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How do you come up with topics for your persuasive opinion speech?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you come up with topics for your persuasive opinion speech?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you come up with topics for your persuasive opinion speech?


3 Let’s also review where we are in the writing process
Let’s also review where we are in the writing process. We know that there are three stages in the writing process. 1 generate ideas 2 write drafts and 3 revise and edit. We are in stage 1.

4 Step 3 brainstorm solutions and select one to develop
Step 3 brainstorm solutions and select one to develop. Well I think the three problems that I thought about around sick students is they don’t get enough rest, they don’t eat right and they may not get the exercise they need. We could solve the problem of rest by having schools start later…. And diet might be solved within the school with healthy and tasty lunches. Lastly we could start an exercise campaign at school that would encourage kids to get outside and get active like Mrs. Obama suggested. Wow, just thinking about the solutions makes me feel like all of these are possibilities. I am going to make sure that I write these all down so that I can use them later but the one I want to stick with because it really hits home to me is having better lunches in school. I really think this is something that I care and feel strongly about. I’ll put this into a statement that I will develop later… Schools should have … better? What do I mean by better… tasty so they will eat them and nutritious… so kids won’t get sick. Ok Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches.


6 A Civil War soldier’s chance of surviving the war was about 1 in 4.
My great-grandfather fought bravely in the Civil War. Ok let’s review… We know that a claim has an opinion that you feel strongly about. There are really two important parts here. An opinion, which I know is a belief that someone could agree or disagree with. And it has a strong feeling in other words I need to care about it. So let’s quickly look at the following statement that I have made about dogs… People should go to jail if they abandon their pet. To be a claim it needs to be something that people can either agree or disagree about and something that the writer, in this instance me, feels strongly about… This is a claim because it has an opinion Some people think animals do not deserve the same rights as humans… so some people could disagree. Secondly, I think this is something that I care about. When I think about it I say hey other people should know how I feel, its important! A claim has an opinion that you feel strongly about.

7 A common mistake is stating facts and not opinions in our thesis statement.
Even when we are thinking about topics its important to remember that our statements need to something that people can disagree or agree about. Dogs are mammals is a fact. I can look this up but Dogs make the best pet is an opinion again people can disagree.



10 1.Share with a partner your introduction so far.
2. Give ideas on how your partner can grab the audience’s attention. 3. Return to your speech and add an attention grabber using the ideas you got from your partner.



13 A common mistake that writers make is when developing their reasons they often say the same thing but use different words. It is important that your persuasive speech has three different reasons. Let’s take a quick look at our thesis statement and look at an example of this happening. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Kids will be healthy, Students won’t get sick and Nutrition is important… hmm healthy, won’t get sick and nutrition and eating healthy are really all the same thing so I don’t have three different reasons. Back to the drawing board

14 State your opinion and your three reasons
State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons

15 State your opinion and your three reasons
State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons

16 State your opinion and your three reasons
State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons

17 State your opinion and your three reasons
State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons

18 In addition However Furthermore Also As a result Therefore For example
Similarly But Yet Consequently Another For instance Step 2 is decide on the one that makes a lasting impression. Hmm what will stick? Which one tugs at my heartstrings that I care about…Not enough time, while true teaching is a hard job… my sick kids. Sometimes they have to take care of themselves because parents work late and then they don’t eat right or go to sleep at reasonable time. They come to school run down and a lot of times get sick. It makes my heart hurt. I think everybody has the right to be healthy… Ok wow, I think this one is something I have an opinion and feel strongly about… It has left a lasting impression

19 State your opinion and your three reasons
State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons


21 Let’s review… Topics for opinion statements need to be something the author cares and feels strongly about. In order for a writer to spend time on a topic and persuade the reader their topic needs to special to them. It needs to be something that they have worried ,felt angry or sad about. Any topic has the potential, ability, to be important. The key is that it has to touch you the author before it can touch someone else! When writers write about what they care about they are able to develop the reasons to support their thesis statement … As a writer check by asking… Do I feel anything?

22 2. Skip lines to leave room for revisions later.
3. Write your compelling question and thesis statement.

23 2. Skip lines to leave room for revisions later.
3. Explain in detail your strongest argument.

24 1.Share with a partner your supporting details.
2. Give ideas to how your partner can transition from one sentence to another. 3. Return to your speech and add transitions using the ideas you got from your partner.



