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Senate Funds for Student Organizations. Introduction Each school year, the Student Senate receives a limited budget from the school to allocate to student.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate Funds for Student Organizations. Introduction Each school year, the Student Senate receives a limited budget from the school to allocate to student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate Funds for Student Organizations

2 Introduction Each school year, the Student Senate receives a limited budget from the school to allocate to student projects. The maximum you can request to be allocated is $500

3 What the funds are for Student Senate funds are UT Health Science Center funds and are thus subject to the State of Texas' policies and procedures. Funds are to be used for organized activities and special functions to promote the social and recreational needs and interests of students. Following the spirit and mission of the UT Houston Medical School, the Senate generally allocates funds for community service projects. Reimbursements typically involve purchasing supplies needed to perform community service.

4 What the funds are NOT for Purchase of gifts for students, faculty, or staff. Fundraisers (unless amount requested is reimbursed to your funds). Purchase of supplies, materials, or equipment for resale. Gas, rental or housing costs Food or Alcohol

5 What the funds are NOT for (cont). The Senate does not look fondly upon making a donation to another organization using Senate Funds. For example, funds allocated should not be used so that a student organization could purchase food to donate to the local food bank. We stress that the service project should be action and involvement oriented rather than donation oriented.

6 Additional information Misusing or neglecting to use allocated Senate funds will affect the organization’s/committee’s chances of receiving future funds. We require a detailed and itemized budget attached to the application. Example: – 50 glucose test strips: $x.xx – 100 pack high gloss pamphlet paper: $x.xx

7 Reimbursement Hold on to all receipts! If you are allocated money, you must spend it by April 17, 2015 – You will then be contacted about the reimbursement process at this point – Usually you drop your receipts off at Kara Ramirez’ office. More information will be provided to you when the time comes. Most importantly, make sure you are registered with the school this year as an organization!

8 Questions? Applications should be turned in to my mailbox (Peter Haddad MSII) by December 5 th at 5pm The email sent out last month has all of this information and more When in doubt, just apply. – Worst case: no money allocated. – Best case: money$$

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