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LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success WCUG – November 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success WCUG – November 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success WCUG – November 18, 2014

2 2 The following is intended to outline QAD’s general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, functional capabilities, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functional capabilities described for QAD’s products remains at the sole discretion of QAD. Safe Harbor Statement Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success

3 Agenda Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 3  First … A Quick Update  Six Implementation Phases  Assess  Design BRDs  Model  Implement  Monitor  Modify

4 LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore First … A Quick Update

5 Business Moments: Transient Opportunities Exploited Dynamically Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 5

6 BPM 2.0 (September 2014) Replace Biz Rules with Corticon Simulation Add New Supply Side Processes Easy-On-Boarding Integration Embedding BPM to OpenEdge Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 6

7 Define and Determine Results Adapt Quickly to Changing Market Conditions Corticon 7 © 2011 Corticon Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. - Confidential Better, faster decisions by automating business rules Automate manual decision making processes Transform inflexible legacy system processes Patented “no-coding” rules engine Reduce development and change cycles by 90% Rules integrity technology guarantees accurate results Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 7

8 Corticon Rules Engine Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 8

9 9

10 Simulation Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 10

11 Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success Customers 11

12 LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore Six Implementation Phases

13 It’s All About Processes Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success Direct Value/Core Indirect Value/ Support Enterprise Applications QAD BPM Enterprise Applications Type of Process Solution 13

14 Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 14

15  Are your processes clearly defined?  How were they defined?  What tools or approaches were used?  How do you currently manage your processes today?  Is the indirect organization really ready for process automation? Readiness Assessment Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 15

16 Implementation Methodology Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 16

17 QAD BPM Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 17

18 Project Commitment Form Core BPM Process Project Team Design Assess Implement Model Iterate Modify Monitor Continuously Adapt And Promote Success 18

19 ”Capturing business intent through documenting and creating basic models for the business goals, objectives, and strategy.” Assess Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 19 1. Assess

20 Sample Selection Criterion Clear and direct linkage to management objectives Consider value of process to business and its health Focus on eliminating a key system constraint. Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 20 1. Assess

21 Discover process issues in organization Uncover structural problems, poor controls, and people issues Define cause of quality and inefficiency issues “As-Is” or current state scenario Trying to describe -What takes place -Who does each task -How long -How frequently -Error types -Costs Mapping “As-Is” Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 21 1. Assess

22 Current or “as-is” state from assessment phase + interviews + gap/root cause analysis = what process should be Focus on business need and how processes and associated workflows can best meet need Reduce number of problems over lifetime of process Link to outcomes -Improve customer satisfaction, decrease costs or cycle times, or increase service level agreement achievement Design Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 22 2. Design

23 Solve business problems Ensure that a correct and efficient conceptual design is prepared -Multiple options Customer needs well understood and achieved When needs vary, process allows flexibility Evaluating Design Options Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 23 2. Design

24  Process as a Whole − Process Owner − Purpose − Customer  Each Activity − Roles − Resources − Data − Duration  Other BRD Considerations − Business Dependencies & Constraints − Training − Acceptance Test Strategy BRD: Business Requirements Document Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 24 2. Design

25 BPM results in change Want to ensure changes are positive – mistakes are costly Process changes can be very disruptive – understanding impacts and benefits (or flaws) prior to implementation makes it easier to communicate and gain acceptance (or avoid) Part of evaluation and decision process Model Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 25 3. Model

26 Can be simple … a series of diagrams on a whiteboard and a paper-based run-through of a scenario Benefits: -Analyze modeling scenarios faster -Effective use of limited resources -Improve team productivity -Help to understand critical process attributes -Assist in modification of attributes -Provide visual feedback for rapid assessment -Help and help to increase customer satisfaction. Simulation Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 26 3. Model

27 Implementation Phase Installing new process Requires very detailed change management planning Coordination with all stakeholders System changes Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 27 4.Implement

28 Implementation Plan Schedule Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 28 4.Implement

29 Post-execution optimization is based on analysis of actual as-performed metrics (live data) Key performance indicators (KPIs), data, and qualitative measures -Worker feedback -Surveys Link to design objectives Browses, alerts, business rules and escalation mechanisms validated in real life. Monitor Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 29 5. Monitor

30 Balancing profit, growth, and control Balancing short-term results against long- term capabilities and growth opportunities Balancing performance expectations of different constituencies Balancing opportunities and attention Business Motivations Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 30 5. Monitor

31  Data analyzed from KPIs and current activity monitoring  Trends and associated impacts from other processes  Process bottlenecks are identified  Goal is to move process inefficiency to an efficient and balanced process that supports defined KPIs Modify Optimization Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 31 Modification Considerations  Time Frame  Scope 6. Modify

32 BPM v2 Six Steps -Assess -Design -Model -Implement -Monitor -Modify Summary Project Commitment Form Core BPM Process Project Team Design Assess Implement Model Iterate Modify Monitor Continuously Adapt And Promote Success Implementing Business Process Management: Steps to Success 32

33 LEARN. NETWORK. DISCOVER. | #QADexplore Questions? 33

34 Save the Date for Explore 2015

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