27 For example, just like the North and the South fought in the Civil War, today we have fighting between Americans. people. Furthermore, Gang violence is on the rise in many cities across the country. 86% of US cities with a population of 100,000 or more report gang activity. People who were once best friends, now are enemies because of the gang they belong to. In the Civil War of , neighbors chose different sides. Best friends turned on each other. People became enemies just because they had different opinions about how our country should be governed. Consequently, just like in the Civil War, today people are hurting and even killing each other because they do not agree. The 20th century was one of the most violent periods in human history. An estimated191 million people lost their lives directly or indirectly as a result of conflict, and well over half of them were civilians. Senseless violence occurs every day in America. State your opinion and your three reasons . Your opinion has become your thesis because you were able to list 3 strong reasons. We are going to take these three strong reasons and bulk them up… like a body builder so that they can stand on their own and also carry, support our thesis. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. 1 Eating healthy at school gives you energy to exercise 2 Eating healthy at school will give kids positive experiences with healthy food 3 Eating healthy at school teaches life long lessons


29 2. Add cause and effect when possible
3. You may have to erase and rewrite to fit. You may need to add more index cards.

30 1.Share your speech with a partner.
2. Give feedback on how your partner’s speech is coming along. 3. Return to your speech and continue to revise and edit until it is the best it can be.




34 A common mistake is sometimes writers just… end when they are drafting their persuasive speech. Just like when we are connecting our reasons with transition words, we also need to help our listener slowly come to a stop with our speech. We will learn how writers do this in this lesson.


36 Civil War is still fought today
We can truly end the Civil War. Step 1 Watch how I do this and then you will have a shot at writing your own concluding statement. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Wow, after spending time drafting my paper and thinking about strong reasons, I more than ever feel strongly about this statement.

37 N I P New Thinking In our lives today Plea 2 How can I nip my reader?
How do I make other people remember and feel strongly about pet safety too? When a puppy nips at your toes you get a jolt, it calls you to action, I got to jump on top of the coffee table to get away, it starts you to think in a new way.. Maybe I should keep my shoes on in the house… or gets you to think about other consequences… if this puppy likes to bite my toes what else is going to nip? Our writing “NIP” will too help give your reader a jolt! How can I nip my reader… What new thinking, implication, consequence… or plea, call to action do I have for improving school lunches?

38 N-“It’s possible…” I- P-
Step three write a statement using a NIP stem. Using a sentence stem is a great way to help us writers make sure we are on the right track. Later we will definitely have our own ideas about how to NIP readers but for now I going to work with the support of a stem. I’m going to try a few of the stems on for size and then decide which one fits the best with what I want to say. A New thinking conclusion can start with It’s possible... Just the phrase Its possible gets our audience ready to think in a new way. I want my readers to see the possibilities of how it can be different. Ok let’s see. It’s possible for schools…. What’s the big idea… well that by having tasty and healthy meals it could create a I want it to be big… so it will stick It’s possible for schools to have a major impact on the health of our nation.

39 N-“Imagine…” I- “ If… (then) ” P-
Ok this time I want to think about a conclusion that makes people think about the implication, consequences, what happens if we don’t change. Like a cause and effect… I’m going to include my thesis statement here but use the opposite as if it didn’t change… I’ll start with if …. If schools do not change their lunches to be more tasty and nutritious … hmmm I know that I’m going to have my thesis statement that say this too. I need to think ahead and make sure that I have different words that point in the same direction… improve… ok If schools don’t improve their lunches then we will continue to have unhealthy students not ready to learn.

40 P- “It’s up to that…”
N-“Imagine…” I- “If…then…” P- “It’s up to that…” Let me try this one more time…. This time I can conclude by asking my readers to do something.. A call to action is a plea. I start with its up to you… what do I want them to do? I want them to change the way schools provide lunches. This would happen if the more people knew the effects. They should tell people about this so we can spread the word I’ll start with its up to you… changes can be made… Tell your friends, teachers and your principal about how improving lunches can help the fight for a healthy nation. Yeah… I’ve remembered to think ahead about my thesis statement so I don’t keep repeating the same words but I still having them pointing in the right direction and I have made a impact statement by bringing my idea to the country, nation.

41 I need to decide on one for my actual piece
I need to decide on one for my actual piece. Well I think I already have a new idea statement in my opening…. In the plea, call for action I think I have everything I need for a convincing finish…. Here is what I will use…It’s up to you, changes can be made in schools. Tell your friends, teachers and principal about how improving lunches can help the fight for a healthy nation.



44 You try it! Use your last index card Bookend your thesis statement. Write a “NIP” Skip lines for revisions later

45 1. Listen as your partner reads his or her NIP conclusion
1. Listen as your partner reads his or her NIP conclusion. Give feed back on the success of his or her NIP. 2. Go back a revise your NIP based on your partner’s feedback.



48 Let’s review… A persuasive speech needs to be connected and remembered
Let’s review… A persuasive speech needs to be connected and remembered. Writers help their readers by showing them the way through good word choice and organization.

49 Let’s review… A persuasive speech needs to be connected and remembered
Let’s review… A persuasive speech needs to be connected and remembered. Writers help their readers by showing them the way through good word choice and organization.

