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The Safety of Raw Milk Consumption By Desiree Sanchez & Elizabeth Schuerman.

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Presentation on theme: "The Safety of Raw Milk Consumption By Desiree Sanchez & Elizabeth Schuerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Safety of Raw Milk Consumption By Desiree Sanchez & Elizabeth Schuerman

2 A B D C G C E

3 So whats the big deal? E F

4 The Facts ❖ People have been drinking milk for thousands of years. (3) ❖ An estimated 3% of the U.S. population drinks raw- or unpasteurized- milk (4) ❖ Many human pathogens can be isolated from raw cow milk (5) ❖ Before Pasteurization millions of people became sick and died of diseases like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and other infections transmitted through raw milk (5) ❖ Even pasteurized milk has the potential to make you sick (6)

5 Milk Types Raw Whole, 2%, 1% Fat Free Imitation Filled Low-Sodium Evaporated Condensed Powdered Cultured Plant based Reduced-Lactose (3)

6 Pasteurization ❖ Developed by Louis Pasteur ➢ kills almost 100 % of all pathogenic bacteria. (3) ➢ Inactivates enzymes (2) ❖ Five types (3) ➢ Pasteurization (LTLT, HTST, HHST) ➢ Ultra Pasteurization (UP) ➢ Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT)

7 How Does Milk Get Contaminated? Milk contamination may occur from: ❖ Cow feces coming into direct contact with the milk ❖ Infection of the cow's udder (mastitis) ❖ Cow diseases (e.g., bovine tuberculosis) ❖ Bacteria that live on the skin of cows ❖ Environment (e.g., feces, dirt, processing equipment) ❖ Insects, rodents, and other animal vectors ❖ Humans, for example, by cross-contamination from soiled clothing and boots (7)

8 Does Pasteurization Alter Nutrient Content? ❖ While there is a slight reduction in a few vitamins, milk is not the primary source for them (5) (5)

9 Is Raw Milk Illegal to Sell? ❖ The Food and Drug Administration bans the interstate trade of raw milk entirely. (9) ❖ Most states heavily regulate the production and intrastate sale of raw milk, if they permit it at all. (9) H

10 Washington State ❖ Washington State allows the sale of Grade A raw milk but only by licensed producers and processors (10). ➢ further processing ➢ human consumption ➢ animal feed "WARNING: This product has not been pasteurized and may contain harmful bacteria. Pregnant women, children, the elderly and persons with lowered resistance to disease have the highest risk of harm from use of this product. " (10)

11 Conclusion The consumption of raw milk poses a realistic health threat because of its possible contamination with pathogenic bacteria. It is therefore recommendation is to heat milk before consumption, especially when served to young children, pregnant women, or any person suffering from a chronic disease or a suppressed immune system.

12 Sources: (1) Mendelson, Anne. "In Bacteria Land": The Battle over Raw Milk. Gastronomica 2011(11.1): 35-43. (2)Wendie L. Claeys, Georges Daube, Jan De Block, Koen Dewettinck, Katelijne Dierick, Lieven De Zutter et al. Raw or heated cow milk consumption: Review of risks and benefits. Food Control.2013;(31)1:251–262 (3)Amy Brown.Understanding food and principals and preparation.Stamford,Connecticut. Cengage Learning.2015 (4)Headrick, Marcia L, Babgaleh Timbo, Klontz, Karl C, S Benson Werner. Profile of raw milk consumers in California. Public Health Reports; 1997 (5);112 (5)W.L. Claeys, C. Verraes, S. Cardoen, J. De Block, A. Huyghebaert, K. Raes. Consumption of raw or heated milk from different species: An evaluation of the nutritional and potential health benefits. Food Control 2014: (42):188–201 (6)Raw Milk Facts. Accessed May 15,2014 (7)Raw milk questions and answers. Center for Disease Control website Accessed May 15,2014

13 Sources: (8)Guidance for Industry: Dairy Farms, Bulk Milk Transporters, Bulk Milk Transfer Stations and Fluid Milk Processors: Food Security Preventive Measures Guidance. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Web site RegulatoryInformation/ucm083049.htm. Accessed May 15,2014 (9)Washington State Agricultural Department. Web site regulations/state/washington. Accessed May 15,2014 (10)Real Milk Facts. Web site Accessed May 15,2014 (11)Raw Milk Misconceptions and the Danger of Raw Milk Consumption. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. tm. Accessed May 15,2014

14 Graphic Resources: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

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