate questions about a real world application of genetic engineering. A look at changing agricultural control methods for the European Corn Borer sets the stage for exploring the uses of Bacillus thuringiensis since the 1930s. “Build into every course inquiry (involving the student in asking questions and finding answers), the processes of science, a knowledge of what practitioners do, and the excitement of cutting edge research.” (p. 53) “Start with the student’s experience... and relate the subject matter to things the student already knows.” (pp. 65-66) (Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology” NSF, 1996.) Bt protein

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