50 A common mistake is when a speech contains extra information that does not support the thesis. This happens when we do not have a strong thesis. If our thesis is not strong then we will not have enough to say and then writers go off track.

51 Let’s take a look at how writers check to make sure that their thesis statement is supported by their reasons … First, Re-read with a purpose; highlight key words Second, Ask; “Am I making a leap?” Third, revise by re-ordering or removing unrelated anecdotes or evidence

52 Step 1 re-read with a purpose; look for key ideas from the thesis statement. This will help me answer the question “Are my key ideas from my thesis statement repeated throughout?”

53 Imagine students waiting in line, a delicious smell in the air, they think its cookies but as they dig in its the vitamin C powerhouse; sweet potatoes. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Students who have these lunches have more energy, learn lifelong lessons and gain positive experiences with healthy food. First, many students don’t know that healthy food can taste good. There are many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of dishes children love. Whole wheat macaroni and cheese and pizza with veggies on top are two examples. Macaroni and cheese is a classic. Many children live on the stuff. By having these recipes, schools can be places where students take risks and have positive experiences with nutritious food.

54 In step 2 I need to ask myself if I’m going off the path… I need to remember that my compass is my thesis statement and I can use it to help me check. In the first step we highlighted the key ideas so we should be able to see if we are on or off. Lets take a look at an example. There are many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of the dishes children love. Ok tasty and nutritious and a positive experience well I do say taste right in the sentence and I can infer that swapping or adding is for more nutritious foods and if kids love these dishes already then it will be a positive experience. This checks off … im still on the path. Whole wheat macaroni and cheese or pizza with veggies on top are two examples. Hmm its not as strong with telling me how this is a positive experience but they are both examples of nutritious dishes which is part of my thesis. I think I’m still ok on the path. Ok the last two detail sentences… Macaroni and cheese is a classic. Hmm now we are talking only about macaroni and cheese. Even though I do talk about macaroni in the previous sentence I’m no longer actually talking about my key ideas in my thesis statement or first evidence statement. Oh wait there is even a mini sentence here Many children live on the stuff… True but we are starting to lead off the path here….

55 Step three tells me to Revise by re-ordering or removing unrelated anecdotes or evidence. Here is the piece put back together. I am thinking about whether I should revise this sentence or remove it because it went off the path. I’m thinking I have my first reason plus two supports for my reason… I already have enough to make a strong point, I’m going to remove this sentence from my piece.

56 Re-read with a purpose; Look for the key ideas from the thesis statement
1 2 Ask; “Am I going off the path?” 3 Revise by removing unrelated anecdotes or evidence

57 LearnZillion Notes: --This is the lesson conclusion. On this slide you’ll change your original lesson objective to past tense and explain what the student has just learned. You can retype it here or you can delete the text on this slide and then just copy and paste the text box from the original Lesson Objective slide and then edit it to make it past tense!

58 Re-read your draft with a purpose:
1) Look for the key ideas from the thesis statement 2) Ask; “Am I going off the path?” 3) Revise by re-ordering or removing unrelated anecdotes or evidence LearnZillion Notes: --The “Guided Practice” should include an example that targets the skill that was used in the Core Lesson. Use the same vocabulary and process you used in the original lesson.


60 Sometimes evidence is good but its just in the wrong place
Sometimes evidence is good but its just in the wrong place. Using one of your revisions, try to move its position in your piece. Re-read to see what you think! Remember: Its ok to re-word to make a better fit

61 Using a persuasive speech or essay that you have drafted…
Locate key ideas that match the key ideas from thesis statement Jot you thinking about how each sentence fits on your path Remove any sentences that don’t support your thesis.

62 LearnZillion Notes: --This is your hook. Start with a question to draw the student in. We want that student saying, “huh, how do you do X?” Try to be specific as specific as possible. --You can fill in an example using the blue text or you can delete that text box and include some other image that explains what you’re talking about. You can also just delete the entire blue text box if you don’t need it!


64 Writers write to share their knowledge, ideas and opinions with others
Writers write to share their knowledge, ideas and opinions with others. Many times we share an opinion through a speech. A speech is a formal way to present your opinions to others orally, by speaking.

65 A common mistake is using a monotone voice, a voice without expression
A common mistake is using a monotone voice, a voice without expression. Like that. Here is how we reading with voice….

66 LearnZillion Notes: --Many writing lessons have a multi-step process. If your lesson could benefit from a multi-step process slide, add this slide to the beginning of the Core Lesson, the end of the Core Lesson or both! With these steps clearly outlined, you can model your thought process and help students practice the skill.

