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Work Package 4: Innovative Knowledge Sharing – South Asia Activities Implemented in Year 1 & Plans for Year 2 APCTT-ESCAP.

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1 Work Package 4: Innovative Knowledge Sharing – South Asia Activities Implemented in Year 1 & Plans for Year 2 APCTT-ESCAP

2 Work Package 4 Innovative Knowledge Sharing (South Asia) Overall objective of the Work Package 4 - to enhance capacity of relevant stakeholders to implement options related to trade and technologies. The key focus areas of the Work Package 4 of SATNET Asia are:  Transfer of knowledge (technologies / best practices)  Capacity development of stakeholders to increase the adoption of sustainable and productivity-enhancing agricultural technologies and improve regional trade in food products.

3 Target Countries in South Asia  Afghanistan  Bangladesh  Bhutan  Nepal  Pakistan  India (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal)

4 Work Package 4 (South Asia) Activities Implemented During Year 1  Development of a Prototype for Social Media Tool

5 Work Package 4 (South Asia) Activities Implemented During Year 1  New Partnerships and Linkages Established:  Cereals System Initiative for South Asia (CSISA)  CIMMYT Offices in South Asia  M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)  Indian Society for Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP)  Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)  Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence (FACE), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)  Active Collaboration with Existing Project Associates in India (CiNI, Cloud Water Campaign, CRS)  Meeting of SATNET Project Associates in India (1 Feb 2013, APCTT, New Delhi)  Progressing recruitment process for a Research Associate at APCTT for SATNET Asia project.

6 Work Package 4 (South Asia) - Plans for Year 2-3  APCTT, with project associates and partners in South Asia, will organize targeted capacity building programmes (in-country and residential) for agriculture sector stakeholders including, (but not limited to): – small-scale input providers and producers, – extension workers, – scientists, – traders, and – policy makers. from June 2013 – August 2014.  APCTT is currently planning its capacity building programmes that will be delivered during 2013.

7 Proposed Topics for Capacity Building Programmes Regional Programmes (Year 2)  Training Workshop on Agricultural Trade Facilitation and Market Access for Value Chain Actors in South Asia ( June / July 2013 - in partnership with TID-ESCAP)  Workshop on Translating Research Findings into Knowledge Accessible to Agricultural Extension Workers and Farmers in South Asia (September 2013 - in partnership with CAPSA)

8 List of Potential Topics for Capacity Building Programmes In-Country Programmes (Year 2)  Workshop on Best Practices and Technological Interventions in Climate Resilient Agriculture for Increasing Agricultural Productivity for Small Holder Farmers  Technical Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Agricultural Extension Workers  Workshop on Best Practices in Integrated Farming Systems ( Such as Rice-Fish Systems)  Training Programme on Integrated Pest Management Practices  Training Programme for Value Chain Actors on Best Practices in Minimizing Post-harvest Losses of Agricultural Produce


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