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Group-1 Group members- Sadbodh sharma-y07uc101 Kapil Phatnani-y08uc065.

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Presentation on theme: "Group-1 Group members- Sadbodh sharma-y07uc101 Kapil Phatnani-y08uc065."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group-1 Group members- Sadbodh sharma-y07uc101 Kapil Phatnani-y08uc065

2  Input: Input will be a live video stream of human faces.  Output: The output will be an photo or identity from the database recognizing the person in the video stream.  Application: It can be used for automatic attendance in schools, offices and other places.

3  The main method that we will be using for the face recognition is based on Eigen Faces that was proposed by Alex Pentland in his paper.  The methods we will be using for implementing this paper will be: 1. We will create a video data set of faces using web cam. The subjects should be asked to rotate their heads in front of the camera with and without specs. This data set should contain faces of at least 50 different persons.

4 2. We will prepare a code such that the face regions can be detected and then marked. 3. After getting the face images we will be implementing various methods on the database:  Calculating mean of images  Calculating covariance matrix of images  Calculating Eigen vectors and Eigen values. 4. And we will be implementing same methods for the input video stream and match these values with the database values.

5  Face discovery in complex scene.  Only one face should be discovered at one time.  There is a possibility that face will not be recognized in every case.  To create database of 50 persons and each person will have around 10-20 images that counts to around 500-1000 images which requires a lot of time.

6  28th October 2010 : Start with studying the research paper regarding Eigen faces and other related papers.  1st November 2010 : Creating database.  3 rd November 2010: Starting with coding part.  10 th November 2010:Interim Presentation.  18 th November 2010: Tentative completion of the code.  19th November 2010: Testing the with different faces of images.  25th November 2010: final project submission

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