67 Presenting a speech is much more than reading the words on the page
Presenting a speech is much more than reading the words on the page. It is important that all those amazing ideas get shared. Our first step is making sure that the pace you are presenting the speech is not too slow to put your readers to sleep or too fast where they cannot keep up. Ok so let me try this. I’m going to read and check in to make sure that I’m not reading too slow or too fast. (read speech too fast and stop)… I think that I may be going to fast because I can barely catch my breath before the next word. I’m going to try to pay attention to my punctuation. My comas tell me to make a quick pause and my periods tell me to pause for a little longer. Let me try again.

68 Imagine students waiting in line, a delicious smell in the air, they think its cookies but as they dig in it’s the vitamin C powerhouse; sweet potatoes. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Students who have these lunches have more energy, learn lifelong lessons and gain positive experiences with healthy food. First, many students don’t know that healthy food can taste good. There are so many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of dishes children love. Imagine students waiting in line, a delicious smell in the air, they think its cookies but as they dig in it’s the vitamin C powerhouse; sweet potatoes. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Students who have these lunches have more energy, learn lifelong lessons and gain positive experiences with healthy food. First, many students don’t know that healthy food can taste good. There are many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of dishes children love. Whole wheat macaroni and cheese and pizza with veggies on top are two examples. Macaroni and cheese is a classic. Many children live on the stuff. By having these recipes, schools can be places where students take risks and have positive experiences with nutritious food.

69 Now that we are moving at the right pace our next check in is to ask Am I too loud or too soft… This is a hard one without a buddy… but what we can do as speakers is make sure that when we come to the most important points we change the volume up a little. Let me try… I’m going to read a part of my speech that has the thesis statement just a little bit louder than the other sentences around it because it is so important. Listen in….

70 Imagine students waiting in line, a delicious smell in the air, they think its cookies but as they dig in it’s the vitamin C powerhouse; sweet potatoes. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Students who have these lunches have more energy, learn lifelong lessons and gain positive experiences with healthy food. First, many students don’t know that healthy food can taste good. There are so many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of dishes children love.

71 Umm, ok, like this is the part that is so important
Umm, ok, like this is the part that is so important. We need to check to see that we are not adding words to make pauses that don’t belong… Check in and ask your self. Do I say like or umm or even and when it is not part of what I have written. This takes practice but speeches are formal, like wearing your best clothes to a special occasion. These words are causal and are used we are talking to a friend. We need to make sure that people take us seriously. .

72 Imagine students waiting in line, a delicious smell in the air, they think its cookies but as they dig in it’s the vitamin C powerhouse; sweet potatoes. Schools should have tasty and nutritious lunches. Students who have these lunches have more energy, learn lifelong lessons and gain positive experiences with healthy food. First, many students don’t know that healthy food can taste good. There are so many recipes that swap or add ingredients without changing the taste of dishes children love. Does it break your heart to see injured animals? People should go to safety school before they get a pet. First, people go to safety school for other important things in their life and it has been proven to help. For instance, driver safety school is a requirement before a person can get their drivers license. Secondly, there are many preventable injuries. Many times pets get injured because the owner does not know how to take care of them. For example, dogs cannot eat chocolate. Lastly, sick or injured animals need care. Care can be expensive. A visit to the animal hospital can cost $100 dollars or more. In conclusion, people should go to safety school before they get a pet, if not, more animals will be in danger.

73 1 2 3 Ask, “Am I going too slow or too fast?”
Ask, “Am I too loud or too soft?” 3 Ask, “Do I use extra words to pause?” LearnZillion Notes: --Recap the steps here. If you aren’t using steps, you can delete this slide!


75 Practice with a partner…
Have them help you answer the following questions… Am I too slow or too fast? Am I too loud or too soft? Do I use extra words to pause? LearnZillion Notes: --The “Guided Practice” should include an example that targets the skill that was used in the Core Lesson. Use the same vocabulary and process you used in the original lesson.

76 Practice your speech without looking at the paper
Try this… Practice your speech without looking at the paper Practice your speech in front of a mirror checking to see if you are smiling and looking at your audience LearnZillion Notes: --On the Extension Activities slide(s) you should describe 2-3 activities written with students as the audience (not teachers). Each extension activity should push the students a bit further with the lesson but in a different application or context. Each activity should be designed to take roughly minutes. Teachers will likely display the slide in class and then assign an activity to a student or group for additional practice and differentiation. Ideally, these Extension Activities will be created such that a teacher can differentiate instruction by giving more difficult extension activities to students who have shown mastery of the lesson, and less difficult activities to students who are not yet proficient. --If you need more than one slide to list your extension activities, feel free to copy and paste this slide!

77 Give the speech to your teacher… Am I too slow or too fast?
Am I too loud or too soft? Do I use extra words to pause? LearnZillion Notes: --The “Guided Practice” should include an example that targets the skill that was used in the Core Lesson. Use the same vocabulary and process you used in the original lesson.

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